The new when we get paid rules from February.

Ebay was always heavily weighted in favour of the Buyers, but this new mad rule thats coming in next month about having to wait two days after delivery is confirmed to get paid is simply beyond the pale.


And sometimes delivery conformation never comes, apparently in that situation we have to wait 14 days to get our money.  


This is disgusting and completely nuts. A self-destructive move from Ebay.

Message 1 of 1,066
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1,065 REPLIES 1,065

Re: The new when we get paid rules from February.

Self ended items don't show in completed listings.

Message 921 of 1,066
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Re: The new when we get paid rules from February.

So how come I have seen a banner that says 'this item has been ended by the seller because it is no longer available' on completed items?

Message 922 of 1,066
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Re: The new when we get paid rules from February.

You can still view ended items but they don't show in completed listings

Message 923 of 1,066
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Re: The new when we get paid rules from February.

Well we will be able to confirm who is right when the poster in question's listings drop from 47, which is where I think they were two days ago.

Message 924 of 1,066
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Re: The new when we get paid rules from February.

I ended 22 items. I mean, my brother in law won't be pleased because some of those were for him, but you know what, ebay just isn't the place to sell anymore so he can get over it. What I learned is that the company isn't one I care to engage with, and since posting here, with how the ebay-centric folk have been, my remaining on ebay with people like them isn't going to happen. It's like asking if I'm sure I ended the items, how entitled is that? This is not a healthy place to be.

Message 925 of 1,066
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Re: The new when we get paid rules from February.

If you no longer want to sell on the site, that is fine.

However, I don't understand why you keep reading replies and posting on the forum.

You have 'contributed' dozens of posts to this thread, and I assume read an equal number of responses, while you clearly consider some of the respondents aggressive and abusive. (Your words, not mine,)

Here is an idea.

Walk away from Ebay.  Nobody HAS to sell on Ebay.

And, even better for you, walk away from the forum.  Find something constructive, useful, pleasant even, to do with your time.

Life is short.

Don't spend it getting irate about Ebay.  It's just Ebay.

"There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
Søren Kierkegaard, Danish philosopher (1813 - 1855)
Message 927 of 1,066
See Most Recent

Re: The new when we get paid rules from February.

I've ended 22 of mine, de ja vu, and will be ending more in the coming days, solely because of ebay's new measures. Have an excellent day y'all.

Message 928 of 1,066
See Most Recent

Re: The new when we get paid rules from February.

Anyone who has been on these boards for a decent length of time knows that customer services often give incorrect information.


However, there have recently been some claims of customer services giving out incorrect information which is so wildly inaccurate that it simply can not be believed. Coincidentally, this wacky information fits the agenda of the person posting here, with their wild and wacky claims.


One of two things is happening here:


Either - CS is just telling people what they want to hear (callers don't always want a solution, sometimes they just want their theories confirmed)


Or - Posters are simply inventing conversations with CS, with confidence that they will be believed because of CS's poor reputation.


I suspect it's around 50/50. CS's reputation is deserved, to a large extent, but that doesn't give people the right to make things up to score points on a forum. Some of the statements made recently on this thread and others, are just too stupid to be believed by any right-thinking individual.

Message 929 of 1,066
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Re: The new when we get paid rules from February.

"'this item has been ended by the seller because it is no longer available'"


Anyone using Ebay for more than 6 months will probably have learnt not to believe what they make up.

As an example, for most of last year sellers were removing their items when a seller fee promo ended and relisting them when they got a new one. 'No longer available' is often a temporary thing.

Message 930 of 1,066
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Re: The new when we get paid rules from February.

Given the 1984 nature of these boards, (where's Winston when you need him) let me simply demonstrate again with a few links items closed because frankly it's a bit strange for someone to take so much interest in my listings that they think they know better than I do how many items I have listed, how many I ended and what they believe I'm not being honest about. So here's three listings I ended, there are more, obviously, and no, not point scoring, but frankly just demonstrating a fact or two.


Dragon 1/35 Sd.Kfz.251/16 Ausf.C with 14mm Flammpanzerwagen DRA6864 Model Kit | eBay



Message 931 of 1,066
See Most Recent

Re: The new when we get paid rules from February.

Well, when I went to end the items, it didn't ask me why, as it used to, it just ended them. Over the last three years I have never ended an item, temporarily or not. These items are ended, are not being relisted, and that's that. If people want to say I'm not being honest, be my guest. I'll be frank, posting here has been a genuine eye-opener. I mean, wow.

Message 932 of 1,066
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Re: The new when we get paid rules from February.

No, Ebay never asked you why you ended an item. It told you why you did.

Message 933 of 1,066
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Re: The new when we get paid rules from February.

You know what, I could be wrong, as I said, I've never ended an item on ebay. Have an excellent day 🙂

Message 934 of 1,066
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Re: The new when we get paid rules from February.

I feel your pain. Unfortunately there are a number of sellers who don't
understand what this forum is and use it as a tool to snoop around accounts
and then discuss their buisness on a public forum, naughty.

I like you am going to end my listings, the one's that are hidden by eBay
as they've had no views and are now for sale on another platform. The
snoops here can stick their sticky beaks in but let's see what happens if
they dare come back here to challenge me or details of my account. Good
luck with your future selling.
Message 935 of 1,066
See Most Recent

Re: The new when we get paid rules from February.

Thanks, people do what they do. I would no more change what they do any more than I'd change what I do. After all, we all show who we are in what we do and say. What I have noticed is a lot of people who look briefly at the sort of items people sell and look no further. They don't look at the descriptions, which have details about the items, they never wonder if, like I do, someone is selling items on behalf of other people. They make spot judgements, draw conclusions and that's who they are. As I said, I do me, they do them.


Most of the stuff I have listed will simply go back to whoever for them to deal with, (some family members will be getting a box or two) while the rest will stay packed up and be inherited by folk when I pop-off, just a few more things for them to sort out when I die. I'd rather have spent the cash myself but will just dip into savings instead. But not to spend on ebay. Anyway, good luck with your listings too, wherever they end up.  Hope you have a good weekend.

Message 936 of 1,066
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Re: The new when we get paid rules from February.

The only time I end an item is either if I have none left or I put it on too see what response I got and at no response have taken it off again after 3 months 

Message 937 of 1,066
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Re: The new when we get paid rules from February.

I just come across things that I've ended up with more than one of, (usually gifts because when you're a builder/collector like me people don't know what to get or what you have) extra from projects that didn't work out or I have no space for or that people ask me to sell. I then put them on ebay and leave them there until they've sold. Some of the items I took down have been there since I set up the account years ago. Occasionally something sells, but if not no problem. That's why I never ended them until now, but with how ebay has gone, there seemed little point keeping them on. Never mind, as I said, will be someone else's problem soon enough 🙂

Message 938 of 1,066
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Re: The new when we get paid rules from February.

Everything i send now is minimum tracked 24 .. However Ebay haven't thought about item retention . I.e the buyer informs RM , when to deliver their parcel ..Meaning having to wait even longer for payment. 

Message 939 of 1,066
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Re: The new when we get paid rules from February.

I bet you they have thought of that. I'll also bet you that they know Tracked 24 falls under Royal Mails umbrella programme where they allow 10 working days for delivery after an item enters their network. That's why they say delivery is an "aim", not guaranteed.

People keep thinking this stuff is a mistake. What if it isn't? What if they are using every sneaky thing they can think of to hold onto our money for as long as possible? 

If the latter is true , things seem to be going to plan.

Message 940 of 1,066
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