Funds pending – awaiting delivery - Why has this suddenly started?



I've been using eBay for 24 years now and I have never had a 'Funds pending – awaiting delivery' show on any sale.


For some reason this has shown on three items I have sold over the past couple of days, when everything else I have sold over the past couple of months has been fine and payment has arrived as usual.


These are physical items, not digital, and I've been selling for 24 years, so why all of a sudden is this a thing?





Message 1 of 256
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255 REPLIES 255

Funds pending – awaiting delivery - Why has this suddenly started?

'Funds Pending . . . Means they can hang onto your payment for 2 days after your item has been delivered to your buyer.  Earning them interest all the time it's in their bank!'  


Reminds me of Father Ted... 'that money was just resting in my account...'

Message 81 of 256
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Funds pending – awaiting delivery - Why has this suddenly started?

Funds Pending I believe is EBay’s way of making some revenue. With approximately 2 billion transactions each day, holding onto these payments creates a lot of interest for the company. 

Message 82 of 256
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Funds pending – awaiting delivery - Why has this suddenly started?

Agreed.  There is no reason for them to hold onto private sellers money so long, other than to benefit through earning interest, investment etc.  This is the only reason that makes sense.

Message 83 of 256
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Funds pending – awaiting delivery - Why has this suddenly started?

They could do something nice with the interest, like a monthly prize draw... it is our money, after all...!

Message 84 of 256
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Funds pending – awaiting delivery - Why has this suddenly started?

Anybody would think Ebay was a business!

Oh ... hang on ...

"There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
Søren Kierkegaard, Danish philosopher (1813 - 1855)
Message 85 of 256
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Funds pending – awaiting delivery - Why has this suddenly started?

'Funds Pending I believe is EBay’s way of making some revenue. With approximately 2 billion transactions each day, holding onto these payments creates a lot of interest for the company. '


Well yes... they've taken off the private seller's fees (buyer's fees won't bring in as much as those used to) so yeah... make up the difference  Ebay, why don't ya....


It's a pretty common thing for various companies to do with their customers cash (looking at you, elecricity/gas suppliers etc...). but what really gets my goat about it is the pretence of why.


They're not even pretending its for *our* own benefit (unlike power supply companies; holding on to over -payments to 'keep us out of debt' later) ; Ebay are pretending it's for the benfit of the buyers, because *we* (the private sellers) 'cannot be trusted'. 😠


But it's not even giving buyers something they didn't already have..

Message 86 of 256
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Funds pending – awaiting delivery - Why has this suddenly started?

You might like my new topic of discussion called A Right To Choose

Message 87 of 256
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Funds pending – awaiting delivery - Why has this suddenly started?

@rugbyguy1960 wrote:

You might like my new topic of discussion called A Right To Choose

Spot on.


As members of eBay who have done nothing wrong and with a good buying and selling record we should at least have some rights on this platform and some options available to use, rather than someone who works for eBay saying either accept the rules or go !


As a senior member of 20 years on eBay I expected eBay to treat me better then this.


With them it is now all one sided with rules that "one size fits all" with no leeway whatsoever.  😞 

Message 88 of 256
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Funds pending – awaiting delivery - Why has this suddenly started?

Great post.

I'm not far behind in length of time on ebay. 20 years in April.

I agree that we should have some rights if our buying and selling dashboards are above average.

I also have a conspiracy theory I'm thinking through.

It'll sound far fetched but not impossible 🤔 .

Message 89 of 256
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Funds pending – awaiting delivery - Why has this suddenly started?

Just wait untill your Parcelforce - or any other - tracking is not getting  to be up to date on Ebay, like mine. The item I sold has been delivered days ago, and Ebay says “funds on hold waiting for delivery”. Clicking on tracking number which takes you to the delivery service’s site says “parcel delivered”.
 I contacted Ebay costumer service ( bloody useless, with not understandable accent )  by a phonecall to report this…well nothing’s changed. Heeps of my money is sitting at Ebay. I’m telling you one more funny option:

You might have some buyers like me, with a collection point address. They are not collecting their orders for days, so these funds are also on hold. These buyers are not giving a s*it about if you get paid for your sales or not. Plus they never going to leave you a feedback.  Lazy *bleep*s…
All these things might sound like negative or pessimistic, but this is the reality. Like “wonder-buyers” making offers, then never paying, and you have to relist your item which had 50 watchers before you accepted the idiot’s offer.
This new payment policy is just screwing me up. 

Message 90 of 256
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Funds pending – awaiting delivery - Why has this suddenly started?

This payment policy is a nightmare and a shambles.

Do ebay care. No chance because they are earning money.

Message 91 of 256
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Funds pending – awaiting delivery - Why has this suddenly started?

I've listed the post and hope it gives sellers something to think about 🤔 .

Message 92 of 256
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Funds pending – awaiting delivery - Why has this suddenly started?

@rugbyguy1960 wrote:

I've listed the post and hope it gives sellers something to think about 🤔 .

It seems the folks in eBay don't really care about the millions of private sellers on their platform... just imagine what eBay would be like without all these little people filling in all the big gaps...


eBay would be like a weak skeleton just waiting to collapse.

Message 93 of 256
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Funds pending – awaiting delivery - Why has this suddenly started?

The other thought is that ebay need to realise that dictators have their moment of glory and then usually come to a sticky end.

Message 94 of 256
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Funds pending – awaiting delivery - Why has this suddenly started?

Not just dictators, anything that is dictatorial and oppressive invites opposition and if opposition is ignored or suppressed, withdrawal is all that's left.


Ebay started on its present course with the imposition of FVF on P&P costs for all sellers because ebay couldn't be bothered to crack down on the few that were taking advantage of there being no FVF on P&P.  Everyone suffered except ebay, who profited.


Ebay has been doing the same ever since, imposing this, prohibiting that and squeezing sellers for a few pennies more every time.  But with each squeeze, ebay lost more private sellers.


The chickens are coming home roost and (IMO) there are not enough private sellers left to sustain the top heavy numbers of businesses trying to live off them.


These latest restrictions won't save ebay or businesses that don't have enough sales to be viable.  The more private sellers ebay looses the more businesses that will fail.


If ebay wants to turn itself around, it needs to stop squeezing the few private sellers still here and start encouraging them to return.  Hollow "Free to Sell" ads. that are only half truths and don't mention that sellers who don't pay Sponsorship Fees won't sell anything much will only get them here short-term but will create resentment that they've been fooled again and wasted their time.

Message 95 of 256
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Funds pending – awaiting delivery - Why has this suddenly started?

Most people with common sense know that nothing is truly free.

That's why brick walls have replaced transparency. 

The only real saving grace is the amount of people that are seeing how underhanded they have become.

Plus hopefully with new policies being introduced so often and things being made compulsory it shows that the cracks are growing larger.

Message 96 of 256
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Funds pending – awaiting delivery - Why has this suddenly started?

I'd much rather pay the original private seller selling fee for the convenience of being able to have quick instant payments again then having to keep on waiting around for my money which is not convenient at all.


If eBay really want to sort this, why can't we be given a choice of paying a SAME DAY faster payment fee which would let us have our money QUICKER if needed ?


In business, I always believe flexibility and choice is very important - eBay need to think about this and offer a quicker payment service if one is prepared to pay a little extra for this useful service.


And for those who don't wish to pay and are happy to wait many days for their sales money eBay should just give the option of standard payment like example below:-


Express Same Day Payout (small fee involved)


Standard Payout 2 - 14 days (free)  



If eBay seems to favour changes so much, then why can't they give us a positive change for once where it is useful and will also make them some more money ? - Sounds good ? 

Message 97 of 256
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Funds pending – awaiting delivery - Why has this suddenly started?

okay, so what if a package has been delivered but its not showing on ebay its been delivered, and they don't leave a review will they hold my funds forever? lol

Message 98 of 256
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Funds pending – awaiting delivery - Why has this suddenly started?

@simply_aquatic wrote:

okay, so what if a package has been delivered but its not showing on ebay its been delivered, and they don't leave a review will they hold my funds forever? lol





So there is now no more prompt payment and an awful lot of waiting around before you can have your money from eBay now...  😞  😞  😞  😞  😞

Message 99 of 256
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Funds pending – awaiting delivery - Why has this suddenly started?

Well this will show much the new Ebay holding funds is a very bad joke.

I sent two packages to the same person on Monday using 48hr tracked.

One got delivered today so my money has now moved into funds pending.

The second package has been delayed due to a RM random spot check.

Those funds are still in awaiting delivery.

This is going to cause so many issues.

Thanks for nothing ebay.

You have now taken the term useless to a new low level.

Message 100 of 256
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