23-01-2025 4:15 PM
I don't sell a lot, just a few things that I don't want if I buy a set of things from QVC. What is bothering me is this simple delivery. I have always just taken my parcels downtown to the Post Office, which is a 10 minute walk away.
We have no Evri or Yodel or any carrier drop off points in our town or anywhere near, nearest thing would be the Leeds Depot (don't know if you can drop things off there, mute point anyway as I don't drive) which is 9 miles away. What would happen when it becomes compulsory to use simple delivery, if ebay decides I should sent something by Evri? Thanks for anyone's help.
26-01-2025 12:11 PM
You are so right, some areas will be impossible. We have friends on Isle of Skye, which is a couple of hours from here by road, and across the bridge nowadays. There is now no Evri service there at all, no delivery, no collection, since the one man and van who did it under subcontract, retired before Christmas. I think there are other remote areas too, where no service, as you suggest.
26-01-2025 12:16 PM
Here's something else to ponder over.
How many peeps actually come to this board? How many read the Announcement section where Special Delivery will be ( may be ?) announced. Perhaps many do not even know of these changes.
So they may well come to their listings to see some buyers have selected Evri and then what, if that service is just not available for them ?
It's gonna be an interesting time on the boards ! 🤗
26-01-2025 12:54 PM
@insidethe93 wrote:In 2017 the 2-way IoW ferry fare for a foot passenger (i.e. not taking a car) was nearly £40 off-peak.
I hope eBay would be sensible enough to allow IoW sellers to use Royal Mail instead of Evri, unless Evri sets up on th IoW.
What a business opportunity you have! You could approach Evri and offer to run their IoW service for them! For 50p/hour, I expect.
If mandatory SD is going to work the way we all think it is, it's going to be a disaster for people in remote areas and those with mobility issues. What I don't understand is that the UK is not unique. The CEO in America may understand the UK as little as Trump and Musk do, but the USA has people living in far more remote areas than we do. So SD would have the same problems there, I imagine.
26-01-2025 1:02 PM
'.....Perhaps many do not even know of these changes.'
An enormous amount of ebay users won't have a clue until it happens, then they'll be wondering what hit them. (lets be honest ; huge numbers of people on *all* websites don't read a word of the gumpf they need to 'tick' in order to use the site. And ebay's gumpf doesn't even need to be 'ticked' )
And finding this place to ask for help isn't easy either. ...It's buried in the small print at the bottom of the page. Smaller font, paler colour, put in with stuff like 'Copyright', 'about ', 'VeRo interlectuall property', (a lot of those are things that ebay *has* to have on show somewhere in order to be trading legally). Many people will register 'legalities', and assume it has nothing to do with them.
When 'community' was at the top right along with 'my ebay' etc it was pretty hard to miss.
26-01-2025 2:20 PM
@tressygirl wrote:My understanding though, is that the buyer selects the postal service they wish to use. For the time being it looks like it's Royal Mail and or, Evri.☹️
I have bought a couple of items sold with eBay Simple Delivery.
There's no choice for the buyer of which courier is used – just "Standard" or "Express".
26-01-2025 2:29 PM
@davrman wrote:
@tressygirl wrote:
My understanding though, is that the buyer selects the postal service they wish to use. For the time being it looks like it's Royal Mail and or, Evri.☹️
I have bought a couple of items sold with eBay Simple Delivery.
There's no choice for the buyer of which courier is used – just "Standard" or "Express".
I think though happy to be corrected that the Simple Delivery which is to become mandatory for Private sellers, will be a little different to the one which we can opt out of now if we wish.
As far as we understand from what little authoritative information available , is that come sometime before March, there will be 2 main postal services to choose from, Evri or Royal Mail.
This is because postage will then Have to be purchased from eBay, whereas now, the seller has a choice of buying postage direct from the postal service website, or as I do and many will miss this , buying from their local Post Office, and paying for over the counter postage. The buyer makes the choice of which service They wish to use too.
26-01-2025 2:35 PM
@tressygirl wrote:Here's something else to ponder over.
How many peeps actually come to this board? How many read the Announcement section where Special Delivery will be ( may be ?) announced. Perhaps many do not even know of these changes.
So they may well come to their listings to see some buyers have selected Evri and then what, if that service is just not available for them ?
It's gonna be an interesting time on the boards ! 🤗
It is indeed going to be interesting! Try some rough estimates... according to a little searching, there are around 133 million buyers on ebay, worldwide. So there must be at least millions on ebay uk. And now estimate how many visit these boards. I've no idea how to do that, but my gut feel would be hundreds, at most. Would you disagree?
That leaves a great many people with no idea there's a light at the end of the tunnel, let alone a clue that it's the headlights of a fast moving steam roller.
26-01-2025 2:52 PM
@johnwash1 wrote..... So there must be at least millions on ebay uk. And now estimate how many visit these boards. I've no idea how to do that, but my gut feel would be hundreds, at most. Would you disagree?
Yes I would agree it's a very small number compared to total eBay members, sellers and buyers combined.
Also, it's not that easy to find us, found at the very bottom of pages in a feint link.
I feel eBay Customer Services HQ might go into meltdown, we're in for very interesting busy times here too! 😊
26-01-2025 2:55 PM
Just been looking at a petition someone has set up.
27-01-2025 12:12 PM
Express = RM
Standard = Evri
That's the choice
27-01-2025 2:23 PM
you mean like the new announcement i just noticed on my sellers site about the new terminology for pre loved clothes! Went to have a look at it and what a waste of space, E Bay really do have too many people doing nothing but think up even more stupid ideas.
27-01-2025 2:25 PM
Must admit that you are right about this site, i had been on here for a couple of years before i discovered it and all the problems i had struggled through as a newbie that could have been sorted out by coming on here straight away!
27-01-2025 2:35 PM
@kath3735_wxmjn wrote:
you mean like the new announcement i just noticed on my sellers site about the new terminology for pre loved clothes! Went to have a look at it and what a waste of space, E Bay really do have too many people doing nothing but think up even more stupid ideas.
Yep, your other thread had me running to see they have now changed the descriptions for pre loved clothes, wonder how many will find that announcement, or come here asking what the new terminology means !
27-01-2025 2:43 PM
Have they given any reasoning / explanation for the buyer receiving their item before they've even paid for postage ?
Or is this similar to when they were charging commission on postage and it's just " take it or leave it "
27-01-2025 2:44 PM
I’ll stop too (actually already have) as I’m in a similar situation. A farm in rural N/E Aberdeenshire, 8 miles from the nearest village which only has a mobile post office service once a week and 60 miles from town. No public transport and I don’t drive. I go out with my husband about once a week if its convenient for him.
Royal Mail collection enabled me to sell and get parcels out in a timely manner, and I won’t lie, it gave me a bit of independence. I’m glad I don’t need the money from selling but I’m going to have to be more careful about what I bring in if selling on isn’t really going to be an option.
27-01-2025 4:49 PM
I tend to use either Evri or RM only but that is because it suits me. I have an Evri drop off within walking distance & a PO counter a short drive away. But I buy direct from Evri as I have Give as you Live % donations from their site & I buy over the counter because the PO makes NOTHING on prepaid labels & I want the PO to be there for everyone.
28-01-2025 9:43 PM
So what do I do if Ebay gives a buyer a choice of RM or Evri, and Evri is chosen. No Evri anywhere near here. Do I start cancelling orders, I know perhaps talking to the buyer and asking if they mind changing their postal option, but then I wouldn't be protected by Ebay for non delivery. So therefore the order would have to cancelled I presume and the buyer would have to buy again and select RM. This is all very silly.
28-01-2025 10:10 PM
I’m wondering the same thing. I can’t use Evri and I don’t have a printer. No drop off boxes or points or parcel shops etc. I can’t see buyers being happy if their sale was cancelled!
28-01-2025 10:28 PM
If you read the "Simple Delivery" guide. Ebay will offer services they deam to be in reach of the seller, so if you haev no evri dropoff with in a certain un defined distance or no RM in the same undefined distance they will be excluded from the offers to buyers. Whichever service is offred you would not need a printer as there would be a print in store, so long as you can provide a barcode for the store.
they have put about 30% of the required thought into this change...
28-01-2025 10:58 PM
"you would not need a printer as there would be a print in store"
Unless like the other day the instore printer has a "technical fault" and you were directed to the next nearest store which had no direct public transport link.