Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

Hi I've just received this message contacted ebay and is being sent to everyone 


That's me I'm done no more ebay for me bye bye


We are making changes to the way we process payments on eBay. Going forward, we’ll make your funds available for payout within 48 hours after we’ve confirmed delivery of the item. Until then, you’ll see a “hold” on your funds. This process helps keep our marketplace safe.

Message 1 of 1,061
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1,060 REPLIES 1,060

Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

Yep when there figures come thru the bright spark who came up with this will be sacked me thinks share price will tumble for sure 

Message 801 of 1,061
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

Whilst in principle I agree with you, I think the Guinea Pigs may turn out to be the winning hand here. The ones that are continuing. 

If what I'm seeing in my field, which has been stable for all the years I've been collecting is any indication of platform engagement then some people/sellers are very close to being burnt, badly. 

If that happens, then the nature of this engagement probably changes against eBay.

Message 802 of 1,061
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

I've actually no idea what any of this means, can you confirm?

Message 803 of 1,061
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

That's not true, who at Ebay will be looking at feedback in such detail? No one so that is obviously not happening

Message 804 of 1,061
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

What I meant is that it looks like my area is down since the rollout started. Auctions selling significantly lower than they normally would (comparing identical items of course). If that is happening anywhere near site wide then we're probably going to start seeing the outcome from this Sunday, 7 days being the normal auction setting, at least in my field. 

Message 805 of 1,061
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

Er shareholders who might get a smaller dividend cause profits are down??? 

Message 806 of 1,061
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

Been a member 25 years and posted my last item at the start of January upon hearing the new payment system.


I really hope Ebay go bust and finally realises they have made a mistake.


Mark my words, this is going to end  badly for them and I hope they end up being sued or having to pay back millions of pounds to the people who's money they are using to profit from interest.


This is a court case in the making ...

Message 807 of 1,061
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

same here 25 years

the past year is the worst its ever been 

i sell garden power tool parts ok its seasonal for the uk and europe

but i will also remind ebay if they read this 

it is summer somewhere in the world all year round

since april last year my sales rate has been appauling at least 65% down on previous years

im guessing people dont like letting ebay deal with their money

shame ebay got rid of paypal 

worst mistake they ever made

Message 808 of 1,061
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

well my sales are down 65% from this time last year 

and thats just me 

Message 809 of 1,061
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

its always been the same old story 

always trying to better it for the shareholders

when on earth are people going to learn


Message 810 of 1,061
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

The grievance from sellers is that eBay will be intentionally holding money
for the longest period of time, not to protect sellers but to make as much
interest as possible from the private seller.

Why hasn't eBay removed the option, request immediate payment from buyer?
Wouldn't it be fair to allow sellers to request payment from buyers after
delivery? Which is basically the same as what's happening now but without
eBay hanging into the sellers money making interest.
Message 811 of 1,061
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

Whilst I don't like eBay holding my money for 14 days or so, I much prefer
it to trusting the buyer to pay when they receive the item!
Message 812 of 1,061
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

'Wouldn't it be fair to allow sellers to request payment from buyers after



 How many buyers do you think would send the money if they'd already got hold of the goods?


And how would you make the buyers who *didn't* pay, cough up?




Message 813 of 1,061
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

Most ridiculous statement I've read 😅 How you going to force a buyer to pay you when they have received their item? Honestly......

Message 814 of 1,061
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

Message 815 of 1,061
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

bigshu2 quoted eBay's announcement ending in: This process helps keep our marketplace safe.


It's obviously a misprint.


"This process helps keep our marketplace buyers'/sellers' money in our safe." There, eBay, fixed it for you.






Message 816 of 1,061
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

That's spot on!

Message 817 of 1,061
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

Feedback will be used to release funds from the end of this month


For non-tracked items, the buyer leaving positive feedback will trigger release of funds


This will be live by the end of February.


Until then, seller have to wait 14/30 days for payment when sending untracked 

Message 818 of 1,061
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

more like to collect the intrest on it 

a little added extra for the stockholders

huge rip off

just remembering that ebay has 70 million users worldwide 

thats some profit the stockholders are making

thats not just taking a few pence from each account 

which would be ample profit 

but taking a huge percentage from final sales also postage

yes they take a chunk from whatever postage you charge as well

also if you use promotions 

and now this 

("this is just pure unadulterated greed on ebays side")


Message 819 of 1,061
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

@littlethingsuneed wrote:


but taking a huge percentage from final sales also postage

yes they take a chunk from whatever postage you charge as well

 on them

Not if you are a private seller. And if you are not a private seller, as I understand it they are not holding onto payments and hence earning interest?

Message 820 of 1,061
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