Auto paid removal

How to remove or disable the option of autopaid on offers you made for a seller ... it's absolutely an the worse option in all ebay .... I am thinking seriously stop making offers if these option still active .... please how can I disable it or remove it .... many thanks 

Message 1 of 67
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Re: Auto paid removal

I completely agree. It doesn't allow to decide how to pay. Or even give a chance to take advantage of opportunities like created by eBay X5 points for shopping which is beyond ridiculous!

Message 41 of 67
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Re: Auto paid removal

There is a chance to chat live with the Ebay Community Team between 2 and 3pm today.

Raise this with them - it has certainly been discussed before and changes were promised but have not happened.


Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 08.05.24 @2pm

"There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
Søren Kierkegaard, Danish philosopher (1813 - 1855)
Message 42 of 67
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Re: Auto paid removal

As all users, buyer should only make offers if they intend to honour them.
Perhaps there should be another feedback scoring measure - offers honoured, i.e. commitment.
Ebay do not / imo should not become an money 'escrow' type of account, just remain and buyer-seller introductory and payment handler, and not coerce buyers into this pay by default.
Its a partially a matter of privacy and data respect,  I prefer to have my bank payment details private to me, and only enter them for a transaction, not for yet another 3rd party to have stored my 'private' details.
Again to protect sellers an offer if accepted should be binding UNLESS the seller agrees to relinquish their, what should be,  right to payment. 

Message 43 of 67
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Re: Auto paid removal

A shame ther was only ~9 hours notice, something as sensitive as this should have been given days notice(s)

Message 44 of 67
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Re: Auto paid removal

@svincec wrote:

A shame ther was only ~9 hours notice, something as sensitive as this should have been given days notice(s)


If you mean the Wednesday community chat, it's every week at the same time on Wednesdays. 

Message 45 of 67
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Re: Auto paid removal

Can't use cashback and I don't see how you can use an Ebay voucher either with auto payments for offers?

Message 46 of 67
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Re: Auto paid removal

Nope,  you are correct here you cannot use either of those if the seller stays opted in with this option, and it is an option,   but I do wonder how many sellers still do not know they are in this scheme not by choice,   and do have the oportunity to opt out,  not everyone comes to this board to read what's a' happening on eBay.

Message 47 of 67
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Re: Auto paid removal

But sellers aren't going to want to bother turning it off, even if they did think about it not beeing good for buyers (for all the reasons in this and many other threads), and sellers gain buy auto payment as soon as they accept an offer. I am ok with the general principle of auto pay but its no use without any flexibility.

Message 48 of 67
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Re: Auto paid removal

I've turned it off and I know some of my friends have,  but maybe the high volume sellers, won't as perhaps it's more viable for them,  if they have been experiencing many non payments after offers were accepted.


I've never had ( hope I'm not hexing myself here!)  problems with payments for Buy it Nows,  hence I see no benefit for me for that option to stay.


In principle it's good,  but in my humble opinion , there are so many drawbacks,  no cash on collection,  no choice of payment, no click and collect, no combined postage , no vouchers can be used, that it should go back to the drawing board for a make over. 


Add all of the above , and it will work better for everyone.

Message 49 of 67
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Re: Auto paid removal

I won't use it myself but apparently the auto payment does let you add a voucher code.

But I think it's for the promotion codes eBay sometimes does not nectar.





Message 50 of 67
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Re: Auto paid removal

Just to add to your point, I recently asked a seller if they could disable auto pay so I could take advantage of a different payment option, the seller replied and was friendly but they had no clue what auto pay was or how to disable it.  Most sellers aren't even aware it is being done this way.

Message 51 of 67
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Re: Auto paid removal

ebay and communication never belong in same sentence , unless you apply the words terrible, or hopeless.

Message 52 of 67
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Re: Auto paid removal

I'm certainly with you on that.  I turned it off immediately I found out about it - not from eBay but a poster on another thread.


Many of my buyers need to combine orders, wait for auctions to finish to combine an order, or use click and collect.  None of these options are available with auto-pay switched on.  Like you, non-payers are not an issue.


Since this feature was introduced my sales from offers made to watchers has dropped through the floor.

Message 53 of 67
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Re: Auto paid removal

@alfreda-0 wrote:

Just to add to your point, I recently asked a seller if they could disable auto pay so I could take advantage of a different payment option, the seller replied and was friendly but they had no clue what auto pay was or how to disable it.  Most sellers aren't even aware it is being done this way.

Yep,  I agree,  I do think some / many sellers do not know they've been opted into this. 


To be honest if I wasn't on this forum,  don't think I would have known,  as there was no announcement / message to anyone, not one I saw anyway.

Message 54 of 67
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Re: Auto paid removal

Aaah, @hettsville   that's good to know, so a little step up that big ladder to amend the many short falls here......perhaps !

Message 55 of 67
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Re: Auto paid removal

Unfortunately ebay not making any attention to our conversion, this auto paid must be removed because it's very inconvenient for us as buyer , we have to have the freedom of choosing how to pay the seller...


Message 56 of 67
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Re: Auto paid removal


They have made some improvements as there are now options on the confirmation screen to:


Add/change payment method;


Change delivery address (although you can't currently use Click & Collect addresses for some reason);


Change postage method; and


Add a coupon.



Combining purchases to save on postage is obviously more complicated.  The only way I could see it working is if buyer could add the items to their shopping basket and then make a single offer for all the items. 


PayPal Credit/Pay In 3, Cashback, etc are even more complicated as they are benefits provided by a 3rd party and have to be set up on the 3rd party website during checkout. 

Message 57 of 67
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Re: Auto paid removal

I whole heartedly agree, autopay is the worst thing eBay have ever introduced. not everyone wants to pay for an item in full some would like spread the payments over PayPal pay in 3 or add it to their Paypal credit. what I usually do is message the seller asking them what would be the best price they could do and then ask them to send you an offer, some sellers do it others don't, I've left feedback a few times with eBay saying what I have just stated but nothing has changed as of yet.

Message 58 of 67
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Re: Auto paid removal

Have to agree. I now have an issue for the second time in less than a wk where a seller has dispatched an item before the subsequent LPs that I was going to bid on ended. This even with a message pre auction end to the seller to request combining postage.

Perhaps it is ignorance on the seller part that this option is on their account.

I have other sellers I deal with where this is not an issue.


Sadly i will now not be bidding on items where this auto pay is instituted.

It's  " lose -  lose - lose  " for sellers, eBay for lower fees total  and buyers from multiple delivery costs.

Also takes no account of  items that are collected locally and have no delivery fees.


Stop penanlsiing the good honest sellers and buyers on here.

Message 59 of 67
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Re: Auto paid removal

Exactly what I have done. 

Message 60 of 67
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