Ebay refuse to remove negative feedback so I'm quitting after 20 years as a seller.

I've been using Ebay coming up on 20 years/ 2 decades  and I received my 1st negative feedback. 

Buyer of an item claimed the item was damaged which it wasn't, they even sent me pics of the item showing no damage. 

Buyer claimed I wasted time when I actually refunded full amount and paid postage same day ! Buyer claimed  waste of money which was untrue as I made a full refund ! 

Ebay refuse to remove the feedback, I reported Buyer I and used request negative feedback form, I tried to appeal Ebay said I cant appeal. 

20 years 100% feedback and I've sold around 1200 items.. 

I'm planning on closing my account now as a matter of principle, Customer services have sickened me. 

Dreadful experience. 

I have  a heart condition and this has stressed me right out... I've had several call backs  ffom customer service discussing this, no joy, had enough now. 


Message 1 of 82
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Ebay refuse to remove negative feedback so I'm quitting after 20 years as a seller.

The figures you keep referring to are for cgt. The cgt allowance used to be 6000 it is now 3000. This in your case is irrelevant. It is for single items. This the link that explains it: https://www.gov.uk/capital-gains-tax

Message 61 of 82
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Ebay refuse to remove negative feedback so I'm quitting after 20 years as a seller.

I only have  3 small pools ? the only other boxes that are multiple are my sons medical tube boxes and I have all the proof from the hospital that they are my boxes plus I am a full career and I let my work coach know every month how much I sell on eBay and all my costs and he sorts it out for me every month. But that still does not mean I need a business account this is my point unless I am trading and buying to sell for profit I shouldn't need to set up a business account. And the items I am selling for less than I paid which again I can prove ? So how does that work if I haven't made any profit ? . Also your saying about charity shop flipping or something but that's my point I don't do that I don't go get stock from charity shops or retailers. I sell maybe once a month every 2 years it's so rare that I sell I am a collector then I sell in bulk but it's never more than 6000 that's my point and it's all my own items that I have collected over the years. I just moved house start of July so in the month of August I have listed all my stuff to make more space.

Message 62 of 82
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Ebay refuse to remove negative feedback so I'm quitting after 20 years as a seller.

If I were you then I'd change your name as it sounds like a discount shop. Also, I would not reply to feedback saying "We are sorry that ..." as though you are a company. Your Items For Sale look like you're running a car boot sale stall online, which could be either personal or a business.

Message 63 of 82
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Ebay refuse to remove negative feedback so I'm quitting after 20 years as a seller.

I completely understand and I thank everyone for the information because it helps me to learn. Once all the items in my store sell I probably won't end up selling again for another 2 years that's what I do I don't sell constantly every couple years I just have a big clear out stick it on eBay sell it all then I just use my account for buying. That's why I have only sold 100 items in 8 years my account is not a business I don't make profit from this. But I will have a look though that link from the gov site thank you 

Message 64 of 82
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Ebay refuse to remove negative feedback so I'm quitting after 20 years as a seller.

@cosmic0430 wrote:

So does that mean I can only make 3000 a year now instead of making 6000 ? And yes you are correct with the pools they are a shed clear out as I just moved house as I said I only started listing my stuff again August to have a clear out. But I still paid more than I sell for and I have receipts for what I buy, same with the medial tubes for my son they are literally addressed to my address on the boxes I was selling. Everything I have sold has been my own stuff I have brought over the years. I don't buy from a retailer I don't go out purposely to buy and make profit? So how does that work with making above 3000 a year if I have receipts to prove I paid more than I sold so didn't make a profit ? Or is it just the case I can't make above 3000 a year regardless ? 

You are confusing Capital Gains Tax with Income Tax.  Unless you are selling an individual item (personal possession) with a value in excess of £3,000 then you don't need to concern yourself with Capital Gains Tax.


If you are only selling unwanted personal possessions then you don't need to pay any Income Tax either.  However, if you are buying items, from any source, with the intention of selling then you need to be registered as a business not just for tax purposes but also to comply with the 'Consumer Contracts Regulations'.   You don't need to be buying from a retailer or making a profit to be classed as a business.


With regards to the 'medical tubes' if they were obtained on prescription then you shouldn't be selling those at all as they are a prohibited item and against eBay policy:



Message 65 of 82
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Ebay refuse to remove negative feedback so I'm quitting after 20 years as a seller.

So 100 items in 8 years but £2,000 to £4,000 worth a year, doesn't add up.


You also quite clearly have no grasp of the requirements for a business account on ebay.

Message 66 of 82
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Ebay refuse to remove negative feedback so I'm quitting after 20 years as a seller.

It does add up when I clearly said I hardly sell it's like every few years so I might make 2000/4000 a year but it's not every year that's my point I sell once I'm having a clear out. As I said I tell my work coach how much I eBay pays me everytime I start selling on eBay. And papso22 you can believe what you want eBay know how I run my account and can see that I hardly sell at all also you are quite rude instead of criticising someone how about actually helping and being part of a community to help make eBay a better place. 

Message 67 of 82
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Ebay refuse to remove negative feedback so I'm quitting after 20 years as a seller.

Good thing they was not a prescription then 

Message 68 of 82
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Ebay refuse to remove negative feedback so I'm quitting after 20 years as a seller.

it clearly does add up when he is saying he hardly sells. If he sells all his stuff to have a clear out then don't sell again for another 2 or 3 years then it is highly possible that a 8 year old account would only have 100 items sold just by looking at his account you can tell he is not a buissness account. He has explained his account and he has claimed that he lets his work coach know how much he gets when he does put his items up for sale. Instead of trying to be the eBay police how about you help users just don't fully understand how eBay works instead of making them feel like a criminal.

Message 69 of 82
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Ebay refuse to remove negative feedback so I'm quitting after 20 years as a seller.

As clever as you think you are, with your prepared defence of ignorance, you will find matters concerning HMRC are not so simple.  Tax is due on income per tax year, not aggregated over years, income to you is taxable - no argument, it is a rigid law you will be facing, not a call center allowing space to wriggle the narrative to place the burden of proof on the agent.  I can detect you are using the circular boring repetative answer back used by certain people to wear down a mark to compliance.  You're more likely to be taken into custody trying that tactic in a HMRC interview, whatever you've pocket elsewhere with such methods, you ain't gona' worm your way out of paying taxes on your openly declared income.  Income is distinct from profit/loss and you will never succeed arguing a way round it with HMRC.  They've seen it so many times before!

Oh, and your claims of having recipts for everything, the investigators at HMRC will go through every single slip of paper and seek 100% consolidation. Any hint of passing off bogus reciepts  as expenditure will result not just in a tax bill but in fraud charge.  I hope for your sake you are squeeky clean or else you've got a whole heap of trouble on your hands now you have pubicaly declared yourself.

Message 70 of 82
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Ebay refuse to remove negative feedback so I'm quitting after 20 years as a seller.

What are you going on about it's not being clever at all it's called selling my personal items I no longer need people are aloud to have clear outs and sell there items every couple of years. You can clearly see by my account being 8 years old and only selling 100 items I'm not making 1000s every year I'm selling like every 2 or 3 years when I went a clear out. So you can think what you want as I said I go though it with my work coach who is in contact with hmrc so my account is fine I have no worries. My main concern was not tax at all as I know I'm doing that correctly my main concern was if I need a private or business account for they type of selling I am doing. And also again that's fine I can provide recipes for example this is just one example of many I just sold a digital fryer now I brought that new from Argos to my address again have the proof 7 months ago for £70 I sold on eBay for £50 taking a £20 loss not including fees and postage. That is not selling for profit that is selling items I am no longer using 

Message 71 of 82
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Ebay refuse to remove negative feedback so I'm quitting after 20 years as a seller.


 this also proves what you are stating is wrong as I am not selling for profit and as I said I can prove this and my work coach knows everything about my eBay and are in contact with hmrc. I have been doing this 8 years and only 100 items sold eBay know this is not a business this is a personal account selling my own items every couple a years when I want a clear out. Even tho I'm not making profit I still let my work coach know everything I'm doing on my eBay but regardless that does not mean I need a business account. Stop trying to scare people with your big words thinking you know everyone's situation or accounts when you don't. You have no idea how much I have made on eBay you have no idea how I run my account only eBay does so as I stated try to actually be nice and help people to make eBay a better selling place to be.

Message 72 of 82
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Ebay refuse to remove negative feedback so I'm quitting after 20 years as a seller.

Not applicable

I have had the same after 17 years of positive I have spoken to 3 different agents. I was told to cancel transaction but the buyer opened another account and couldn't wait to call me s night mare and beware eBay are letting it stand so I am waiting to close my account after my funds have cleared.

Message 73 of 82
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Ebay refuse to remove negative feedback so I'm quitting after 20 years as a seller.

@Anonymous wrote:

I was told to cancel transaction

By who; the buyer or eBay?


I can see the same account left negative feedback for three separate purchases. What were the circumstances for their orders being cancelled?



@Anonymous wrote:

eBay are letting it stand so I am waiting to close my account after my funds have cleared.

Is your username ironic? Joking aside; the feedback might be removable depending upon the circumstances the orders were cancelled. You sometimes have to point eBay's own policies out to them before they will follow them.


Give me ambiguity or give me something else.
Message 74 of 82
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Ebay refuse to remove negative feedback so I'm quitting after 20 years as a seller.

Not applicable
Hi ebay told me to canx invoice as i couldnt send to huis click and collect address. Ebay stated i have to sell for 90 days running. The buyer was fine and opened another account with a different address.
I sent it off and paid extra postage to ensue safety. I then get negative from the buyer no reason what so ever. I contacted ebay and it still hasnt been removed. I feel as if i talking to robots! I closing my account now.

I sent i
I sent
Message 75 of 82
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Ebay refuse to remove negative feedback so I'm quitting after 20 years as a seller.

If I am understanding  you correctly, you listed an item and ebay added click and collect to your listing which your buyer chose, you were then blocked by ebay from using click and collect because you had not been a member for 90 days ?


If this is the situation, I would get a call back preferably from Dublin, try early am .


Ask for the feedback to be removed - explain the situation and mention the ebay feedback policy for removal 




Buyer-related transaction issues
We remove neutral/negative feedback when we can see that:

The buyer asked to cancel after placing their order
The order was cancelled due to an issue with the buyer’s address
The order was cancelled because the buyer didn’t pay
The buyer is raising an issue that was correctly disclosed in the listing
The buyer has been actioned under our Abusive buyer policy
The buyer requested a change to an order after they’d paid (and their feedback relates to this)




eBay site or programme issues
We remove neutral/negative feedback when:

The comment is about not being able to retract a bid
The problem was caused by a technical issue on the eBay site that we could identify
An eBay Money Back Guarantee case or payment dispute was closed with the seller having met their obligations to the buyer
The item was posted on-time with eBay International Shipping or the Global Shipping Program and there was a delivery-related issue
The item was posted using Simple Delivery and there was an issue caused by the eBay label provided, or the item arrived damaged
The item was shipped through eBay Fulfilment and there was a shipping-related issue outside of the seller’s control
The item was sold under our Authenticity Guarantee program, was shipped on-time and passed authentication
The item was sold under our Assured Fit program, the buyer requested a return because the item didn't fit their vehicle, and we can see that the seller met all their obligations to the buyer
See example


Message 76 of 82
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Ebay refuse to remove negative feedback so I'm quitting after 20 years as a seller.

Don't forget that buyer protection is now so strong on ebay, that feedback does not account for as much as it once did.  

I will buy stuff off ebay that I suspect are possible scammers safe in the knowledge that Ebay will refund me if anything goes wrong..  


One negative in 1252 sales is not going to make a jot of difference to 99.999% of your buyers.  Try to not to worry about it and move on.


Message 77 of 82
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Ebay refuse to remove negative feedback so I'm quitting after 20 years as a seller.

Not applicable
Thanks for your reply i inderstand it doesnt matter however on the advice of ebay i was told to canx transaction over the buyers address
Regarding click and collect. I told the buyer i wanted him to have the items and offered to pay signed for to home address. The buyer opened another account and different address when i relisted and the
Gives me negative for what. The robotic unhelpfulness and bias towards seller is too wide therefore i am off.
Message 78 of 82
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Ebay refuse to remove negative feedback so I'm quitting after 20 years as a seller.

I had a similar experience recently obtaining my first negative! I work on a no quibble experience! If a buyer isn't satisfied i simply tell them to return it and they will get a full refund but there's always one difficult buyer who instead of contacting you they just give you negative feedback which is heartbreaking and mentally stressful. Ebay doesn't understand that it does affect a seller's experience because a buyer will most likely buy off a seller with the best feedback! I asked to remove it and got a straight no! Even though the buyer was demanding i give them a refund immediately before returning the item! Please don't quit! Just carry on selling! It will get better over time! Sellers should all take a stand and not let bad buyers ruin it for honest sellers!!

Message 79 of 82
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Ebay refuse to remove negative feedback so I'm quitting after 20 years as a seller.

Not applicable

Thank you for your reply i have left and on Vinted! I tried really hard to please this particular person yes i shouldn't have let him get under my skin. I even paid signed for out of my own expense
To please him but to no avail. Ebay let me down as i chatted twice to an agent and was told to cancel his order as it was a click and collect address which i couldn't access. The said person the opened a new account and won item so why do he call me a nightmare and the usual phrase beware. Ebay didnt help at all even thought i followed their instructions! It all about the buyers they dont always pay and time waste and no negative feedback is allowed to be given to them? I canx ebay after that and tried vinted its great as you dont pay postage just send it off to nearby inboxes. You are still protected too. Thanks Jenny

Message 80 of 82
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