Funds pending – awaiting delivery - Why has this suddenly started?



I've been using eBay for 24 years now and I have never had a 'Funds pending – awaiting delivery' show on any sale.


For some reason this has shown on three items I have sold over the past couple of days, when everything else I have sold over the past couple of months has been fine and payment has arrived as usual.


These are physical items, not digital, and I've been selling for 24 years, so why all of a sudden is this a thing?





Message 1 of 256
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255 REPLIES 255

Funds pending – awaiting delivery - Why has this suddenly started?

Talking of logic........i am agoraphobic 😞   My son this morning comes out with "i want to take you (and his stepfather Glyn)  on holiday as a treat ".   Basically we dont see him very much.      I am like where you thinking of going then?   Response.......Australia?        Oh dear !!!

Message 201 of 256
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Funds pending – awaiting delivery - Why has this suddenly started?

I go to Australia a lot to visit family.  Flights are a trial, the country seems huge when you realise that 6 hours of the flight is over Australia,  but once you land it's just like anywhere else (that has kangaroos and other weird animals!)

Message 202 of 256
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Funds pending – awaiting delivery - Why has this suddenly started?

The medication i take to get me out and about is banned in Australia 😞

Message 203 of 256
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Funds pending – awaiting delivery - Why has this suddenly started?

An awkward one to reply to. I suppose it could be some kind of "intervention" or possibly a guilt release.

Must admit, I'm glad I don't suffer from that one. That's the only thing that keeps me sane/relatively sane/1/8 same. I love being away from other people, just for the peace.

Message 204 of 256
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Funds pending – awaiting delivery - Why has this suddenly started?

ha ha Scotland it is for you then 🙂

Message 205 of 256
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Funds pending – awaiting delivery - Why has this suddenly started?

Yes, that's my short term aim unless I win the lottery and then it will probably be Canada, Chile or Mongolia instead. Maybe all 3 at different times. 

Message 206 of 256
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Funds pending – awaiting delivery - Why has this suddenly started?

Just to update - my pending funds have now cleared (delivered and logged on ebay as delivered 15th and 16th Feb respectively), so after the expected 2-day post delivery wait for funds to appear, it actually took 4 and 3 days longer than ebay advertised. I've already withdrawn the funds immediately and deleted my watchlist of the items I'd been planning to buy. I'm sticking to my principles and no longer buying on ebay, I feel its the only way to try and impact ebays recent decision making to influence them to reconsider  and re-evaluate. If they don't that's up to them, but I wish all sellers and buyers good luck moving forward, as I for one will no longer buy on here as it is no longer a platform I have any trust in.


I hope others who were waiting for their funds have had similar success now too.

Message 207 of 256
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Funds pending – awaiting delivery - Why has this suddenly started?

Just sold my first item and i have this message. I have the buyer coming to pick up tomorrow, should i mark it as collected and expect to receive funds?


Seems like this is a new process.



Message 208 of 256
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Funds pending – awaiting delivery - Why has this suddenly started?

If the buyer is coming to pick up , they *must* bring their 'collection number' with them.  (don't give the item away without getting that number)

You enter the collection number (it's a 6 figure number) into you sales page and you *should* have the money released after 2 days (?).  I think.  But things have been a bit weird with this new system settling in.

Message 209 of 256
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Funds pending – awaiting delivery - Why has this suddenly started?

I was about to just give it away haha! I will let the buyer know. 

Thank you.



Message 210 of 256
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Funds pending – awaiting delivery - Why has this suddenly started?

but it does fill in a gap before i go out for lunch!   Plenty of light entertainment on here.

Message 211 of 256
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Funds pending – awaiting delivery - Why has this suddenly started?

In theory i have to agree with you. 

However the  change becomes an issue, when there's no confirmation of delivery!

The reasons could be numerous,,,,,administrative errors, incompetence by the delivery service,,,what ever. The knock on effect is, EBAY  REFUSE TO RELEASE THE FUNDS UNTIL DELIVERY HAS BEEN CONFIRMED!

Ebay users even phoning ebay to confirm that the item has been delivered and positive feedback has been recorded, STILL REFUSE to release the funds.

Which confirms the feedback system isn't monitored by ebay, and therefore is utterly useless in them recognising and taking instant action against rogue traders.

But this latest change to payments,,,stinks of greed from ebay!

You can't argue that ebays belligerent attitude to the scenario above, is correct. Why should we the seller, be made 100% susceptible to not getting paid instantly?

Message 212 of 256
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Funds pending – awaiting delivery - Why has this suddenly started?

It’s not fair in my opinion 

this new payment system 


made two sales 

buyers have received 

left two good feedbacks 

on their items received 

and I have not been paid 

for the two sales for over 7 days 


and worst of all it’s saying on

these two sale 

payments pending waiting 

for delivery confirmation 

and the items have been received 

owing to the two feedbacks 


there was no tracking but I 

bought labels of eBay so surely 

ebay would now by feedbacks on these two items have been delivered 

because buyers I believe cannot 

confirm delivery!


buyers received items paid 

seller waiting over a week 

maybe weeks ahead to receive 

payments ) very frustrating for the seller 

I hope eBay go back to just sending the sellers they money 

As before keeping all receipts of postages for months now just incase ! I don’t get paid waiting weeks to get paid when you have already posted out is not good also I’ve noticed you’re getting paid in part payments and having always payments to be paid outstanding! My opinion only maybe it’s me but you’re money of goods you’ve sold is never totally cleared 

Message 213 of 256
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Funds pending – awaiting delivery - Why has this suddenly started?

My opinion only 

I will not be doing cheap post charging 

all post sent out will have to be tracked! And that service is more 

charging on post deliveries 

and more on customer’s purchases it’s seems to me

this is the only way to get paid 

a bit quickly otherwise no tracking seems to put on 

waiting pending delivery!

even when a buyer has already 

received purchase that’s with 

postage with No tracking!! 

Cannot understand this 

you got the feeling you not 

going to receive your payment 

when it could take weeks to get funds of eBay specially 

when the buyer as received already) I’ll keep selling but if it 

gets delayed for weeks on end 

maybe not worth staying on eBay ! you money never all yours ebay always have some of your payments that’s only my opinion 

I’ll try only tracking post ! see if that is more quicker to get payments received if I think hard may stop selling on eBay 

Message 214 of 256
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Funds pending – awaiting delivery - Why has this suddenly started?

I am also experiencing this after 14 years selling. My funds are on hold yet items have been sent tracked delivered and positive feedback received. Ebay appears to want to loose sellers as I am about to give them up! They are withholding several hundred pounds of my money - I wonder if happy buyers know their funds are being effectively "stolen" by ebay!

Message 215 of 256
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Funds pending – awaiting delivery - Why has this suddenly started?

Thinking on the same level 

may leave cannot keep being 

paid in part payments 

you sales ie money is never 

fully yours! EBay are always holding your sales ie payments 

Message 216 of 256
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Funds pending – awaiting delivery - Why has this suddenly started?

System is not working for me. Items sent, tracked, delivered, positive feedback received. Funds still not released 3-4 days after delivered and ebay site says not yet delivered!!! What a frace and insult to good sellers.

Message 217 of 256
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Funds pending – awaiting delivery - Why has this suddenly started?

'because buyers I believe cannot 

confirm delivery!'



Correct, there is no 'button' a buyer can push to confirm delivery.



'buyers have received 

left two good feedbacks 

on their items received 

and I have not been paid '



Positive feedback received has *never* been seen as proof of delivery by ebay. (Their reasoning is, 'it could have been left by mistake'..... yes I know that seems a bit bizarre, but it does very occasionally happen- I have seen it once myself.)




'there was no tracking but I 

bought labels of eBay so surely 

ebay would now by feedbacks on these two items have been delivered '



Untracked items will get the money released after 14 days.


BUT the money should get released after 2 days,  if the sale was for under £10.00, *and* the buyer left pos feedback .......

(yes, bit of a climb-down from ebay there!  I think they've done their calculations, and worked out the odds of 'mistake feedback' and non-delivery happening on the same item are very, very small. So they can afford to throw this tiny little concession out to private sellers....)


Ebay are trying to claw money back from private sellers (after getting rid of sellers fees) in various ways.

Keeping hold of payments for as long as they can, earns them interest!








Message 218 of 256
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Funds pending – awaiting delivery - Why has this suddenly started?

That wouldn't surprise me at all.  Ebay has a habit of waiting for private sellers to have made a sale and only then springing a demand to re-verify something or photo I.D on them.  With the accompanying message "Your payments are on Hold until you comply".


If, as a private seller, you're lucky enough to get regular sales 🤣 , going forward you'll always have funds they can hold hostage.


Private sellers need to be careful about leaving money in their ebay wallet for any length of time as I doubt ebay will differentiate between funds left there from previous sales months before and those recently added when they impose a Hold.  They just freeze the whole lot.  

Ker-ching for ebay.

Message 219 of 256
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Funds pending – awaiting delivery - Why has this suddenly started?

This is not good
Get paid in part payments
Waiting weeks to get paid
When you’ve already wrapped posted paid fees etc and have to wait weeks
Iam just going to see how this goes for now !

Might stop selling on eBay
You’re money on sales
Is never fully cleared!

Sent from my iPhone
Message 220 of 256
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