Item not won

Can you tell me why I didn't win item number 276895536585 last night.

My highest bid was £71.52 and the winning bid was given as £70.08. How is that possible?

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Item not won

Message 2 of 12
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Item not won

Maybe it was to do with the buyer protection fee. The sold price showing on the listing was £73.61,  which is £70.08, plus the BPF.  It seems like you could see the BPF added to your bid, but it doesn't show in any of the bids in bid history.

BPF is an absolute pain, it makes auctions and offers very, very tricky 😞

Message 3 of 12
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Item not won

So now you have to place your bid and include the BPF in your bid?  This is ridiculous!

Message 4 of 12
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Item not won

I think you see your bid amount as it will be with BPF, BUT you will see all the other bids without the BPF!
So in this case, if you saw the current winning bid was £70, you need to add on 4% + 75p and make sure your bid is higher than that.


Oh, what fun we had ...

Message 5 of 12
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Item not won

I have been told twice recently I'm the highest bidder and that I've won an auction - and then it just disappears * poof * just like that !!


I've also been outbid by increments that shouldn't be possible - ie: a few pence on items that cost over £100 - this has been happening for a year or two and is getting more and more noticeable and obvious.


I'm seeing the same auctions on sale for months on end...


I've been using eBay for well over 20 years and it never used to be like this.


I have come to the conclusion there are many fake / AI bot auctions on eBay - I can only assume it's to give the impression (to both potential sellers and shareholders) that eBay is a busy site - one worth using or investing in - whereas, perhaps, in reality, it's not....?

Message 6 of 12
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Item not won

@stagman43 wrote:

So now you have to place your bid and include the BPF in your bid?  This is ridiculous!

No, your bid automatically includes the BPF, as do all bids.  The issue is that the bid history page, which is really for the benefit of sellers, shows the amount without the BPF.   You can't compare them directly unless you do some maths. 

Message 7 of 12
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Item not won

"I've also been outbid by increments that shouldn't be possible - ie: a few pence on items that cost over £100" - your arguement isn't quite right. I learned how to bid very early on, when auctions were won against me by a matching bid because the other bidder had put his bid in first. Ever since then I add a few pence on, so instead of bidding say £10 I will bid £10.27.


Over the years quite a few auctions have ended in my favour by the few odd pence.

Message 8 of 12
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Item not won

I've never bid whole amounts, though - it's always extra pence on top.


What I'm seeing now is a newish thing that's been happening more and more recently.

Message 9 of 12
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Item not won

" tricky" or just 'dishonest', deceptive even?

Seems to me the bid and prices including 'bpf' should be clearly itemised at all stages, from advert, bid and sale. Such a debacle and lack of transparency 😞
Or is it just something else ebay are bruising users with? }:-#

Message 10 of 12
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Item not won

Ebay does not have increments. 


if I bid £765.43 on an item on day 1 starting at £0.01 , and buyer 2 enters £765.42 7 days later I will win by £0.01 .

Message 11 of 12
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Item not won

Yes and no.  You would win with those bids but there are increments and they get bigger as the price goes up.


Message 12 of 12
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