Option to send invoices disappeared

Option on sold listings to ‘send payment details’ has disappeared and I’m unable to send people invoices for combined orders like I normally do. I did a live chat with customer service, but I don’t really think they knew what I was talking about.


I have buyers waiting to pay, but are reluctant to pay for the entire postage cost in one go and have me refund due to the amount of money they would have in limbo. 

anybody else having the same problem? Anyone at eBay able to confirm it’s being looked into so I can tell my buyers? 

Message 1 of 768
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767 REPLIES 767

Re: Option to send invoices disappeared

Hi, I am having exactly the same issue - Cant send invoices to buyers who have bought multiple items - so therefore cannot combine the postage - and todays date is the 27th Feb - so this has been a problem on ebay for a whole week!


I am really worried this isn't going to be a quick fix for Ebay - especially within 24 - 72 hours!


This is a bit of a nightmare to be honest!

Buyers are going to be wondering what the hell is going on!

Message 101 of 768
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Re: Option to send invoices disappeared

Same here - been waiting a week for this to be fixed - was told by Ebay agent tues-weds but still not working, and now information i've heard is that programmers apparently forgot to update the invoicing service to include the new 'buyers protection fee' that is being strong-armed onto all personal sellers (and buyers) - if correct seems a massive oversight on Ebay's part!

Also have some buyers still preferring to wait for invoice rather than pay the ridiculous full postage on many items and me refund then, as they are thinking the refund will  probably take as long to repay as Ebay now do to pay personal sellers... the whole Ebay debacle goes on, its a shambles!

Message 102 of 768
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Re: Option to send invoices disappeared

I don't think they forgot to add BPF to invoice system. I remember at least one post here detailing that eBay had charge BPF for every item on a combined order, so sellers were losing orders to refunds.

They may have forgot to allow for a discounting system for combined orders.


Message 103 of 768
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Re: Option to send invoices disappeared

ok sounds about right - still seems a massive oversight on something that is so simple to do on the programming side of a business website - it feels more like another way to alienate personal sellers into either transferring to a business account, or to make them leave Ebay as they are money-loss to them now - been on ebay since 2002 and sold for just over three years now, its getting harder each year to want to stay with it ha!

Message 104 of 768
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Re: Option to send invoices disappeared

P*** Up In A Brewery !!!!!


Unless a clever ploy ?  i wonder what the parent company thinks about this disaster trail? And the Ill feeling brewing under most of the UK membership now.

Message 105 of 768
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Re: Option to send invoices disappeared

I'm being suspicious minded but wonder if this invoice 'problem' is just another way of discouraging private sellers...

Message 106 of 768
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Re: Option to send invoices disappeared


Problem is still ongoing

Can't send invoices or combine invoices 

Have a new buyer who must think I'm either a scammer or a complete to**er


Message 107 of 768
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Re: Option to send invoices disappeared

Link them to here then. 


Message 108 of 768
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Re: Option to send invoices disappeared

I was told on the 25th by Bay there was no e.t.a. on getting the invoicing issue fixed. I am still without the option to send invoices; apparently it has now been nearly a week since the problem first appeared and no further updates from eBay. Very poor.  

Message 109 of 768
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Re: Option to send invoices disappeared

Still waiting for a fix, buyers don't want to pay the multiple postage costs and get a refund. Its a week now and I still can't send any invoices; people will start asking to cancel orders soon. I can't send invoices from my 'waiting for payment' tab or from the Sellers Hub. Bet it doesn't take eBay a week to take their money though.

Message 110 of 768
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Re: Option to send invoices disappeared

Only update I got from talking to someone was 2 days ago and they said there is no e.t.a. on a fix. I won't be holding my breath.

Message 111 of 768
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Re: Option to send invoices disappeared

Oh yes i'm sure it is

Message 112 of 768
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Re: Option to send invoices disappeared


To everyone waiting for an invoice option. I'd suggest contacting the buyers to offer cancelling/refunding orders of the old orders and then offer to relist everything they wanted together in one listing or more than 1 if there is a reason for it.

They get what they want, you actually get a sale and you don't have to twiddle your thumbs waiting for eBay.

Message 113 of 768
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Re: Option to send invoices disappeared

why should you have to though ? Do you not pay  sell on this platform?

If i was a buyer and was messed around in a recovery process as you suggest, id be grateful, but would not use the seller / platform again.

Im not knocking your attempts to help, admirable, but the reasons as to why you are coming up with a work around.

Message 114 of 768
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Re: Option to send invoices disappeared

@a45heaven wrote:

Do you not pay  sell on this platform?


Nope. Not if you are a private seller.

Message 115 of 768
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Re: Option to send invoices disappeared

Ah yes - i forgot its a free selling base now.

So expectations are pretty low then.

Message 116 of 768
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Re: Option to send invoices disappeared

@a45heaven wrote:


If i was a buyer and was messed around in a recovery process as you suggest, id be grateful, but would not use the seller / platform again.

Im not knocking your attempts to help, admirable, but the reasons as to why you are coming up with a work around.

This is a discussion group where sellers help each other with (hopefully) practical advise to help overcome problems. This purpose can get lost in all the venting currently taking over the threads.


Private sellers have several choices at the moment. They can stop selling, they can continue selling but probably lose sales when multiple sales to one customer are involved, or they can attempt work arounds.

Message 117 of 768
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Re: Option to send invoices disappeared


Many thanks for this advice 

Have linked them to this thread & sent a screen shot


Message 118 of 768
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Re: Option to send invoices disappeared

Yes - i tend to agree - but surely 'work arounds' should only be a quick fix until the root of the problem is permanently resolved by those who have created the problem?


Im not sure why these recent changes have only been targeted at Private sellers, a Community Manager  stated that there would be no changes to the Business sellers practices until the end of quarter one (when ever that is).

Do you believe ceasing combined purchases, which the inability to issue invoices contributes to- which ebay make money on the additional postage elements - will not feature for Business sellers thereafter?

Or Simple Postage will be mandatory for all sellers?

Message 119 of 768
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Re: Option to send invoices disappeared

@a45heaven wrote:

 surely 'work arounds' should only be a quick fix until the root of the problem is permanently resolved by those who have created the problem?


I agree


Do you believe ceasing combined purchases, which the inability to issue invoices contributes to- which ebay make money on the additional postage elements - will not feature for Business sellers thereafter?

You are assuming that the current inability of private sellers to do combined shipping is deliberate and will remain. Any actual evidence of that? Or is it just another example of Ebay's useless programmer/analysts?


And I really cannot see it being deliberately brought in for business sellers! Why would they?


Or Simple Postage will be mandatory for all sellers?

Dunno. I hope it is not mandatory for anyone. Making it mandatory for business sellers really would be commercial suicide. IMHO.

Message 120 of 768
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