Are refunds secure?

I bought an expensive car part on ebay, which arrived damaged. The seller has accepted my return, and is collecting the part in person from my address. He says that he will issue a refund when he collects the part but is there any way he can cancel the refund afterwards? How do I even know if he has issued a refund?


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Are refunds secure?

Technically he can deny the item was returned if you don't have tracking. If you are comfortable to do it based on trust you could just add a stipulation that the refund has to be actioned on eBay whilst the seller is there in person with you. 

Does the seller have good feedback and seem ok on messages? Does it make sense for them to collect in person, ie are they local, is the item very large and awkward to post, is it valuable?

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Are refunds secure?

Apologies I have just realised you wrote that it was expensive. 

If the refund is done on eBay you will get a notification on the order as soon as they do it. There is no reversing it once it is done properly through an eBay order. Did you formally open a return case on eBay or has the return been agreed just over messages between you both?

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Are refunds secure?

Experienced Mentor

This must be dealt with through a not as described case and the seller has to issue a prepaid returns label.


Once they have the item back they refund you.


If they fail to issue a label eBay will do it and if they fail to refund after the tracking proves delivery eBay will force the refund.


If they come and pick the item up you have not protection.

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