Why is ebay so hard to sell on now

I remember when i first started on my first account back in 2005, it was so easy to sell things, it didn't really matter what it was, you could post it on auction and it would sell within a week or two maximum and you'd get quite a few bidders and a reasonable price, i remember when the fraud started in about 2008/09, i had a lot a lot of people buying things and saying they had never had them and you'd have to file a claim with the post office, especially people from mexico and UK buyers, i remember as i sold internationally then, i closed that down when we left the EU because i knew nobody would bid on anything due to the added customs fees, i stopped buying internationally for the same reasons, i remeber you had to start charging more for postage for things to get it tracked and signed for to reduce fraud and genunine lost parcels, everyone seemed to hate that, though i dispute most of them because everything gets a deliever confirmation these days and almost everything gets delivered, touch wood, idk when it started but it must have been in the 2010's 99p auctions became impossible as you'd be lucky to get that for a high value item, you're literally lucky to get 1 bid on an auction these days so i just ask for the price i think its worth now, what ensues is lots of waiting and dead air, then suddenly sometimes out of nowhere you get a bid, everyone says do buy it now only you do that pay fees and nobody ever buys it invariably, so i add nearest offer to my listings, it gives me a chance to check feedback of buyers and avoid the cranks, an example of this recently was some bloke offered me a pound for a £2 jigsaw, then when i checked his feedback he was buying them doing them and trying to return them constantly then opening a case saying they were incomplete and getting to keep them and selling them himself, i get so many clowns like this and i block them, then you get genuine people who offer for things then simply want them for literally nothing at that point it's like why am i even here at all, i had to end one auction for this reason and ebay charged me for it and not like 20p but like £3, when i called up about it the woman basically said it was my fault for cancelling his bid and ending the auction, despite him bidding, retracting it then bidding again, now i hear the government want ebay to report us to hmrc for selling stuff from around the house i don't want anymore, i got the distinct impression on the phone to ebay they didn't really care if you bothered selling as a small person, she was like go to a boot sale, last time i saw that near me was the 90's, ebay is my only way to sell the junk lying around my house or stuff i buy and decide not two use, now a few days ago i got a message from ebay saying we are now having to pay some new fee for everything we sell, it just feels like a huge waste of time, you put all the work in listing things only for it to sit there for months on end, I'm very lucky if i sell 3 things a week, usually nothing to 2 things, i just think everyone just buys off amazon unless its a niche item you can't get on there, ebay is a much smaller pond now, facebook marketplace is a joke in comparison, constant messages from cranky old people who say they'll come get it but never do or just dead air, i won't use it, i still prefer ebay to sell but at some point you have to ask why you even bother, i think you're better off just getting rid of what you have then being very careful what you buy because getting rid of stuff is a nightmare these days unless its a very popular item like a playstation that a lot of people want, i don't know what anyone else thinks probably the opposite based on my few posts on here over the years, almost like its full of ebay employees or something.

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Re: Why is ebay so hard to sell on now

You only have 23 pieces of feedback as a seller.

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Re: Why is ebay so hard to sell on now

Because the majority of buyers no longer bother to leave feedback.


Look at my sold listings....not that it goes back very far

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Re: Why is ebay so hard to sell on now

@theelench wrote:

I looked at it when it was new and you could opt-in and out.


I thought it was way too complicated for me as a private seller only needing the basic sort of live, sold and unsold info.  I found that the (very) old "All Selling" classic view gave me everything I needed and all on one page, due in part because I only ever had a small number of listings.  So I opted-out


Later MP was made compulsory and it was being said on here that the Seller Hub was a requirement once I sold anything as only the Hub would have "Payments" pages.  True enough as, as soon as I sold something I was put back on the Hub and the "Opt-Out" button was disabled, so I've been on it ever since.


It's just one of the things that have put me off using ebay.

snap ! - This is exactly how I feel and what happened to me ! - You could indeed switch it to classic view seller hub but as soon as I was forced to enroll on managed payments the classic seller hub option was taken away from me 😞


Given a choice I would much rather have the OLD seller hub "All selling" page back any day - Everything you could ever need as a basic private seller was available on the classic "All selling" seller hub page at a glance WITHOUT needing or having to open multiple windows/tabs just to see/access the info I need to see.


This clearly was a change by eBay intended for BUSINESS SELLERS with a degree in accounting and business studies as the average simple private  seller would not find the new seller hub with all it's bar graphs and mathsmatics jargon easy to understand nor user friendly for the average joe who probably just left school at 15/16 with just a few GCSE's in mathes and English... NOT MARKETING OR BUSINESS STUDIES !


So a simple listing setup for the private  seller without having to fill out complicated item specifics would be the way forward from this compex selling/listing page we have now which seems to have been designed with the PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS SELLER in mind but with NO THOUGHT OR ANY CONSIDERATION FOR THE BASIC PRIVATE SELLER WHO MAY BE A YOUNG TEENAGED GIRL OR AN OLD AGED PENSIONER IN THEIR 80'S WITH NO UNDERSTANDING OF, AND HOW SUCH A COMPLICATED SELLING SETUP WORKS...  


Most people just want to upload a few photos of their item, write a brief discription about what they are selling, like age, conndition etc and just click submit and be done with it... non of this  faffing around with item specifics and having to think of such complex keywords just to stay afloat and compete with the giant professional retail sellers who have the advantage of  a degree in business studies and marketing... plus many years of running a business which the average joe private seller does not have this sort of knowledge or know what to do.  

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Re: Why is ebay so hard to sell on now

Regardless i used to sell loads on here and now it's dead in comparison.

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Re: Why is ebay so hard to sell on now

Out of interest, how do you know when ebay has processed a payment and sent it to the bank?


So far as I know, the only place where that info. is shown is on the Hub, along with the details of the postage charge and break-down of fees charged.


Just as important, I use the "Order Details" on the Hub to get the buyers address.

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Re: Why is ebay so hard to sell on now

I just click on my sold orders to access the buyers address....also that page allows me to add a tracking number.  it also tells me what the estimated delivery date is.  This info is shown on my all selling home page.


I just get a message through Ebay messages saying we have today sent your payout.....X amount to your bank...usually the same day or the next morning


On my all selling page there is also a list of orders waiting to be despatched/or awaiting feedback


Basically all info is shown on my all selling home page or one click away so its very easy.

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Re: Why is ebay so hard to sell on now

Abount 3 years ago 99% of what i listed always sold.    I think i have just been a bit lucky lately.  Most items do tend to sell for the opening bid.

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Re: Why is ebay so hard to sell on now

I have nearly 30 things listed most of it will be sat there next year, read the other answers saying same thing.

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Re: Why is ebay so hard to sell on now

I am aware of what others are saying.   To be honest i could list hundreds of items but do not have the time nor patience.   I tend to list to distract myself from other serious issues going on in our life.      Would listing hundreds of items mean we would sell more......i have my doubts

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Re: Why is ebay so hard to sell on now

Amazing.   As sales have dried-up I've never used the Hub often enough to get used to it, I go from page to page, scrolling up and down, clicking on drop-downs and secondary menus, eventually I get the job done.  But what a prformance 😠

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Re: Why is ebay so hard to sell on now

i forgot to say.  On the message informing me that funds have been sent to my bank....there is also the option to click on a tab to see the full details.


As usual Ebay had something easy to use...and made it way more complicated


I have seen the seller hub and its defo not for me.

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Re: Why is ebay so hard to sell on now

Several years ago I too sold most of what I listed and I could easily list 3, 4 or 5 items in a couple of hours on Sunday morning.  Over the years sales dwindled to 1 or 2 a month, until ebay introduced its Killer Combination of Item Specifics in tandem with the removal of most of the old categories and started  pushing PR to gain "extra" visibility.


Listing takes longer and is now a tedious chore


I refuse to sponsor one-off collectable items so ebay hides my ads. under piles of others that do.


Sales last year went down to 1 a month, then to 1 every 6 to 8 weeks.  I even tried to use the re-list as Sell Similar trick to improve matters.  It did for a while but then it stopped helping and this year I (since 1 Jan.) I've sold exactly 3 items, the last one in May.


I've given up on ebay, I hardly look at my Selling pages after checking that ebay hasn't re-ticked any boxes on new listings or I get a "Sold" email.


All they tell me is everything I've listed has a queue of re-sellers waiting for me to get desperate enough to send them fire-sale offers.  That I need to add yet more IS, although I diligently fill in every box that's half-way relevant when I create my ad., and when an item doesn't sell (again), it helpfully tells me to reduce my price and (of course) sponsor my item.


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Re: Why is ebay so hard to sell on now

I m trying to get rid of stuff and I've posted 5 things at a time in the past because i can't be bothered either but then you don't even get one sale, the more i post the more chance i at least get 1-3 sales per week, we all have other issues in life.

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Re: Why is ebay so hard to sell on now

I appreciate others have other issues in life but i didnt expect to attend my sisters funeral last Tuesday at the age of 58.    Then another family member this Tuesday 😞

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Re: Why is ebay so hard to sell on now

At least you had family you cared about and cared about you, some don't even have that.

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Re: Why is ebay so hard to sell on now

I agree with your post here. When I first came on here my items all got loads of views/watchers but now I'm lucky if I get 1 or more views and most of the time I don't get any views. We shouldn't have to pay extra to promote our items in order to get views or sell something, this is all wrong and I think eBay should review this. There was nothing wrong with how it used to be. I'm lucky now if I sell the odd item.

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Re: Why is ebay so hard to sell on now

Hi, try other selling sites, I've sold ten items in 2 days on Vinted, ebay just tok time consuming these days. Good luck. 

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Re: Why is ebay so hard to sell on now



...Because eBay are not showing people searching ALL of your listings.


Some of my items have been up on eBay since Friday 23rd August 2024 >>> It's now Saturday 31st August 2024 and they are all on ZERO VIEWS except for 4 items... so ONLY 4 items are getting seen but the others area all GHOSTED ??


Nice one eBay. Thank you for WASTING my time selling on your platform 😞




Message 78 of 125
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Re: Why is ebay so hard to sell on now

I came back to ebay last year after a few years off because I'm downsizing and have a lot of stuff to clear. For me the change from a few years ago is dramatic. While some of this is no doubt due to outside influences - market changes, economy, other selling platforms and the like - I'm repeatedly getting few or no views for items that have a following and would previously have created a lot of interest.


I went into some of (what I see as) the wider issues in another post, but it's difficult to see that the problem is entirely outside ebay, and a good business should be finding was to overcome those issues. Like others, I have to conclude that ebay just isn't getting my listings in front of potential buyers and that's due to detrimental changes to platform and search.

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Re: Why is ebay so hard to sell on now

What is CASSINI?

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