The new when we get paid rules from February.

Ebay was always heavily weighted in favour of the Buyers, but this new mad rule thats coming in next month about having to wait two days after delivery is confirmed to get paid is simply beyond the pale.


And sometimes delivery conformation never comes, apparently in that situation we have to wait 14 days to get our money.  


This is disgusting and completely nuts. A self-destructive move from Ebay.

Message 1 of 1,066
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1,065 REPLIES 1,065

The new when we get paid rules from February.

I believe they may have already done so.

The item below was sent with a LL stamp so no tracking.  Buyer left feedback promptly and I was paid sooner than I expected.


Positive Feedback received
£7.95 Subtotal+ postage (buyer paid £2.05)
Buyer paid date: 16 Feb
Order: 17-12710-60583

Funds available in eBay balance 20 Feb



Are sellers now being paid 24 hours after positive feedback is received for items under £10?


"There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
Søren Kierkegaard, Danish philosopher (1813 - 1855)
Message 961 of 1,066
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The new when we get paid rules from February.

' wait 2 weeks for payment as eBay has not yet linked Positive Feedback to their 'Delivered'. Will they ever I wonder?'



Ebay have never seen pos. feedback as proof of delivery ; their reason is  'feedback may be left by mistake'.

Seems bonkers I know,  but it does occasionally happen (seen it once myself).

So I think it's unlikely ebay will ever link feedback to delivered.


*EXCEPT* for one little climb-down regarding low value sales.

Ebay have said they will release the money for untracked sales *under £10*,  2 days after positive feedback has been received.

(over a tenner will have to wait the full 14 days)


I reckon ebay have calculated the odds of 'mistake feedback' being left on the same sale as an item not-recieved case.

And those odds have worked out to be tiny!


So ebay feel happy to stand the very occasional refund in return for being able to say,  "Look, we've listened to your concerns, and we've thrown you a crust....."




(edit- fat fingers...)

Message 962 of 1,066
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The new when we get paid rules from February.

I'm not quite sure why you have responded to me that way?


Like many others I get frustrated by business sellers (wrongly selling under a private seller account) coming on posts like this and commenting. This is a post for genuine private seller to discus their feelings about the new rules - that's what these forums are about. You obviously don't understand the meaning of 'Business seller'. I suggest that you look at ebays definition of a Business seller and HMRCs - basically if you buy or make something to sell and make a profit you are running a business and have to by law declare that when selling online ie sell under a Business selling account. 


I would also suggest that if you haven't already that you contact HMRC and register as a business.


I am not replying to 'have a go' - just to give you and others advise which you clearly aren't aware of.


This isn't me 'having a go' but giving you advise

Message 963 of 1,066
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The new when we get paid rules from February.

I don't think you quite understand. It's not a choice to be a 'Private' or 'Business' seller. You need to go and look at eBays and HMRC definition of what is a Business seller. As you are selling not just new items, but multiple copies of some, I suggest that you are buying and selling to make a profit. In other words you are a business seller according to UK law and need to be selling on a Business account. It's not just a choice of 2 different accounts.


And please don't make the assumption that business seller have appalling selling standards & feedback - have a look at mine .....


What I was saying in my original post is that this is really a post for genuine private sellers to come and comment on their experience and feelings about the new changes on ebay - not for business sellers like yourself (unless you were correctly registered on a business account - in which case your feelings might be very different!)

Message 964 of 1,066
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The new when we get paid rules from February.

I agree with you. Of course the legality comes into play as people love to
spout off and sound ‘threatening’ with it on the eBay forums. Pretty sure
that I’m not making enough to warrant having to pay income tax (yet), and
definitely not enough to pay VAT. But that’s no one’s business but mine and

It’s fun to watching all these grown folk throwing toys out of their pram
like big babies though.
Message 965 of 1,066
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The new when we get paid rules from February.

I'm guessing that you really don't understand what a Business seller is. I am trying to help you here. And to help here is an extract from ebays terms


Business seller policy


Business sellers are required to follow all government regulations, including registering as a business on eBay, and providing contact information and a return policy.

An eBay seller must register as a business if, for example, they sell items they have bought to resell, they make items in order to sell them, or if they buy items for their business.

What is the policy?

Business sellers can't represent themselves as private individuals and are required to: 

  • Register their business on eBay
  • Provide the following information in the business seller information section in their listings:
    • Full contact details for the business 
    • Any trade organisations they belong to
    • Any authorisation scheme relevant to the online business
    • Clear information about price, including any shipping or delivery charges and tax
    • A VAT number, if the business's online activities are subject to VAT
  • Make sure the listings are not misleading and provide clear and accurate information
  • Create a returns policy including the time period in which buyers can return items and get a full refund
  • Follow all government requirements and regulations including:
    • Informing buyers they have 14 days to withdraw from the transaction for items that fall under the Consumer Contracts Regulations
    • Accept the return of faulty items within 30 days with a full refund for items that fall under the Consumer Rights Act 2015
Message 966 of 1,066
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The new when we get paid rules from February.

Talking about the legalities, do you have a licensing agreement in place to make those reproductions you are selling?


I can't see anything on the Michael Myers listings advising you have made the item under license from Compass International.


“Halloween”® and “Michael Myers”® are Registered Trademarks of Compass International Pictures, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
Message 967 of 1,066
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The new when we get paid rules from February.

By law I don’t have to use a business account on eBay as long as I do my
tax return each year and keep HMRC up to date with any changes. I don’t
sell enough to warrant having a business account, so therefore I don’t. I
do however know now that I wouldn’t need to pay for one without a
storefront. I still don’t want one yet as I am not ready to take that leap.
I also do not resell, which you can see for yourself on my profile. If you
don’t like it, I would just get over it because it’s not your decision to
make. I’m sure there’s a ton of others on eBay that are selling to make a
profit, else why would they bother?!

I don’t appreciate being talked down to either. Learn some respect.

Are you going to report everyone or maybe just me because your little
do-gooder spiel doesn’t work on me? Happy Karening.
Message 968 of 1,066
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The new when we get paid rules from February.

You are right that theres a ton of others doing it, they come on here moaning about the new changes that should not even apply to them and with all sorts of excuses of why they are trading on private accounts. 

That poster was trying to help you as you did not seem to know you were doing wrong, not talking down to you. 

Message 969 of 1,066
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The new when we get paid rules from February.

Thank you - exactly the case ...

Message 970 of 1,066
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The new when we get paid rules from February.

'By law I don’t have to use a business account on eBay as long as I do my
tax return each year and keep HMRC up to date with any changes....'



Whether or not you have a business account has got nothing to do with HRMC (you're correct there; as long as you pay your taxes they're happy)

Even ebay, up until now, hasn't really cared. (they *should* care, but they're only just getting around to worrying about it now!)


But it's neither of them, or you, or us who decides who needs a business account or not.

It's UK Consumer Law.

And they say you do.




'I also do not resell, which you can see for yourself on my profile..'



You don't have to 're-sell' to trade as a business. The definitions of trading/being a business also include making  (or growing) things to sell.

And you're making stuff to sell.



Sorry to be so blunt, but legalities never bog themselves down with pleasantries.......

Message 971 of 1,066
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The new when we get paid rules from February.

I’m not doing wrong though. I am a private seller. But I am also a sole trader. A business account doesn’t work for me so I don’t have one. That’s my right and my choice. I’m not replying anymore or reading replies because it’s a waste of my time. Have a good one! 

Message 972 of 1,066
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The new when we get paid rules from February.

@third.depth_3d.prints wrote:

I’m not doing wrong though. I am a private seller. But I am also a sole trader. A business account doesn’t work for me so I don’t have one. That’s my right and my choice. I’m not replying anymore or reading replies because it’s a waste of my time. Have a good one! 

Lets face it, a business account does not work for you as you would have to pay fees, the same as all the others doing it. You may not like it, but you are doing wrong. 

Message 973 of 1,066
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The new when we get paid rules from February.

You really don't seem to understand 😮. It's not a case of what works for you - I suggest that you actually read my post above and go search HMRC. The fact that you are a sole trader means you are a business seller and you need to comply with ebay's terms and UK law - not your right and your choice

Message 974 of 1,066
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The new when we get paid rules from February.

The clue is in your own admission that you are a sole trader. I'm buying less and less in eBay, one of the main reasons is the work involved with actively trying to avoid buying from business sellers masquerading as private sellers.  

Message 975 of 1,066
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The new when we get paid rules from February.

you forgot option 4 - just keep on plodding on!  I am in that catergory (until SD comes in).  I will not pay extra for tracked delivery on a small value item, i will not go on a business account and i will not stop using e bay.  So i have to wait a while for my money but so far it has been coming through in the time scale they said.

Message 976 of 1,066
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The new when we get paid rules from February.

so why sell on it if you dislike it so much?  

Message 977 of 1,066
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The new when we get paid rules from February.

of course you will agree, you are both pseudo private sellers and it is your type that are making the most whining, moaning complaints about the changes.  Do not like them then you know what to do!

Message 978 of 1,066
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The new when we get paid rules from February.

and what is worse, coming on here and whining!

Message 979 of 1,066
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The new when we get paid rules from February.

same here, i actually do actively look at what other items they sell before i buy from people, must admit that it has only since i came on this site and realised just how many there were.  Even if they were cheaper i would not buy from one.

Message 980 of 1,066
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