The new when we get paid rules from February.

Ebay was always heavily weighted in favour of the Buyers, but this new mad rule thats coming in next month about having to wait two days after delivery is confirmed to get paid is simply beyond the pale.


And sometimes delivery conformation never comes, apparently in that situation we have to wait 14 days to get our money.  


This is disgusting and completely nuts. A self-destructive move from Ebay.

Message 1 of 1,066
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1,065 REPLIES 1,065

The new when we get paid rules from February.

"And here's the joy - if we maximise our sales on ebay we're likely to buy more on ebay, including off business sellers. Everyone wins! I do wish people would understand this. Many private sellers are just collectors 'off the scale' who just recycle their money"


That's it, in a nutshell. When I was selling I wasn't making any bloody money because I was just buying different things instead. 

& even if we don't win auctions we are still forcing the price up, benefitting sellers. But once we stop things start to slide, rapidly.

Message 1021 of 1,066
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The new when we get paid rules from February.

I am totally in agreement with you. I don't have any issue with genuine private sellers. I don't even have an issue with genuine private sellers having no selling fees, and have often said so on these forums.  As you say, those sellers are often the buyers that spend on ebay, so it's win win for all. Except there are thousands of sellers claiming to be private sellers who are not (and moaning about the new rules which should have no effect on them). At the end of the day ebay is a business. Ebay would have made far more money from making those sellers register correctly than they will from the new rules and fees. 

Message 1022 of 1,066
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The new when we get paid rules from February.

Oh yes! I forgot about the price I pushed up for others to pay!


I'd like business sellers to be able to block private sellers from buying items off them if the private seller has, perhaps, just arbitrary figures you understand, 10% or more of the ebay revenue of the business seller; after all if business sellers are that grudgeful then I think they need to decline the trade from perceived ill-gotten gains. 


Obviously not a credible idea, I don't really mean that, just illustrating the point. But if they could then how many would? 

Message 1023 of 1,066
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The new when we get paid rules from February.

Yup, one of my all-time favourite records cost just 25p. I can't even imagine what the 'profit margin' is on that today? Certainly nothing that a business seller could compete with.

Actually, scratch all that because there is no way I am going to sell it!


I agree, Ebay should be ENCOURAGING sales instead of doing the complete opposite. I've suggested that before.


And I've done my share of collecting on Ebay. It's such a shame they've made it that much harder now. ☹️

Message 1024 of 1,066
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The new when we get paid rules from February.

"Ebay would have made far more money from making those sellers register correctly than they will from the new rules and fees."


Doesn't it make you wonder why Ebay is not remotely interested in doing that though? Maybe, like everything else, the effort has been outsourced? Apparently, to its users.

Message 1025 of 1,066
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The new when we get paid rules from February.

"Oh yes! I forgot about the price I pushed up for others to pay!"


Not sure which way you meant that but that's the nature of auctions. If I win, I buy. It's not a devious plan to hurt someone else's pocket.

But I do have "my price".


& I doubt any in my area would. They take/make money any which way it comes. One of my first "lessons" came from the biggest dealer in my arena. Bought an auction from me on the cheap and then split and sold everything separately. Made about 5 times what he paid me.

So that was my last auction. 



Message 1026 of 1,066
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The new when we get paid rules from February.

"People who are selling personal possessions are not running a business (ie something bought years ago without the intention of selling it for a 'profit')"


To be fair, you may indeed have bought something years ago with the sole intention of making a profit and there's nothing wrong with that either. It's called an investment. This probably dates back to the dawn of 'stuff'. Or at least to the dawn of collectables.

Message 1027 of 1,066
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The new when we get paid rules from February.

"Not sure which way you meant that " - always nicely. 😊 This is a discussion forum and there's no place for hostility. 

Message 1028 of 1,066
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The new when we get paid rules from February.

It regularly annoyed me that auctions would almost always sell for 50p more than whatever my highest bid was.

Message 1029 of 1,066
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The new when we get paid rules from February.

I was really peeved yesterday. One of my favourite models sold but because I'm not selling I didn't bid that high. I lost and worse still was it ended up being around £20 cheaper than the cheapest I'd got before.

So I was a miserable, grumpy bar steward for around an hour afterwards.

I felt sorry for the seller. 2 months ago they'd have been looking at around £80, yesterday just under £44 +BPF & post.

Message 1030 of 1,066
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The new when we get paid rules from February.

"the issue of is a particular private seller really a business"


I think that is a separate issue (which of course needs to be resolved).


The question is... are the ASA regulations applicable to Private sales or not?

Message 1031 of 1,066
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The new when we get paid rules from February.

Yes, I missed out on an auction too but for a rare toy car so no idea of the 'correct' value.

With my seller's hat on it does feel like a buyers' market out there at the moment. IF you can find a buyer, that is.

Maybe those new prices you're seeing are the new reality, if only Ebay's local equivalent of reality?

Message 1032 of 1,066
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The new when we get paid rules from February.

I'd say they definitely are in my arena, but only on eBay. Elsewhere the markets are still stable.


From what I've seen over the last few weeks I wouldn't be surprised if the big 3 dealers in my arena end up using here to buy and then sell on their own sites or Amazon instead.


Buy cheap, sell high.




Message 1033 of 1,066
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The new when we get paid rules from February.

Can you provide proof the link hasn't been turned off? No. I've sold 18
items tracked since these rules started. Not 1 of the 18 have been recorded
as delivered on eBay & all showing delivered on track & trace. 99% of my
deliveries using the same service were showing delivered & now 100% show
merely as dispatched. Why is this? Why are myself & thousands of sellers
seeing this suddenly happen? And why is it not being rectified if it hasn't
been intentionally turned off? Who benefits from holding £440 of my money
for weeks ? eBay benefit by making huge interest from my money in their
accounts for weeks. So is it not a theory when considering who gains
Message 1034 of 1,066
See Most Recent

The new when we get paid rules from February.

Think about what you're saying. If the link had been turned off it would be turned off for everyone.

Or do you think they just turned it off for you?

Or certain users, not everyone.



Message 1035 of 1,066
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The new when we get paid rules from February.

"I wouldn't be surprised if the big 3 dealers in my arena end up using here to buy and then sell on their own sites or Amazon instead"


Best keep that quiet. Otherwise the BPFs may increase even further, say from 72p to around £15 per item? 😉

Message 1036 of 1,066
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The new when we get paid rules from February.

This link explains the question I came to the boards to ask. I have noticed that items that are getting relisted after they have ended have got a higher starting bid than before. I now presume this is because of the 'buyer protection' although I will have to check when the next one does it as I don't remember seeing any 'note' about the fact on the listings themselves. I have seen listings with the information on  them, just not the ones from my own watch list. Thanks for the information. 😊

Message 1037 of 1,066
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The new when we get paid rules from February.


The market will die if that starts happening. Alot of private sellers will simply pull their listings if their only customers end up being them, especially as it would be auction. At that point they'd probably be better off selling directly to them, especially if they're just looking to switch models.


Message 1038 of 1,066
See Most Recent

The new when we get paid rules from February.

Probably the sellers making the most money for them. Maybe add your own
thoughts about why items aren't marked as delivered on eBay that are
delivered on couriers sites??? I mean say something to discredit mine &
others highly probable claim the link is being tempered with by eBay to
retain fund's
Message 1039 of 1,066
See Most Recent

The new when we get paid rules from February.

Interesting information... A.I listing description tool and yet under consumer law " misrepresentation" is a biggie... and from my viewing of listings which use A.I. they are full of what could be considered claims of " not as described" ... 


Convenience is not necessarily easy, nor best especially when it is one sided. 


Huge problems ahead? 




Message 1040 of 1,066
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