12-02-2025 11:56 AM
I made a sale on my personal account this morning for a set of headphones that I had listed at £59.95 with it set to auto accept offers over £50.00.
A buyer made an offer 10% below asking price, so £54.00 and as I have it set to auto-accept above £50.00 this was accepted, however, when the email for the order came through, I only receive £51.23 as the Buyer Protection Fee of £2.77 is INCLUDED in the offer price.
In my opinion, if the buyer has offer £54.00, I should receive the £54.00 and the BPF should be added to that.
Just be aware if you have offers, particularly on lower value items, as this change will make most low value offers pointless to sellers.
eBay seem to be on a path to self destruction, not giving a thought as to how their imbecilic changes affect real people 🤷♂️
12-02-2025 1:32 PM
You'd have to ask the buyer! I am merely offering conjecture, i get some very strange offers and if you use a % instead of a cash sum it will always seems to come out an odd figure.
12-02-2025 1:34 PM
@tpogodin wrote:The roll out for this is so sloppy. They really thought they could just drop in a competitors fee policy without care for how that would intergrate into eBay's established formats. Like, what do you MEAN someone hasn't been through every single varient of how the BPF is applied prior to launching it.
I think you could teach Microsoft a thing or 2 .
12-02-2025 2:14 PM
I wonder if this is also going to apply if a private seller sends out an offer to a watcher?
12-02-2025 2:16 PM
100% agree. Just made the point to customer services via call back and I suggest you all do the same.
12-02-2025 2:18 PM
Your guess is as good as anyones....it does seem to be a case of "so many questions, so few answers"
It feels rushed, not properly thought through and not beta tested on normal sellers, so we end up annoyed / frustrated as usual with eBay changes.
14-02-2025 10:19 AM
Hi @meditative-moods ,
Thank you for posting.
This was raised in our weekly chat this week. The buyer offer is inclusive of the buyer protection fee which the buyer sees on their side. As the seller you should see the amount you are going to receive.
We have raised internally with the development team for more clarity on the seller's view.
Thank you,
14-02-2025 10:25 AM
Thank you for ther update Kat.
The real issue in this instance was that the Best Offer was set to auto accept above a certain price, so I never got to see that the BPF was included, it was just accepted by the system without my input and then deducted from my funds, which seems to completely contradict the intention of this being paid by the buyer...
Had I have known that I would be liable for the fee in the selling price, I would have set the auto accept at a higher level to offset the cost.
14-02-2025 10:55 AM
Hi @meditative-moods ,
That's understandable regarding the best offer and auto accept process. We have made the development team aware of this feedback so it can help with future clarity for sellers.
Thank you,
14-02-2025 12:43 PM
Please can you help explain as well if the buyer protection fee is added on after the price sent in any offers sent manually to watchers?
14-02-2025 1:01 PM
It does. It's a thing of beauty. My favourite part of the roll out to date.
Going by a post here a while back the buyer receives the offer, big banner saying the seller offer price and below that is a link to click through where they find out what's added.
The example shows the discount % after the addition is 0.00% and off memory they were paying £13.50 more.
A thing of true beauty.
Come to eBay where Offers mean you pay more.
14-02-2025 1:02 PM
It was. There's already proof of that in the threads. See my previous post.
14-02-2025 1:10 PM
I think that's the post
I absolutely love it. It's something SNL or the Pythons could cook up, but I doubt this wasn't intended to be funny.
14-02-2025 1:12 PM
That's the thread, it's message 47, page 3 on my phone.
14-02-2025 1:35 PM
Hi @thegoldstandard_hp ,
Thank you for your post.
Yes the buyer will see the offer price with the buyer protection fee included on top of it.
Thank you,
21-02-2025 7:05 PM
It has taken me a couple of days to realise this and I am absolutely gobsmacked and I believe that it is borderline illegal - no where have I seen and no where have we had sufficient notice to know that when your buyer makes an offer the offer you see is INCLUDING the buyer protection - so I accepted an offer for £15.00 for an item but in fact I am only getting £12.76??????? HOW IS THIS RIGHT? WHERE WAS THE WARNING?? Disgraceful way to treat good private sellers who tow the line.
24-02-2025 11:38 PM
I have just been caught out the same way. I accepted an offer for £40 and ended up with £37.20 . There was no indication that the BPF would be applied to the £40. I still can't work out what the buyers are getting now to the what they had before.
26-02-2025 9:31 AM
I've been selling on ebay for years but these new charges/fee system is just unworkable.Also,i'm having to wait weeks for sales funds to become avaliable AND have to send everything tracked so i know when to expect my payout.On a £3 item posting fully tracked at a cost of £3.60 just is'nt viable as buyers won't pay for the postage so sales drop through the floor.Sorry ebay,but i'm out.
26-02-2025 6:16 PM
Yep i got an offer of £10 on an item i am selling for £15 but when i accept it it changes to £8.92.
Therefore i take it i am paying for buyer protection?
26-02-2025 6:18 PM
Correct…..great isn’t it 🤔🤔
26-02-2025 6:19 PM
It seems to work this way:
If a buyer sends you an offer for example, £10, you receive less, as the Buyer Protection Fee is taken off.
If you send a buyer that offer for £10, the buyer pays more, as They pay the Buyer Protection Fee.