03-01-2025 1:53 AM
Ebay was always heavily weighted in favour of the Buyers, but this new mad rule thats coming in next month about having to wait two days after delivery is confirmed to get paid is simply beyond the pale.
And sometimes delivery conformation never comes, apparently in that situation we have to wait 14 days to get our money.
This is disgusting and completely nuts. A self-destructive move from Ebay.
24-02-2025 5:16 PM
@kath3735_wxmjn wrote:and what is worse, coming on here and whining!
I have noticed that the biggest whiners should be on a business account.
24-02-2025 7:08 PM - edited 24-02-2025 7:09 PM
I tend to avoid looking at other user's listings, because (a) I'm not buying anything and (b) it's none of my business what they are selling. I'm not in the habit of judging other users who may be selling new stuff or collections acquired from an inheritance or a relative's house clearance. Everyone's personal circumstances are different, so you should be wary of drawing the conclusions you're looking for with much confidence.
As I noted yesterday, it's a matter for Ebay whether someone is correctly registered on the right account. That's assuming they wanted to, of course. Too many threads end up completely polluted with the same 'you must be a business' as 25% of your items are new or there are 4 duplicates or some clothing still has tags or whatever other reason you thought up.
I think Ebay should remove the 'View listings' link completely, so we can actually get on with discussing the subject matter instead and stop these repeated and unhelpful diversions.
25-02-2025 11:19 AM
I agree completely. Buyer has acknowledged receipt yet Post Office(worst offender by far) has not registered delivery and after a few days never will. E-bay is joining the Post Office in signing it's own death warrant.
25-02-2025 12:50 PM
I hope people will bring up all the issues going on with sellers receiving payment and the seeming lack of integration between eBay & Pitney Bowes' tracking in the weekly Community Team chat tomorrow afternoon.
25-02-2025 1:18 PM
With the new system payments do not seem to tally with the value of the orders and there is no way to properly cross check
25-02-2025 1:32 PM
Well done
I am not a business account even though I seem to have a lot of items, however, seeing as most of these items were purchased between 2000 and 2009 with regards to the cards and between 2000 and 2012 with regards to the other items they have been used. AS I suffer from various ailments I tend to collect lots of different items until I no longer have a use for them or am no longer able to use them
25-02-2025 6:49 PM
@s.jimja.whmcr8muz wrote:I agree completely. Buyer has acknowledged receipt yet Post Office(worst offender by far) has not registered delivery and after a few days never will. E-bay is joining the Post Office in signing it's own death warrant.
I think you mean Royal Mail not the Post Office. They are separate companies.
25-02-2025 7:36 PM
25-02-2025 8:48 PM
26-02-2025 1:31 AM
And sure enough, I now have 4 items I've sent off last week but for one reason or another still hasn't been listed as delivered. I sent them tracked, but there's been delays. So I won't get my payments until the postal services I used get their act together.
Ebay's new rules are already ruining me. I'm sure there's many others going through it too.
26-02-2025 8:23 AM - edited 26-02-2025 8:26 AM
@nichsm_2913 wrote:Ebay's new rules are already ruining me. I'm sure there's many others going through it too.
Once an item is posted I want to forget about it, hide it from my sold list and move on with my life. I haven't got the brain space to still be thinking 'when will they pay me?' a few weeks later. For me the delayed payment is not about the cashflow but the mental clutter it creates. I'm just trusting them to get it right I can't be bothered to track it closely.
It hacks me off as it's totally unnecessary as I am 100% creditworthy as proven by around 24 years of having this ebay account. The management of ebay don't seem to have a clue who is a new account scammer and who is a long term established buyer/seller who has transacted tens of thousands of pounds on their platform in both directions over the years.
And now they are not even giving me the same trust as a restaurant that would let a random person come in off the street and pay after eating.
Since these stupid changes started I am definitely selling less frequently and therefore respending less frequently.
26-02-2025 8:59 AM
My last spree on eBay (due to BPF well down on my normal spending here) happened to have the private sellers post to me marked 'untracked' on my orders page, but also business sellers I regularly buy from also posting marked 'untracked'.
Yet when the items arrived, about half of them had been sent RM 48 and one Signed For. I can't check details as I've recycled the packaging. Butt shouldn't they have appeared on my orders page as 'tracked'? It doesn't matter of course, but I just wondered why they did that or if it was eBay that did it, and if it'll happen again when (or if! while BPF lasts) I go on another spree on eBay e.g. do the sellers or eBay gain an advantage in sending something tracked but it appearing on a buyer's order page as 'untracked'?
26-02-2025 9:06 AM
As soon as sellers add tracking, it shows as being sent tracked.
I send items out with a mix of postage - tracked 48 or just a stamp and always add tracking.
I read a post the other day where a seller complained items had been delivered but they hadn't been paid,(yes, not rare, I know) but then said that they 'never bothered' to add the tracking.
So how is Ebay to know items have arrived?
So, my theory is that not all sellers know to add the tracking and some just can't be bothered and some don't realise that the 16 digit code you get when you use TRACKED 48 is a TRACKING number!
26-02-2025 9:09 AM
"Once an item is posted I want to forget about it, hide it from my sold list and move on with my life"
That's the big thing. Ebay have created this system whereby sellers are now forced to watch them like a hawk. Those 2 days can easily turn into 14 days because tracking hasn't been registered. And those 14 days may become goodness knows what in the future?
Sadly, untrustworthiness seems to be at the forefront of these 'developments'.
An an aside, I have to phone BT because they are charging me for some kit for a cancelled order that I returned in November 2024, using their own mailing bag and delivery labels. The return has still not been registered by their systems. Ebay is not alone in rolling out some very convenient incompetence.
26-02-2025 9:39 AM
@insidethe93 wrote:e.g. do the sellers or eBay gain an advantage in sending something tracked but it appearing on a buyer's order page as 'untracked'?
I can't think of any seller advantage in a seller not completing the tracking information and it auto populates if they buy the postage via ebay even on untracked items as most items are tracked these days even if the seller doesn't pay extra to see the in-journey updates.
The main reason is they are probably buying the postage elsewhere either online or in a post office and don't get around to typing the tracking information on ebay thinking they always have the electronic or physical receipt if the buyer makes a claim. Although I have seen suggestion that in a dispute the earlier the seller has entered tracking information the better their chances of avoiding a refund. If a buyer knows an item has arrived they know to look around their property and ask neighbours incase the delivery person has hidden it somewhere.
26-02-2025 12:00 PM
it also could be confusion about what is and what is not tracking. I do not pay for it and send normal standard second class post but i always input the Certificate of Posting number and that is just the same in the end as a paid for one. Only difference being that you cannot follow where it is in the process. Must admit it took a while when i first started selling to realise how important inputting the tracking is. Again it is not an easy process learning the ins and outs of selling on line.
26-02-2025 1:09 PM
26-02-2025 2:37 PM
"Postage isn't just tracking it's all the other things required like packaging, printing, paper, fuel."
Once SD starts it definitely will NOT include any of those. And even if it did the costs will be going direct to Ebay, sellers won't receive a penny of it.
26-02-2025 2:55 PM
I too have 4 that already have positive FB left but are still showing as undelivered. It'll be 2 weeks before any payment appears according to their new rules.
Why cannot eBay also link their delivery algorithm to feedback as well as Royal Mail?
26-02-2025 2:58 PM
They have done this - but only for items under £10.
You will be paid for low cost items 24 hours after you receive positive feedback.