Sales Completly Died **September 2024**

We have over 100 listings however sales are dead for over three months now.


Wondering if this is about time to take our business away to other platforms as we really cannot afford high Promoted Listings fees but still no sales.



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224 REPLIES 224

Re: Sales Completly Died **September 2024**

It would help to know what you sell rather than posting with a different account.


100 lisitings is not a lot for a business seller. What area do you trade in?

Message 2 of 225
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Re: Sales Completly Died **September 2024**

Just had the worst week in 15 years........................ I'd earn more collecting old bottle tops.

Message 3 of 225
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Re: Sales Completly Died **September 2024**

I have only had 1 sale in the past 8 days - dire to say the least 

Message 4 of 225
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Re: Sales Completly Died **September 2024**

Indeed, our sales are down over 75% in the last month.


We've listed several thousands worth of new stock in the last 3 weeks, nothing.


Sales last week only covered the eBay Shop fee, so basically we gave all those items away to ebay.


This is not sustainable.


eBay is finished and getting worse and worse, even people paying their stupid premium aren't even getting sales and buyers have deserted the platform. Understandable so, it's a mere shadow of it's former self and has been badly run for years, particularly as eBay have assumed full control over every aspect of a sale.


It's not attractive on here anymore and hasn't been for several years now.

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Re: Sales Completly Died **September 2024**

eBay are taking shop subscriptions, high fees etc etc.


Yet all we get back these days are 'hobby' sales, the sort of money someone would make on the side, certainly not what you'd expect for long standing eBay businesses with exemplary records and hundreds of iitems listed.


Loyalty means nothing to eBay anymore, just the balance sheets and their greed.

Message 6 of 225
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Re: Sales Completly Died **September 2024**

I agree, my daughter have a good amount of disposable income and are very fashion orientated, mention ebay to them and nope, it's other platforms, same thing if i mention it in the Pub, yes i know it's a minute sample size, but it used to be positive answers.

Message 7 of 225
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Re: Sales Completly Died **September 2024**

Spot on, although I'm the same....


When I first started back on eBay 20 odd years ago, it was superb, FVF's were 3-4% and ebay basically let you get on with it. If you sold above a certain amount they gave discounts. We made good money and eBay had record profits and growth every quarter.


eBay were a company for small businesses and indivduals, and enabled us to reach a global audience away from the corporate giants and that was it, none of the present eBay controlling  interference and it worked really really well. You felt you were in control of your business and the harder you worked, the better you did.


You also had a regular income you could almost predict each month.


Back then I used to sing the praises of eBay from the highest steeple, but not any more and haven't for at least ten years now if not more. ebay have slowly but surely erroded any trust I once had in the platform, and that good feeling on here evaporated a very long time ago.


eBay is a shadow of it's former self and has now become a real chore, and an expensive one at that.

Message 8 of 225
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Re: Sales Completly Died **September 2024**

It was once my main income, but not since before covid, i moved on, glad i did as i'd now be bankrupt if this was my sole income.

Message 9 of 225
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Re: Sales Completly Died **September 2024**

Like you It's been a shocker of a week. June was terrible, worst ever, July and August things started too move again, but since the 2nd of this month its like I've run into yet another brick wall.  

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Re: Sales Completly Died **September 2024**


No sales thus far in September...... All metrics down and dropping further back.

It's like we've been completely switched off. 

Message 11 of 225
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Re: Sales Completly Died **September 2024**

Your pub might be a minute sample but if it's anything like my local it's a good cross-section of the local population.


I signed-up to ebay because back then it seemed like everyone was buying, selling or a bit of both on ebay.  There were three people running businesses, that I knew of, one of the bar-maids did all her Christmas shopping on ebay.  Sunday lunch-time and the bar was full of stories of bargains found, items sought for collections for years, found and people selling "junk" they'd had in loft or garage selling for prices that left them gob-smacked in surprise.


Mention ebay today and "I haven't been on there for a long time" is a good response.  Too many have a tale of being ripped-off by a buyer or seller and don't intend to get bitten again.  For day-to-day shopping most mention amazon with (perhaps) ebay as a second choice if they can't find whatever they're looking for there.  Some will just look blank as though they've never used ebay.


I know of only one other person who looks at ebay regularly, an RAF vet. from the Falklands invalided out who now collects Falklands War memorabilia and die-cast models of planes he worked on.


The pub combined with the, now non-existent queues at the post office just across the road, where once there were always people with bags of parcels clogging the place, tells me a pretty much the story of the decline of ebay.

Message 12 of 225
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Re: Sales Completly Died **September 2024**

To the people in the pub that use Amazon over ebay - tell them to check the prices! Most people get suckered into a Prime account and don't bother to look anywhere else (my daughter and her partner being a prime example!). Some time back I had bought half a dozen or so items from ebay (I rarely use Amazon), but thought I would just check and see if I could have got them cheaper on Amazon. Only one item was cheaper on amazon, and that one only slightly.

One of the items was a large pack of mealworms from my usual supplier. He sells on ebay, Amazon and his own site. Ebay is cheapest, then his own site with Amazon being the most expensive!

As for the PO queues, many people use (free) home collection from RM, or other couriers, so I'm not surprised they aren't as busy.  

Message 13 of 225
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Re: Sales Completly Died **September 2024**

I don't use amazon but agree with you saying that buyers get suckered into a Prime account.  Having done so, they buy to (sort of) make it more worthwhile?  

"But it arrived same / next day" seems to be tacked onto the end of "I bought it on amazon" stories as if in justification for buying there.  Even if it was something that obviously wasn't needed urgently.


Yes I do realise that now Home Collection is available and years ago it wasn't, but for many locals like myself who's sales are totally erratic it's still quicker and easier to walk to the nearest PO as and when a sale happens.  The area is blessed with a Main and several Sub-POs within a 10 minute walk of the pub.

Message 14 of 225
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Re: Sales Completly Died **September 2024**

@theelench wrote:

  The area is blessed with a Main and several Sub-POs within a 10 minute walk of the pub.

OK, I guess that is a valid reason for using the PO then! 🍺

Message 15 of 225
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Re: Sales Completly Died **September 2024**

It would be almost rude not to as I'm just across the road 🙂

Message 16 of 225
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Re: Sales Completly Died **September 2024**

I do agree. 15 or so years ago, everyone was on eBay, now far less are, and younger people in particularly don't seem to want to use it favouring Amazon, even though as @kempseykate  said, Amazon is often (nearly always!) more expensive.


I think eBay has been in decline since 2013 when the EU DSRs kicked in and tightened things up. Then we've had manipulated search, promoted listings and managed payments to deal with. The latter doing a lot of damage as buyers liked having a PayPal balance which they tended to spend on the site.


To add I will point out that our wholesalers appear to be overstocked with next years seasonal goods again (end of line, returns, etc.).
This is prime stock for selling on eBay and usually gone as soon as it arrives, not so this year and, to be fair it hung around longer last year too. But now most of the remaining buyers seem to have walked away.
I've also seen a big drop in our competition on eBay, possibly as a lot were operating illegally on private accounts and have fled ahead of the HMRC changes in Jan?


However, none of this explains why our sales have suddenly stopped dead in September.

My July and August were actually quite good overall, but September, not a single sale on either account which is unheard of for us....?


Perhaps they've shut me down for complaining too much on the boards 😄

Message 17 of 225
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Re: Sales Completly Died **September 2024**

Two of my competitors have closed down on here, they did get a fair amount of sales, one had about three times the amount of listings and sold more than me, the other i struggled to compete against on price. 


Since they packed in, have my sales increased to take up the slack........NO.

Message 18 of 225
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Re: Sales Completly Died **September 2024**

Exactly the same here.....! I thought once the competition had moved out of the category our sales would increase but absolutely not 🤨

Message 19 of 225
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Re: Sales Completly Died **September 2024**

To the people in the pub that use Amazon over ebay - tell them to check the prices! Most people get suckered into a Prime account and don't bother to look anywhere else 


Amazon is worse than that. I watched a Channel 4 documentary on Amazon and their selling practices. It was an eye opener. I shop on Amazon as a last resort not the first.

Message 20 of 225
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