Buyer Fees Postponed Until February 6th

Just a heads up - Ask eBay on X/Twitter is saying Buyer Fees have been officially postponed until February 6th and they are working on getting policy pages update and a public announcement posted.



Message 1 of 67
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Buyer Fees Postponed Until February 6th

I don't care what anyone says, the seller could absorb the fee and still be better off and cheaper than a business seller and paying less fees than they were on September 30 with the same item.




Message 41 of 67
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Buyer Fees Postponed Until February 6th

So to answer this misconception: I sell an item for £4 inc. P&P, no commission charges, maybe a Promotional fee added if used sometimes.  Priced to sell in a competitive market in a cost of living crisis. Add in the ridiculous BPF, and that that now costs the  buyer £4.90. Effectively a 20% price rise that will put most buyers off. So to sell I'd have to reduce the price by 90p approx. Pre Sept 30th there would be a 30p item charge + 3% commission when posted in the reduction period on my item, that was every two weeks. Profit in this case after postage and deductions is £2, in the new scenario its £1.55. But in reality far less will be sold because you won't sell competitively hardly any low prices items under round about £10.  As many have pointed out its not worth it for sellers or indeed buyers . Putting prices up does nothing for sales in today's climate as businesses

know very well.





Message 42 of 67
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Buyer Fees Postponed Until February 6th

Well I've just temporarily relisted an item (vinyl record) to check this and no BPF has been added. However I note yours are electrical which is what was reported to be first to be "rolled out". 

I also stipulate instant payment with But It Now which has not changed.

Message 43 of 67
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Buyer Fees Postponed Until February 6th

You can't base your fees on promotional rates because they were never guaranteed that a seller would receive them, more and more towards the end never got the fee promotion.


Maybe sellers should show some initiative and bundle items, the type of items that have been unsold for months bundled with items that have a good sell through rate, less packaging, less trips to drop parcels off, better profitability, pay less in fees and also clear items that are not selling,  just an idea.


If someone only wants a couple of items in the bundle they will pay to get what they want and add the surplus to their collection as a bonus.


The seller just needs to get their pricing right.

Message 44 of 67
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Buyer Fees Postponed Until February 6th

@doumind_7 wrote:

So to answer this misconception: I sell an item for £4 inc. P&P, no commission charges, maybe a Promotional fee added if used sometimes.  Priced to sell in a competitive market in a cost of living crisis. Add in the ridiculous BPF, and that that now costs the  buyer £4.90. Effectively a 20% price rise that will put most buyers off. So to sell I'd have to reduce the price by 90p approx. Pre Sept 30th there would be a 30p item charge + 3% commission when posted in the reduction period on my item, that was every two weeks. Profit in this case after postage and deductions is £2, in the new scenario its £1.55. But in reality far less will be sold because you won't sell competitively hardly any low prices items under round about £10.  As many have pointed out its not worth it for sellers or indeed buyers . Putting prices up does nothing for sales in today's climate as businesses

know very well.





The only valid post BPF business/private comparison is how much a private seller gets from an item they list where the buyer will pay £4 in total, and much a business seller will get from an item priced at £4, when the fees and VAT on those fees are taken into account.


Which is a comparison  only a business seller can do as only they know their fee structure.  However it has been done on the boards by business sellers and proven to be less.


There were a lot of private sellers on here complaining they did not get the fee reduction promotions last year so using those in a pre BPF calculation would not apply to all sellers, although it might for you.

Message 45 of 67
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Buyer Fees Postponed Until February 6th

And I frequently bundle, and on balance make less. You can't price right when eBay rips you off in a 20% price rise that goes into their bank account. Doesn't help sellers in any way whatsoever. Even if you "got it right" less will be sold. It was difficult enough to sell anything like 2or 3 years, ago without an enforced fee. I

Promotional fees were,available to all private sellers, but many didn't know where to find it.

Message 46 of 67
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Buyer Fees Postponed Until February 6th

It now looks like that  I will  now have to delete my entire  very handy buyers watch list. I can't tell the difference between Private and  Business on the list, so will just have to delete everything on my  list. At least a mix of  500  Private and Business sellers will now get deleted. I don't think I  will buy  from eBay again now for some while. The site has become far to confusing and complicated. Other sites I buy from are far more user friendly. 

Message 47 of 67
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Buyer Fees Postponed Until February 6th

I thought there are no fees now for private sellers, how are you being ripped off for 20%?



Message 48 of 67
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Buyer Fees Postponed Until February 6th

Some sellers are thinking of reducing their item's prices,  so to ' accommodate' this extra fee buyers now will have to pay.


No need to delete your watch list of  saved sellers,  if they are selling items you wish to buy,  the price you will be paying will be clearly shown on their listing,  then you can judge if it's one you wish to pay or not.


A breakdown of seller's item price and Buyer protection fee will then be shown at eBay checkout.



Message 49 of 67
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Buyer Fees Postponed Until February 6th

By having to reduce the price hence selling less.

Message 50 of 67
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Buyer Fees Postponed Until February 6th

Yes an important point you make that the site has become far to confusing and complicated.  Hardly used friendly is it? EBay trying to rip people off to cover losses of their own incompetence.

Message 51 of 67
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Buyer Fees Postponed Until February 6th

I won't be paying the extra tax as most items are above top price already. 

Message 52 of 67
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Buyer Fees Postponed Until February 6th

Its a load of complicated unnecessary nonsense. Jesus, I just want to sell a few low price items for a bit of enjoyment and.a few quid, not go on a Business Degree Course. Its no longer a pleasure anymore on this site.

Message 53 of 67
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Buyer Fees Postponed Until February 6th

and i think that comment is one that everyone using this site would agree with!!   Not often that even E Bay can unite all commentors.....

Message 54 of 67
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Buyer Fees Postponed Until February 6th

That is your choice if your wish to lower prices, the private/business seller who is undercutting us has had 2 sales this morning they haven't lowered prices and are still cheaper than us.


No, I am not obsessed by this seller, you have to know your competition and see what they are doing pricewise.


I am passed caring if I'm honest, it shows a lot about that person who is more concerned about making a bit more profit to line their pockets at the expense of others by trading illegally.


It is that type of seller who is ruining it for the genuine private sellers who just want to sell their unwanted items at a fair price.








Message 55 of 67
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Buyer Fees Postponed Until February 6th

I agree with a lot of what you say but as far as the NINOs are concerned that is not an e bay fault, that is going to be requested by all online sites etc from HMRC.

Message 56 of 67
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Buyer Fees Postponed Until February 6th

So if this seller is masquerading why don't you report him?

Message 57 of 67
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Buyer Fees Postponed Until February 6th

What I have read the reports see no action, so it's a waste of time.


I have been told that they are going to start ramping up things in regard to incorrectly registered accounts through new detection methods.


I would imagine it will be those who sell at qty, some items I have seen have 1000s of sales on a single listing and all from a private seller.

Message 58 of 67
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Buyer Fees Postponed Until February 6th


Well if they have introduced the fee on electrical goods, someone posted this on washing machines, I can't find any difference in any that I've just checked out.

Message 59 of 67
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Buyer Fees Postponed Until February 6th

Appears to have been implemented. Well, at least in the one search I did for private sellers in the Electronics category for MacBooks. Most have incongruous pricing now, including auctions, eg: £363.71, £353.52, £700.31, £200.01, as opposed to the rounded pricing we're used to seeing, ending in .00, .95, .99 etc.

Must say, it looks rather odd.

Message 60 of 67
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