18-08-2022 4:31 PM
26-08-2024 3:12 PM
Hi Marco@eBay,
Due to this 20% bug, some of my buyers have been overcharged by 20%. Could you please let me know as soon as possible that eBay will be refunding this 20% back to all buyers, as it is not right for eBay or sellers to profit from a bug/glitch/fault? Please also let me know what eBay is doing to correct this. In addition, I believe all sellers should receive compensation for this, as I myself have lost so many sales, followers, interested buyers, watches, views, time, and money. I would realy appreciate information about this problem and how it happened the cause and has this happened in the past?
Thanks tcstopquality
26-08-2024 5:00 PM
It's taken me the best part of a few hours to delist and relist all the items which seems to have fixed the problem - about 25 items. Any new items are being listed at the correct price.
I've not got the volume of some, so was able to do this as a fix. Just thought I would post to let you all know. Finally got some sales from Saturday following relisting everything!
26-08-2024 6:59 PM
Unfortunately this will only fix your listings temporarily - the glitch doesn't affect new listings for me, only when they're like 1 week+ old.
It's actually ridiculous that this has been a bug for years now based on this thread. I'm not even sure eBay are actually trying to fix it.
For reference: if somebody buys an item from me with this bug - they're charged the additional 20%, but it wouldn't go to me. As far as I can tell this is a way for eBay to cream off the top of a few random sellers, which to me looks to be why they don't care to fix it.
Like I say - this bug has been going on for years by the looks. You'd think they'd know how to fix it by now, but I'm still affected by it since posting asking for a fix.
Hoping this is fixed ASAP as it's greatly affecting sales, charging customers more, and nobody benefits but eBay. Shambles!
26-08-2024 9:40 PM
Yes, two years ago in August, it was also reported. Strangely, I also stumbled across this link from the guardian. Dating back to 2017, so I think it's going to be a long-winded one.... also all the admins have the same standed robotic response like they been given a script.
6:23 PM
- last edited on
7:41 PM
They are not fixing it. it isn't a glitch, it is done on purpose. When I was a private and small seller, my sales were great. As soon as I upgraded for more listings, my sales dropped. They do this to force us to pay promotion fees, aswell as give small sellers the confidence to buy more stock, upgrade their shop and repeat the cycle.
it is disgusting from ebay. there's no chance i can believe it's just a glitch 'we're working on it'
as if....a company so large they couldnt fix this in one afternoon?
30-08-2024 7:23 PM
Update: still no fix I had this message two days ago from ebay....
This is the follow up e-mail on the chat we had about the additional VAT being added to the listing
As promised I have escalated this to the technical team and we have received an update now.
I’m extremely sorry for the inconvenience it has caused to you. This is a confirmed technical issue on eBay and we have coordinated with our Technical Team and they have informed us that they are currently resolving this in high priority.
Rest assured, the technical team is already working on this on priority. We are eager to see that this issue is resolved as soon as possible for you. Please do not worry as I have added your account details as a sample to our report, and I will make sure that this is taken care of with higher priority.
Thank you for highlighting this to us. It is in times like these that we badly need your support as we do get really concerned that our customer’s having a good experience as we always aim for.
As always, our goal is to help you with your concerns as quickly and accurately as possible. If we can be of any further help, please get back to us and I assure you we will be more than happy to assist you further.
Have a great time ahead, stay safe!
30-08-2024 9:47 PM
I have just been going through my listings as I'm not getting anywhere near the same number of new watchers as usual, particularly for a pay day and as I have a 10% off offer at the moment. My listing prices have also increased by 20%. I'm not VAT registered either.
31-08-2024 12:21 AM
I just wanted to join in as I have also been struck with this 20% on top of my listed price glitch.
Every single ad I listed prior to today is +20%...
I just wonder what my buyers must be thinking... I sent out 13 offers this morning which must now read like:
'Good morning! Here's a 5% discount, so your purchase price is now higher than when you viewed the item, Best regards!'
31-08-2024 12:33 AM
I still can't come to terms with why this is happening to my account now. Surely something was changed or updated for this issue to present itself. It's been over 10 days since my first reporting to Ebay! My guess is that only items with a "do not apply" EAN are affected, from what I've gathered so far. If anyone has an EAN item that is affected, please let me know out of curiosity.
31-08-2024 12:37 AM
Scratch that EAN thought, as it too is affected in my listings.
31-08-2024 12:41 AM
Hi tcstopquality,
I knew I had listed a new Paddington Bear which had the EAN (226319417822) and yes, it has been affected. £19.95 showing up as £23.94.
Best Regards,
31-08-2024 7:56 AM
I've noticed the same on my new listing's as of 30/8/24. I'm a private seller, my ebay sales are way below the VAT requirements yet it's started to add 20% to my prices if I revise them. It seems to adjust itself after a few minutes back to what it should be, but very frustrating and damn right weird.
31-08-2024 9:58 AM
Wow, thanks for the tip! You're right - revise the listing and wait 5 minutes it appears as it should be! At least now I can send out offers and have them be accurate for the buyer!
31-08-2024 11:04 AM
All of mine listings are also showing 20% higher as off yesterday - mainly soft toys! I have noticed when you go to check out the price corrects it's self back to normal but so annoying they are all being shown/displayed higher to buyers
31-08-2024 11:12 AM
@gems_icles wrote:
All of mine listings are also showing 20% higher as off yesterday - mainly soft toys! I have noticed when you go to check out the price corrects it's self back to normal but so annoying they are all being shown/displayed higher to buyers
Others have experienced this, a member has spoken to eBay Customer Services, they explained it is a technical glitch, they are aware, and are working on it.
Though no timescale given, for when this will be fixed.
You are not alone.
31-08-2024 12:12 PM
Our account is affected both on BIN listings, classified listings, and on Motors adverts making us seem horrendously expensive compared to competitive retailers.
We are VAT registered and have our VAT no associated with our ebay account.
31-08-2024 3:48 PM
Having the same problem with all listings since yesterday evening. Today has been the worst sales day in years.
31-08-2024 4:18 PM
To get on the list....
●Call Ebay on: 0800 358 6551
●Put in your D.O.B
●Say selling issue.
●put through to a ebay team, mate
●explain the issue and ask for a ticket and to keep you updated.
No updates for me of yet.
Like others have mentioned, the only way around this for now to get sales is to end the listing, then sell similar and relist or revise the listing. These all take so much time to do and are very repetitive. My new listings don't seen to be affected just ones that are 15 days old.
31-08-2024 4:28 PM
I reported the issue to customer services this afternoon and had the standard response that a lot of people seem to have received
"aware of the issue, technical team working on it as a priority"
blah blah blah
I don't want to end some of my listings that have a lot of watchers so I have no choice but to sit this out !
my watchers and followers must be wondering what the **** is going on - I have no way of telling them it's not me, it's EBAY ! Very very frustrating
31-08-2024 4:49 PM
Actually you dont have to end your listings - you can revise - dont change anything as the info is correct when you go to revise, then submit - after about 5 mins the listings correct themselves.
Guess what I've been doing most of today!!
It definitely works and you dont lose any watchers - ive had a few sales since doing this