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Forum Posts

New combined invoice feature doesn’t work

I notice the system has changed in relation to sending a combined invoice. Now it appears to have a separate page where all the orders eligible for combined invoice are displayed. Keep getting this error message no matter what I do in terms of cleari...

Unfortunately, this item isn’t available for purchase in your location.{e253598-1260494x}

I'm getting this message on nearly every item I try to buy, even on UK items, I have checked with sellers and others dont have an issue and the items can be purchased from a different family members account account without issue, location is not bloc...

Offers not being completed

I have had two offers recently which I accepted and both buyers got in touch to say that they were having difficulties getting eBay to process their payments. Crazy but true. How can this happen ?

What has gone wrong with the Ebay search engine!

I searched for a motorhome satellite dish automatic and the best match is a male vibrator sex toy ! It's listed in Satellite dishes, I reported the item for wrong category and Ebay found it is not in violation of policies. Earlier I tried to find a U...

Resolved! Cannot view original listing details after purchase in web browser but iOS app i can.

HiIn a web browser (MS edge, windows 11) i would like to view the original listing / seller photos after the purchase, so on the order details page i scroll down to the orginal small photo under "Item details" and click on it, expecting to see other ...

I haven't been able to make a new listing or revise one for almost 2 weeks. Need Help

Hi all, First time poster so I apologise if this in the wrong section. As title suggests I can not make any new listings or revise any existing listings without getting a "global error" page with the URL "undefined:XS_CALL_ERROR". This has been going...


This problem has been ongoing for over 2 weeks now. I have some listing that I have chosen Global Shipping for international sales. The problem is this = When I click on Postage - See Details - then change Country from UK to USA or any other Country,...

Resolved! Technical issue

I keep getting: 'To require immediate payment, you must specify a Buy it now price', when I try to list an item for auction. Where's the button to turn off 'immediate payment' - I can't find it anywhere? This is the first time I've had this happen.I ...

All my listings are hidden in search

Since 8th March all of my listings are hidden in search results and shopfront. I can still see my active listings in seller hub, but anyone looking at my shop will see a blank page like the attached screenshot. Sales are down >95% as a result. This i...


Chat assistant just abandoned my requests for help

I have had an account for 5 years but now I am having to leave ebay as it is proving to be fairly rubbish. I needed help with an item I have sold ',not been paid' and the chat advisor just abandoned my message and now I cannot get any help. I am remo...

Can't read messages, no way to scroll

I use a laptop, not a phone. There is no way to scroll in messages, all I see is the last couple of lines so no way to know what the message is. I usually use the up/down arrows but they don't work.Once in a while I have found a scrollbar, but then i...

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