18-08-2022 4:31 PM
31-08-2024 6:22 PM
great post - and it worked - have a great weekend youve saved me a LOT of stress
02-09-2024 11:14 AM
I had this problem and you can " bulk edit " all your items in one go via the " Manage Actice listings "
Just select edit all dont change anything and press submit all . It will take about 5 minutes for the listing to update after the edit but this should revert the price back to normal.
02-09-2024 11:15 AM
I had this problem and you can " bulk edit " all your items in one go via the " Manage Actice listings "
Just select edit all dont change anything and press submit all . It will take about 5 minutes for the listing to update after the edit but this should revert the price back to normal.
02-09-2024 11:49 AM
Thanks very much for the work around supplied here.
I'm just packing up the weekends orders and also noticed that some of my items are 20% more when I click on their listing page. I gave it a quick Google and ended up here. My sales have been down about 25% since August and I just assumed it was due to the time of year/summer holidays/kids off school/good weather.
Out of curiousity, I've gone back and looked at my listings, and EVERY single listing SINCE August 1st, has been affected. No wonder my sales have been down 25%! I list at least 5 item as day, so that's over 100 listings! I haven't even been receiving many offers in comparision to usual, but who is going to make an offer when the item is 20% over priced... Not happy at all!
I'll ring eBay in the morning and flag the issue with my account, but in the meantime I'll bulk revise them to fix the issue for now. The problem with that, is that you have lost the visiblity on the item for the "new listing" and people won't have added to watchlist if it's 20% overpriced from the get go. The best bet for sales is to probably end listing and sell similar, but then you are wasting 100+ free listings, or it's costing £8.
When I speak to eBay in the morning I may ask for compensation to cover the sell similar listings.
To those who are affected, can you go back and check that it was items starting from August 1st? And is it still happening to new listings?
I schedule out all my listings, and those I schedule out for this week (from last week) are still affected.
02-09-2024 12:10 PM
02-09-2024 12:17 PM - edited 02-09-2024 12:23 PM
OK scratch the above, it's happening on way more than just my listings back to August 1st. It's happening to anything and everything. Just looked at some of my oldest listings (which haven't been relisted/sell similar'ed, just rolling 30 day), and it's happened to them too. Extremely annoyed at this to be honest. I have no idea how long it's been going on, but would explain why I'm down 25% in the the last 31 days. Listing impressions down 18.6%, page views down 13.5%...
I also noticed that the postage price is affected too. My postage policy is Royal Mail Tracked 24 which is priced at £3.50, but it shows on the listing as £4.20.
Actually so stupid - see the attached file.
02-09-2024 12:32 PM
Sandsman2 Great tip! Saves hours of work. Worked for me. Thanks for the info. 👍
02-09-2024 4:05 PM
Hi all,
Thanks very much for still flagging this with us. I've just checked for an update, and the team is currently working on it, and trying to resolve this as soon as possible, but I still don't have an estimated fix time. As soon I find out more about this, I will post back here to let you know.
Thank you,
02-09-2024 7:04 PM
I've just contacted ebay techsuppo and was told that the team is working and trying to resolve the problem. In the case if I was to encounter any costs while fixing my prices by relisting items I should ask for the compensation. No details on how or where to apply/ask. Very little sales and traffic over the last weekend.
02-09-2024 7:19 PM
I also spoke to them on the phone (CS rep had to put me on hold and ask the tech team about the issue), and flagged my account as one that is affected. I was told that the issue is known and that it had been reported on the 20th of August. She told me that the ETA for fixing had been and passed, so it's overdue at the point.
I explained that 300 of my listings have been affected, and that I'm down heavily this month in orders, watchers, traffic etc. I asked about compensation and she said that the affected accounts would be compensated once they have found a solution to the problem. In the meantime, I revised 200 listings and that fixed the pricing issue for now, but they are 20+day old listings, so their primetime to sell is over. I would end and sell similar, but I don't like the idea of dumping 300 listings at the same time, and what's to say that the issue wouldn't just happen again to those listings?
I've just listed 5 more for the day that I scheduled out last week, and all 5 have been affected as well.
I really hope they fix it soon, and I sure hope that their "compensation" isn't a £20 eBay packaging voucher. I expect to be covered for the listing fee of all the items that were/are/will be affected (and any that I've choosen to end and sell similar) at the very least. That doesn't even scratch the surface of the sales that I've been missing out on as well.
Apparently I've been added to the list and will receive and email with any updates.
Note:- I also noticed that if I go into my emails, and find a sold item from 2+ months ago, and click on the listing link, that item will also show as being 20% more. That isn't even a live listing so I don't know what is going on there... Seems like a big problem to be honest, and one that is going to be a pain to retroactively work out what was affected.
02-09-2024 9:35 PM - edited 02-09-2024 9:36 PM
Having this issue myself, noticed it this evening!
Bulk editing all of my listings hasn't solved the issue, all listings that I have (except the one I offer free shipping on) are adding 20% to listing price and postage costs!
Any fixes for this issue if the bulk edit doesn't fix the issue?
02-09-2024 9:51 PM
Give it a while they should revert to the original price.
07-09-2024 11:12 AM
Any update on this from eBay?
I temporarily fixed some listings with the workaround posted here, but the damage has already been done. Listings typically gain their traction in the first 24 hours under the "new listing" tag, and that's where it either sells straight out, gets offers, or gains watchers. The offers, and watchers, ultimately lead to offers being sent to buyers, which then equals a sale. Despite listing very high quality inventory for the last month (the bug was reported on the 20th of August) I'm still down 26%, which would make perfect sense as all my listings were 20% higher than the original price.
Really interested to see how eBay attempts to compensate for this.
Any update would be appreciated.
07-09-2024 7:37 PM
I was also wondering the exact same thing as I hadn't heard anything more from eBay.
I corrected all my listings (in bulk) but I don't know what damage has been done that was essentially caused by eBay ! Or, if it will happen again. I check a sample of my listings daily now, just in case.
I suspect that they won't compensate and they'll be some clause somewhere in the terms and conditions that means they don't have to do anything.
I would like an update or even an explanation but don't know what I can do ?
If anyone can advise that woukd be great
10-09-2024 10:04 AM
Hi all,
I just wanted to report that this issue is now resolved. Please note that if your listing is still impacted, you might need to list your item again. Thanks very much for your patience on this.
Thank you,
10-09-2024 12:35 PM
Hi there,
Thanks for the update, but a simple message like that is not enough in my opinion. The issue might be resolved on your end, but it's not resolved for us the sellers! We have had our accounts, listings and sales/income affected by this problem, and were told that we would receive compensation once the issue was fixed.
I rang eBay myself after finding this thread to flag my account as one of the affected, and was told that compensation would follow once the issue was resolved. I had over 300 listings affected for the best part of a month (and that's the ones that I know of, and the ones that I realised had the problem), and my sales are down ~25% due to this bug. Those 300 listings would have shown to any buyer at the increased price from the minute the listing was created, and thus the damage there is done. The buyer is not going to buy, make an offer, or add the item to the watch list if it is 20% higher than it's meant to be. In all likeliness, buyers won't have even seen my item, as a lot of buyers search low to high, and with this bug, my item wouldn't even be on the first page of search results...
My sales, impressions, offers and watchers are all down ~25%, despite listing probably the highest quality items I have listed all year, consistantly, everyday without fail.
You now say that it's fixed but you haven't given us a reason to why it happened, how it happened, or if it will happen again in the future. You also want me to look over all my listings, make sure they are "fixed", and then "list my item again" if I find one that's not resolved... That takes TIME, will cost MONEY to relist, and have all been caused by your bug, not by something that I as a seller have done.
I will be ringing eBay again and expect a better response than the message you have supplied.
I suggest that other sellers do the same, and strive to get the compensation that was promised by the CS team, instead of a 3 sentance reply that has no explanation.
10-09-2024 5:08 PM
Hi sheepheadcg, thanks for your reply.
I totally understand where you coming from, and I can see that for sellers this was not an ideal situation definitely. However, eBay's policy is that we don't offer compensation when our services are interrupted. While we do everything possible to ensure our service to members is uninterrupted, unforeseen issues can arise from time to time. We work hard to fix these as quickly as possible but, should our service be interrupted, our User Agreement states that eBay is not liable for any loss arising from use of our site. You'll find this information outlined under the section of the eBay User Agreement headed 'Liability', if you click here you will be able to open our User Agreement page. If you have received some sort of misinformation, we apologize on their behalf, and you are free to contact our customer service team and they will log your contact as a complaint.
If this changes, we would let our users know. However, as per our user agreement, this is not something we do.
On the other hand, technical issues are only managed by the technical team, so we wouldn't have specific or detailed information on what exactly caused the issue or how it happened.
Thank you,
10-09-2024 5:50 PM
Marco@ebay Exactly the response I was expecting from eBay! With no explanation of what happened to (OUR ACCOUNTS) or how it was resolved... for all I know there could have been a hack and data breach! It is very important to let your customers know of any huge disruptive issues that have affected their accounts! Very bad customer service, and I'm making a case as I have also encountered another bug, glitch, hack, or breach (already reported) whatever it is to my account that needs attention. (Could you contact the technical team and please report what happened with this issue? Thanks.)
PS technical issues happen, I get that! Not trying to help customers understand what happened is very frustrating and worrying.
20-09-2024 2:09 PM
The issue seems to have returned , noticed this morning that my items were showing +20% , so I'm guessing its been like this for the past couple of days as my sales have dropped dramatically.
Do they know whats causing this ?
20-09-2024 2:18 PM
Katie , this is still happening , if this is a known issue then there should be at least an annoucement about the issue and how or when its going to be resolved