Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 13.11.24 @2pm

Hi everybody!


The Community Chat will open at 2pm and will remain open until 3pm on Wednesday. After that it will be closed for further questions. Of course, we will continue to take care of answering any questions that may still be unanswered—We’ll get to everything as quickly as possible. 


Please ask your questions in the thread below. In order to be able to answer your questions as quickly as possible, we ask you to have one question per post. Of course, you can make as many posts as you like in the Chat- the more the merrier!


Our eBay Community Team is made up of kat@ebaymarco@ebay and dave@ebay. Between us, we have knowledge in Buying, Selling, Fulfilment, Payments, and the Community itself. Anything we aren’t sure on we’ll know the people who will be! Please ask us any questions you may have and we’ll do all we can to support. 


To ask your question, click Reply in the lower-right corner of this post, type your question, and click Reply between 2pm and 3pm. The community team will answer each incoming question in chronological order, and will quote the original question in each answer. 


Please note that any reply without a question to the community team or discussion replies may be removed from the chat. We want to keep on track to get through as many questions as possible. We welcome all discussion to be moved to the discussion boards. 


If you missed the weekly chat time, please ask your question in the community boards and tag us or we will be back next week with another chat! 


Many thanks,

Your eBay Community Team

Available via Email for Community-related inquiries:
Message 1 of 61
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Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 13.11.24 @2pm

Ive just found loads of people selling home made food as private sellers, if they have to register as a business seller with local authority as you say why do you allow them to trade as private sellers ?

Message 41 of 61
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Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 13.11.24 @2pm

@moldosgifts wrote:

Thank you just a simpler form because these kind of reports should not be lumped in with everything else or additional part to the list 

Im not  a techy but took me 2 hours today reporting sellers 2 hours i could have used listing things.

Hi moldosgifts, thanks for your reply.


Absolutely understandable, I will add to your feedback as well no problem. Anything else, please feel free to let us know.


Thank you,


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Message 42 of 61
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Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 13.11.24 @2pm

Order was placed at 9pm on Friday evening 8th Nov with EDD of Monday - Wednesday this week. 

Item was dispatched Monday and delivered today.


My order cut off is 2pm Monday to Friday


I have brought this up like many others but nothing gets done or any response from shipping team. 

Message 43 of 61
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Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 13.11.24 @2pm

Not changedwhen i was reporting earlier today still the same form i used over 2 months ago and every day since. I am reporting the actual seller rather than just the listings. I do find that the better route although they will still be there in another month and i do report sellers as i find them.

Message 44 of 61
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Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 13.11.24 @2pm

Thanks Dave,


I'll do that but this is one of a number ive reported still trading as a private sellers and not paying fees and we are having to compete with them which is not always viable.


I dont understand how ebay allow sellers who are clearly businesses to sell for free resulting in no fees for ebay and allowing them to undercut business sellers which as a result reduces ebay fees .. it makes no sense at all.

Message 45 of 61
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Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 13.11.24 @2pm


New updates and changes are always done aiming for improvement and a better user experience



Why is this not posted for possible debate prior to expending resources and costs to what ever project is selected?

Photo Feedback and the new messages set up seem prime topics which would incur a vlaue, for zilch reward to the users.


Im sorry if any spelling errors - Kat said two weeks back it was being worked on but still remains broken, unless its by  desgin?

Message 46 of 61
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Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 13.11.24 @2pm

@dwtrading2015 wrote:

Despite meeting all of the requirements to receive a top rated seller 10% fee discount, I still do not receive it.  Even if a quirk in the rules has prevented this over the last year or two (no rule has been found so far by any CS I've talked too), that cannot be true of the last couple of weeks as three seperate CS agents have verified I should get the discount, the matter has been escalated twice and all promises to reply have not be honoured.  Ref 1-487207283822.  I think it is about time somebody owned this and resolved it, and that includes a histroy review of fees back to the moment the 10% discount suddenly stopped.  It's in my contract with eBay!

Hi @dwtrading2015 ,


With regards to the call reference, they have advised for you to reach out to the risk team within customer support. They would be best advised to check over the details for the discount. 


Thank you,


Message 47 of 61
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Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 13.11.24 @2pm

@nutrafituk wrote:

Having been on eBay for 18 years it has become obvious that this platform allows to sell and buy illegal substances. And all of that happens despite bold claims for caring about health & safety of the members as well as making pledges to prevent unsafe goods being sold on this online platform.


The reality is different. A quick search returns plenty of these items being available for purchase. eBay takes pride in their tools, eg. search engine, AI or agents and teams who are apparently so-called experts in their fields. The fact is there is very little done or nothing at all.


Here’s an example: yesterday we reported a product (sports supplements) containing illegal substance – offered by 5 different sellers. That brilliant Safety Team removed only one listing and stated that there was no policy breach when it came to the other four listings. That is quite astonishing as that was the same product, with text & picture evidence including the illegal substance even listed in the Item Specifics. Not enough, eBay allowed to list this item to start with, but also refused to remove it upon our report. We contacted an agent afterwards to make them aware of their flawed decisions just to learn that there must have been clearly no sufficient evidence to support our claims.


Here is the thing eBay: you are not asked a favour or about your opinion. You are obliged to act by law, and by failing to do so you are an active part of this sale, literally profiting from illegal sales. We asked months ago what happens with those profits, especially from sales that had been reported but never received any response, and these are 5– or 6-digit figures per year. However, what eBay did was blocking our option to receive a copy of email sent to them – again never rectified that despite requesting so.


Just to make it clear – it was not one-off. That is just a common practice, and we have endless examples of selective actions being taken by eBay. As result, eBay collects from these sales as an item is still available on the market. Most likely the price is going to only increase due to higher demand and lower offer availability (‘funnel’ effect).


The conclusion is that a regulator should have a proper look into that and get to the bottom of it. It is unheard of that an expert fails to act based on plain evidence, and it is not a gross misconduct, or no responsibility taken for lack of actions. Your case outcomes contradict each other and that is sufficient to show the case.


Moreover, every time a report is filed, and no issue is found that counts against the user who has submitted that report as per False reporting policy. So, eBay allows to sell these items at first, then refuses to act and finally penalizes a user who does their job.


Having said that, due to being constantly ignored, it is time for the regulators and other institutions to look into eBay’s approach and decision-making process. Having seen other topics that also applied to other reports.


Enough is enough. eBay - you are legally obliged to protect the public. When we take our time to report, it is expected to respect it. Please respond here and explain why you fail to follow the law.

Hi @nutrafituk 


We in no way allow traders onsite to break the law and will remove any listings that do so as soon as we are aware of them.


I can’t say why some of the listings you reported were removed and others were not, you will need to speak to customer support. They will have agents trained on the different polices and will be able to better advise you on what happened.




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Message 48 of 61
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Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 13.11.24 @2pm

@pg_kicks wrote:

First off just a request, can you please feedback to anyone possible that Michael within AG needs a raise/promotion/the keys to the office, not only did he fix and issue within 2 hours that numerous others 'worked' on for weeks but he replies to emails and calls you back when he says. I know that sounds like basic customer service but you know eBay don't normally do those. So again please report back that this man is doing more for eBay than 5 other staff members done.


Now the question, do eBay plan on making any comment on how ignored, failed, taken for granted, upset and basically annoyed its customers (business accounts) are feeling? You say you's comment on popular threads on this board but theres a few with 50/20/70+ replies and no input from eBay/staff yet threads about Royal Mail are getting replies instantly from staff. 


As a business account holder paying more than the a fair amount last year in fee's being constantly ignored or gaslit and told we are doing everything we can whilst ignoring all of the issues we highlight is not really what I come to expect, eBay never communicate with its actual customers, no other business has this level of silence when the place is a mess and broken. 


Also can you please report back that changing things that are not broken is not wanted or needed, fix the site where its broken and allowing illegal transactions before fixing stuff thats working perfectly well. 


Ps why is the spell check still broke on here?

Hi pg_kicks, thanks for your post.



Absolutely, I will make sure to pass your feedback on re Michael, I am sure he will be happy to know that it was flagged here. I will also pass on your feedback on changes/updates, that's no problem. Please note that you can also leave your feedback most of the times at the bottom of the page when changes/updates are introduced, they are also reviewed.


Regarding your question, we always pass on all your comments, experiences, and sentiment on this topic, so that is all taken into consideration. Our community is also a discussion forum for our seller/buyers or users in general, but that doesn't necessarily mean that we have to step in to discuss or justify certain points on every single discussion/threads.


Thank you,


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Message 49 of 61
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Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 13.11.24 @2pm

I dont expect you to jump in and justify anything but when you comment on Royal Mail but ignore multiple posts/threads from unhappy customers about the major issues on eBay it certainly looks at least to my eye that you as a team are either too scared to put your head above the parapet or eBay above are telling you's to ignore it. Theres major issues but the team seem happier to comment on Royal Mail than their own site, surely that looks a bit strange even to you?


All we ask (as paying customers) is some communication from eBay yet it seems we dont deserve that and you's ignore it instead talking about other companies.

Message 50 of 61
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Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 13.11.24 @2pm

@moonspender wrote:

Ive just found loads of people selling home made food as private sellers, if they have to register as a business seller with local authority as you say why do you allow them to trade as private sellers ?

Hi @moonspender 


Please report these items if you feel they are breaching any policies and they will be reviewed by the appropriate team. We don’t deal with policy breaches and I'm unaware of what the requirements are to register with the local authorities so this is not a question we can answer.




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Message 51 of 61
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Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 13.11.24 @2pm

@auctiongabble wrote:

marco@ebay  You have many  business sellers on here raising the same problems and are extremely frustrated  for 2wks or more now in a row. 

Messages from business sellers to forum members should be responded directly and not be given generic answer week after week.

Can ebay do the decent thing and engage with business sellers who are the ones finding problems with the system, users and are the ones paying ebay?


Hi auctiongabble, thanks for your reply.


We do acknowledge your comments, and we are constantly passing on your feedback on this as well. This includes comments, experiences, sentiments, and everything that you raise here. However, it'd be impossible for us to engage on every single thread regardless of the topic, but we do report everything that you raise here.


Thank you,


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Message 52 of 61
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Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 13.11.24 @2pm

" they have advised for you to reach out to the risk team within customer support"

First I havent heard of that.  It was a billing issue before and I was promised a response within 48hrs on the 8th November.  Nothing in spam, nothing in in box, no missed calls.  So I take it despite the promises that the 10% missing fee discount has been esclated, in fact it hasn't, nobody is looking into it and I am suppossed to be chasing the issue in a completely different department without being informed to do so?

Message 53 of 61
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Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 13.11.24 @2pm

Hello Dave,


thank you for your response.


We in no way allow traders onsite to break the law - you do and we are happy to share examples if needed. If an item is not allowed for sale to public in the UK and you can buy it on eBay a trader breaks the law.


and will remove any listings that do so as soon as we are aware of them -  absolutely false statement, again happy to share examples if required.


We are done with talking to eBay about that as clearly it makes no difference. It is time for the regulators to do the talking.


Message 54 of 61
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Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 13.11.24 @2pm

Thank you to the team it felt a little more productive with a few very key points raised from the members.

I will take this away and report to the apropriate teams although i cannot share any actions .


Message 55 of 61
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Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 13.11.24 @2pm

@funkybunnie-direct wrote:

Why when I report a seller (ebay only allows reporting an item that I can see) do I mostly get no response.  I have reported 40, and only response from 2 (reporting going back to early October – and no response has gone into spam/junk). And the 2 were for sellers listing multiple copies of a new item (which is repeated in other items that they sell), and the reply comes back


We looked into your report and didn’t find the listing to be in violation of out policy. Why is ebay allowing sellers not only to go against ebay policy, but also breaking UK law?

Hi @funkybunnie-direct ,


There can be thousands of listings to be reviewed at any given time on the site. Flagged listings not only come in through site reports but also auto reports and other lines of business. This means it can take time for them all to be reviewed.

We don't review listings here so I can't advise on those reported ones.

We understand the sentiment with the private accounts trading as business and the frustration with it. We cannot action accounts here but we share all your points and examples with our internal team with the aim of improving the reporting system and overall action being taken.


Thank you,


Message 56 of 61
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Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 13.11.24 @2pm

@returns_andexdisplay wrote:

Order was placed at 9pm on Friday evening 8th Nov with EDD of Monday - Wednesday this week. 

Item was dispatched Monday and delivered today.


My order cut off is 2pm Monday to Friday


I have brought this up like many others but nothing gets done or any response from shipping team. 

Thanks for confirming returns_andexdisplay, I will flag this one for you now.


As soon as I get further updates, I will let you know over here.


Thank you,


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Message 57 of 61
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Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 13.11.24 @2pm

@guymafo wrote:


Thank you for that information.

I'll be honest I was aware of all those rules and food safety regulations.

I just want eBay to apply to the 100's of home bakers that are listing baked goods without adhering to the directives and selling them to Joe Public via eBay.


If private sellers can no longer sell toys due to various new safety measures then why on earth are you allowing private sellers to sell food without being subjected to your own rules ie expiry dates, ingredients and being registered as a business seller?


In these days of food safety, increased allergy awareness I am flabbergasted that this allowed.




Hi @guymafo ,


I'll share your points about these accounts for the food policy with the relevant inhouse team for improvements.

If you are coming across accounts breaching the policy you can report them through the site for further review.


Thank you,


Message 58 of 61
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Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 13.11.24 @2pm

@pg_kicks wrote:

I dont expect you to jump in and justify anything but when you comment on Royal Mail but ignore multiple posts/threads from unhappy customers about the major issues on eBay it certainly looks at least to my eye that you as a team are either too scared to put your head above the parapet or eBay above are telling you's to ignore it. Theres major issues but the team seem happier to comment on Royal Mail than their own site, surely that looks a bit strange even to you?


All we ask (as paying customers) is some communication from eBay yet it seems we dont deserve that and you's ignore it instead talking about other companies.

Thanks for your reply, pg_kicks.


As advised before, we constantly report what you raise here, and in no case we are told to ignore your comments/post. As I said in a different reply here, it'd be impossible for us to engage on every single topic/thread regardless of the topic/discussion that might be ongoing.


Thank you,


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Message 59 of 61
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Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 13.11.24 @2pm

@dwtrading2015 wrote:

" they have advised for you to reach out to the risk team within customer support"

First I havent heard of that.  It was a billing issue before and I was promised a response within 48hrs on the 8th November.  Nothing in spam, nothing in in box, no missed calls.  So I take it despite the promises that the 10% missing fee discount has been esclated, in fact it hasn't, nobody is looking into it and I am suppossed to be chasing the issue in a completely different department without being informed to do so?

Hi @dwtrading2015 ,


I would advise to reach out to customer support to have the risk team review. There was a tech issue with transferring calls which has now been resolved so they should be able to get you to the right department.


Thank you,



Thank you,


Message 60 of 61
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About this Weekly Chat!

Welcome to the Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team! Unless otherwise noted, chats occur every Wednesday from 2pm to 3pm.

Our Community Team will be in the Chats to help with the questions.

If you have multiple questions please open a post per question so we can get back to them individually. If it's something we can't answer right away we will get back to you after the chat has finished.