24-10-2024 9:56 PM
Wonder if anyone else have noticed a sudden decline in sales since Jan 2024. Unsure what could have caused this.
We have started moving our business however we still have good amount of listings on ebay platform but sales died completely since 20/10/24 and today no SALES.
Has there been any changes to promoted listings by ebay that may have killed it.
Please advise.
24-10-2024 11:17 PM
ebay is pushing promoted listings - I have 3 offers at the moment covering all forms of promoted listings. One of them is described as 'a gift for your peak season sales from ebay advertising' - a gift I have to pay to get. I have noticed that sales have died after the 20th.
25-10-2024 10:20 AM
My sales have been affected from 20th October also. Sales have halved compared to the 3 previous weeks. Traffic strangely is around the same though.
25-10-2024 10:57 AM
I had a reasonable weekend but a rise in sales on Monday 21st however since then only two small sales and none for two days. No sale days are becoming more frequent in 2024 for sure
25-10-2024 2:21 PM
I noticed ebay was more glitchy than usual earlier in the week which is usually the sign of ebay doing something behind the scenes. Today I'm getting listings showing in dollars and pounds and information in my seller hub is at zero except active listings. The joys of ebay.
25-10-2024 6:40 PM
I've noticed a variety of glitches over the last week. It's interesting you mention getting listings showing in dollars, as I now find when browsing as a buyer that half the listings I click on go to that interim page with a "See More Details" button, and when you click that it opens the listing on Ebay.com, with the price quoted in $. Every single time. The only workaround is to change the domain manually to .co.uk. It only seems to be on the desktop version but I wonder just how many buyers are being put off by that glitch, and by the annoying interim page to click through. First noticed it last Friday and it hasn't been rectified since. It seems more than coincidental that my sales by every metric (daily, rolling average, 7 day average) have tanked since the 18th, with 3 no-sale days, at what has traditionally been a very strong time of year.
25-10-2024 6:53 PM
I haven't got much information to look at in my seller hub, but I can see I've been hooked up to ebay.com. Under promotional offers in the overview page I have an offer in pacific daylight time from .com and my seller level gives my region as US.
25-10-2024 7:36 PM
I've noticed twice today and one yesterday i was automatically logged out, had to log back in, but ended up on .com. Never known a company to be so glitchy.
25-10-2024 9:34 PM
Same, sales totaly died - I thought cos I mainly sell vintage clothes the market is flooded with the new private sellers but strange it would be this week, one of the busiest periods - should be, to start seriously decline, there has been a decline but def not as dire as this week which has been brutal
25-10-2024 11:09 PM
I think brutal is a good description of what is happening for business sellers right now.
26-10-2024 4:08 PM
I also noticed yesterday when logging in and out that I had been automatically logged onto the .com site and not .uk site. Might explain why no sales for the last week.
26-10-2024 4:13 PM
If I try to move from these community pages to my ebay then it goes to .com. I have to open another tab to make sure I get .uk. It's been a shocking week and we don't have to look far for the reason.
26-10-2024 8:34 PM
Well I've had enough , keeping my shop going until I've paid my last creditor and then I'll colse it.
Thought it was bad last time this happened but not as bad as this.
Thanks ebay
27-10-2024 9:31 AM
I was getting this too all day yesterday. I had to keep signing in and out multiple times. Makes you think if sellers experience glitches then what are buyers seeing and how many prospective buyers are lost this way
really frustrating
27-10-2024 10:03 AM
At times eay is loading like something from the very early days, something I haven't seen for years and indicative of something technical going on. I seem to remember the CEO saying at the time of announcing free selling for private sellers there would be more announcements at ebay's Q3 results which is the 30th. I'm looking for my tin hat just in case.
27-10-2024 10:06 AM
Still got the same issue, if i come on here then go back to my seller hub by clicking on the ebay word at the top of this page, it then loads ebay.com and asks to load cookies.......... 1995 baby.
27-10-2024 7:33 PM
Same here. Sales were steady for this time of year but last weekend (20th onwards) things went south. Been on eBay for 18 years and this does hark back to the good old days when they used to tinker with things and everything would nose dive for 2 weeks.
28-10-2024 10:48 AM
Is everyones traffic, page views and impressions the same despite sales dropping since 20th October?
Traffic has remained good for me, but sales have dropped significantly
28-10-2024 3:59 PM
I don't know if it's a new thing or I have just never noticed before, perhaps it was the changes that have caused technical issues for people. However I clicked on one of my listings earlier and the last photo is now a selection of my other listings with the words "other items from this seller" on it then when you click it it takes you to your other listings.
Is this new or have I just never seen it before?
28-10-2024 4:31 PM
my own sales are vitually none existant...just 1 sale in almost 8 weeks....have been like this for over a year now, hence i only have less than 50 items for sale now....this is the worst it has been for 5 years and getting worse. Does not give me any confidence to keep selling on here. I have persevered for the last 18 months and have stated for that time that I will take everything off this site. Very disheartening...am not the only person to be saying the very same....long standing sellers have had enough...