Why is ebay so hard to sell on now

I remember when i first started on my first account back in 2005, it was so easy to sell things, it didn't really matter what it was, you could post it on auction and it would sell within a week or two maximum and you'd get quite a few bidders and a reasonable price, i remember when the fraud started in about 2008/09, i had a lot a lot of people buying things and saying they had never had them and you'd have to file a claim with the post office, especially people from mexico and UK buyers, i remember as i sold internationally then, i closed that down when we left the EU because i knew nobody would bid on anything due to the added customs fees, i stopped buying internationally for the same reasons, i remeber you had to start charging more for postage for things to get it tracked and signed for to reduce fraud and genunine lost parcels, everyone seemed to hate that, though i dispute most of them because everything gets a deliever confirmation these days and almost everything gets delivered, touch wood, idk when it started but it must have been in the 2010's 99p auctions became impossible as you'd be lucky to get that for a high value item, you're literally lucky to get 1 bid on an auction these days so i just ask for the price i think its worth now, what ensues is lots of waiting and dead air, then suddenly sometimes out of nowhere you get a bid, everyone says do buy it now only you do that pay fees and nobody ever buys it invariably, so i add nearest offer to my listings, it gives me a chance to check feedback of buyers and avoid the cranks, an example of this recently was some bloke offered me a pound for a £2 jigsaw, then when i checked his feedback he was buying them doing them and trying to return them constantly then opening a case saying they were incomplete and getting to keep them and selling them himself, i get so many clowns like this and i block them, then you get genuine people who offer for things then simply want them for literally nothing at that point it's like why am i even here at all, i had to end one auction for this reason and ebay charged me for it and not like 20p but like £3, when i called up about it the woman basically said it was my fault for cancelling his bid and ending the auction, despite him bidding, retracting it then bidding again, now i hear the government want ebay to report us to hmrc for selling stuff from around the house i don't want anymore, i got the distinct impression on the phone to ebay they didn't really care if you bothered selling as a small person, she was like go to a boot sale, last time i saw that near me was the 90's, ebay is my only way to sell the junk lying around my house or stuff i buy and decide not two use, now a few days ago i got a message from ebay saying we are now having to pay some new fee for everything we sell, it just feels like a huge waste of time, you put all the work in listing things only for it to sit there for months on end, I'm very lucky if i sell 3 things a week, usually nothing to 2 things, i just think everyone just buys off amazon unless its a niche item you can't get on there, ebay is a much smaller pond now, facebook marketplace is a joke in comparison, constant messages from cranky old people who say they'll come get it but never do or just dead air, i won't use it, i still prefer ebay to sell but at some point you have to ask why you even bother, i think you're better off just getting rid of what you have then being very careful what you buy because getting rid of stuff is a nightmare these days unless its a very popular item like a playstation that a lot of people want, i don't know what anyone else thinks probably the opposite based on my few posts on here over the years, almost like its full of ebay employees or something.

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Why is ebay so hard to sell on now

@1956glyn wrote:

I just had a thought....do you not have a few other different items to list from around home?


If you need extra funds see what else you have to sell lying about.  

I suspect my account has somehow been limited.  I did try selling other stuff  a couple of weeks ago and it was just the same story as with the locks - 7 days later 2 views and 1 watcher and that's it - NOTHING.


The only way I am ever going to get anywhere is to give up selling on eBay and go to another site where I am not singled out and no one who works there has a grudge. 

Message 101 of 125
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Why is ebay so hard to sell on now

Good luck with whatever you choose to do in future.  I hope you find something that works for you.


I am now giving up responding on the community boards full stop.

Message 102 of 125
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Why is ebay so hard to sell on now

Thanks 🙂


All the very best of luck too.

Message 103 of 125
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Why is ebay so hard to sell on now

@kath3735_wxmjn wrote:

or it could be said why do you just not close your account and leave the site if it is so 'corrupt' etc?   I really do not understand someone with so much venom staying somewhere they hate!  It may not be perfect in so many ways but it is what it is and the only way changes would be made if those unhappy with it left instead of just whining on here.

I would guess that, like myself and so many others who keep trying to sell on ebay, we mostly keep banging our heads against a brick-wall because there isn't much of an alternative (at least not without time, effort, patience and a lot of luck) for our type of goods. 


For the past few years, although I've become progressively more disillusioned with ebay, I've persevered in the hope that things might get better again (they've only got worse with every change) and I've been able to put fliers in with the shrinking number of items I sell.


The hope for better days to come, has gone.  Even the number of fliers has shrunk to a level that it isn't worth the effort.  My days on ebay are definitely numbered.  I'll just have to concentrate on another site where I can sell nearly 10x the number of items I'm allowed to on ebay, at less than half the cost.  Proving to me that my stuff isn't "out of fashion" or unwanted junk, when buyers can find it, it sells -- regularly.  Something that apparently ebay, with all its (alleged) millions of buyers, vast resources and continuously 'improving' Buyer Experience cannot now emulate or even come close to.

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Why is ebay so hard to sell on now



I started in 2012, selling a few bits and pieces of Bakelite I'd picked up over the years but had lost interest in.

They flew out at unbelievable prices.  


Until ebay stopped telling me how many items I'd sold and the total money I'd earned a few years ago, I had still made over half my total sales in the first two years.


2020 / 21 (The years of Covid lockdowns) the decline in sales really set-in.  My guess is that people sitting at home had a lot more time to compare ebay with other sites.  That's when my sales on the other site took-off and from single figures a year into the 20s.  They've stayed at that level, on ebay the only direction is down.


Just a coincidence that the time-line is so similar?  Or ebay changes that have pushed sales in the same direction?

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Why is ebay so hard to sell on now

I've just decided to do my jigsaws and give most of them away to the charity shops, selling them on here is ridiculously slow and i just can't be bothered to constantly relist them every ten days for little to no return.

Message 106 of 125
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Why is ebay so hard to sell on now

Ebay have pretty much lost me, the last straw was being charged again for ending an item on here with a bid because it sold on vinted first, they treat you like a naughty child when you call up, I'm finding vinted slightly better but not much better, people just seem to constantly favourite things but never buy, then you get ridiculous offers from people almost exclusively in the south east or with foreign sounding names, i live in a tiny town in the north east of england and people in london want a 40% off.

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Why is ebay so hard to sell on now

car boots are just the same and i live in the north!   I think too many people watch Bargain Hunt and see the sellers giving massive discounts and think it is real life and not just a set up situation for a tv programme.  I have nothing about someone wanting a bit off but when they offer you a £1 for a £5 item it gets annoying and then have the cheek to go away muttering....  Not just foreigners either!

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Why is ebay so hard to sell on now

I can't believe people still watch bargain hunt or the BBC in this day and age, boomers i guess who has the best of everything and are used to getting everything they ever wanted or needed, i spent all day yesterday rejecting bids of £15 for a £25 coat on vinted, some cockney had the gaul to complain i wouldn't offer a discount, evertime i fly out of Newcastle airport i pay double what they do to fly out of london, that's this country all over though.

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Why is ebay so hard to sell on now

Ebay has been doing that for some years and I must admit I can see why.  Ebay has found a buyer (or at least a bidder) and if it hadn't sold elsewhere they would be entitled to their FVF.


A tip.  Selling on two sites, I never run an auction on either site if the item is listed on both.  If the item is BIN on both sites, whichever sells first you can delete the other without penalty  😉

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Why is ebay so hard to sell on now

I'm not paying the fee for buy it now for something to sit there for 30 days and not sell, that's what used to happpen.

Message 111 of 125
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Why is ebay so hard to sell on now

...on eBay now... all you have to do is just sneeze once and they'll charge you a fee !



Message 112 of 125
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Why is ebay so hard to sell on now

You'd think all the fees they have had out my sales since 2005 till today would be sufficient.

Message 113 of 125
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Why is ebay so hard to sell on now

They always want more and more money... I wouldn't mind if the service and site was improved but all the changes they keep on making are never once for the better... no sales and pay to promote your liisting only to still get no sales... is hardly encouraging...   

Message 114 of 125
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Why is ebay so hard to sell on now

The whole point of the place is to buy and sell if it's difficult to make a sale for whatever reason it loses its purpose completely that the bottom line for me, vinted is no different, full of blaggers wanting things for nothing.

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Why is ebay so hard to sell on now

Sadly, It's come to this because the cost of living keeps on rising and most people are now having to tighten their budget and only buy the things they need... or if it's something they really want, they want to obtain it "as cheap as possible"... but that's all well and good if you are able to afford to "let it go for cheap" but with all the heavy fees eBay and other online selling platforms are now charging just to "sell your item" it becomes pointless selling anything "cheap" as by time the fees and postage costs are all paid you are basically left with nothing...



Message 116 of 125
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Why is ebay so hard to sell on now

You wrong.

This regulations is for both private / business.

Message 117 of 125
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Why is ebay so hard to sell on now

Why is ebay so hard to sell on now

Oversupply of products. Industrial sellers that can sell items seemingly on fractional margins so can offer items at ridiculously cheap bordering unprofitable prices. A reduced pool of buyers as demogaphics changes. Changing buyer habits. A recessionary environment. The financial collapse of the west. The large number of unscrupulous buyers and sellers. The primary reason among the above is IMHO the hedge fund owned sellers selling items at ridiculously low prices.

Message 119 of 125
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Why is ebay so hard to sell on now

Not applicable

Am fed up of the huge fees 

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