Change to Manage Active Listings layout

Manage active listings no longer has the Summary at the top - showing at a glance Bids, Watchers, Questions etc


I have 2 Ebay accounts.  One has the Summary at the top of Manage Active listings - shows number of bids, watchers etc.  The other used to but now doesn't - I now have to click on the filter buttons - drop down to get information.






How do I reinstate the Summary?

Message 1 of 59
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Re: Change to Manage Active Listings layout

Hi @sirjake2nd , thanks for your post.


I will be happy to look into this for you. Can you advise, when did you notice that Summary page is gone? Did you possibly customize the Seller Hub page which could have changed the view?


Also, just to confirm do you have the exact same settings/subscriptions/shop level on both accounts?


Thank you,


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Message 2 of 59
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Re: Change to Manage Active Listings layout

Hello Anita


The summary disappeared on 17th July.  Nothing had been changed by us.


Both accounts were set up in the same way.  sirjake2nd was started in 2021, our other account ladyemm was started in 2007.  The only difference lately is the change to selling limits.  sirjake selling limits have been increased considerably without our requesting this.


Regards  Mary

Message 3 of 59
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Re: Change to Manage Active Listings layout

Hi @sirjake2nd , thanks for your response.


I checked with the tech team, and they confirmed that it is a tech issue from our end. I have reported that your account is being impacted by this as well. I don't have an estimated fix time, but the tech team is working on it to get it resolved.


Thank you,


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Message 4 of 59
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Re: Change to Manage Active Listings layout

anita@ebay I also have this issue on my account. It looks more like a test of a new design where we are the unwilling guinea pigs as the layout has been completely changed. So many vital functions have been removed - all the format filters, all the status filters and virtually all of the search contains options. Any features that are still there now require more clicks on a very poorly designed layout to achieve what used to be quick and easy. I absolutely hate it. It's unuseable. I just don't trust ebay as these things usually start with them saying it's a tech issue then it turns out that it's a test which turns into a permanent downgrade. Sorry to sound so negative.

Message 5 of 59
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Re: Change to Manage Active Listings layout

Hi @rainbowtrax, thanks for sharing your feedback.


I see where you are coming from, and I have added your account to the list of affected members. As soon as I have an update from the tech team, I will share it here.


Thank you,


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Message 6 of 59
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Re: Change to Manage Active Listings layout

Hi, the summary has disappeared from my account too. This proves the okd adage "The best place to test something is the live environment".

Message 7 of 59
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Re: Change to Manage Active Listings layout

Hello Anita


Would it be best if I opted out of Seller Hub?  What would happen to the layout?  With the new layout I'm missing important prompts and information re: questions from interested buyer, listings ending, listings sold etc.  This information used to be available at a glance as per rainbowtrax 's message.


Regards  Mary

Message 8 of 59
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Re: Change to Manage Active Listings layout


I too am having the same problem. It is an utter nightmare and have emailed about it but had no response.


Ebay change it back to the way it was as it worked.  Listen to your sellers PLEASE.

Message 9 of 59
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Re: Change to Manage Active Listings layout

anita@ebay on this thread: Re: CHANGES TO EBAY SELLER HUB LISTING PAGE - UK eBay Community ebay have now admitted that it's a test. Please can my account be removed from the test as I just can't be dealing with this right now?

Message 10 of 59
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Re: Change to Manage Active Listings layout

ditto on the "search contains options" - i can no longer search my listings for all "beatles" items for eg

Message 11 of 59
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Re: Change to Manage Active Listings layout



Has this been sorted yet?  We cannot use sirjake2nd in its current form.  The information is not where it should be and is not easy to obtain.  We are missing important information from potential buyers.  


If this isn't resolved shortly we will have no alternative but to shut this account down.



Message 12 of 59
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Re: Change to Manage Active Listings layout

Hello all,


@rainbowtrax, thanks for bringing this to my attention.

It is something we were not aware of, I'm afraid, until the tech team investigated the issue.


I understand that you all prefer the old layout and have escalated this to find out more information about the change. I have shared all your feedback and will keep you posted as soon as I have an update.


Thank you,


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Message 13 of 59
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Re: Change to Manage Active Listings layout

Hello Anita


All back to normal - thank you.


Best regards  Mary

Message 14 of 59
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Re: Change to Manage Active Listings layout

Same here thankfully. I just hope we never see that mess again!

Message 15 of 59
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Re: Change to Manage Active Listings layout

Did you guys send this problem overseas? 🤔  I'm in Canada (listing on and just found this discussion while trying to find out why my Summary/Quick Filters disappeared from my account this afternoon. It was there earlier today and disappeared when I refreshed the page. 

Message 16 of 59
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Re: Change to Manage Active Listings layout

I've just received this awful "beta" active listings layout. It's unusable. Loads of important filters missing. Clearly designed by someone who has never used Ebay to sell. Can you please change it back to the old layout?

Message 17 of 59
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Re: Change to Manage Active Listings layout

Help, my old layout has disappeared, how do I find out if I have any bids on seller hub? Please bring old format back!

Message 18 of 59
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Re: Change to Manage Active Listings layout

Hi anita@ebay   I have the same issue as reported by Sirjake2nd and rainbowtrax.  Can you arrange for the same fix to be made to my account please.    I wish to revert to the layouy/seeings that existed on the  16/07/2024.   Please confirm.  Thank you Sarah.   

Message 19 of 59
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Re: Change to Manage Active Listings layout


I understand that you all prefer the old layout 


lol then why let the techies mess with it ?



Message 20 of 59
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