Sales Completly Died **September 2024**

We have over 100 listings however sales are dead for over three months now.


Wondering if this is about time to take our business away to other platforms as we really cannot afford high Promoted Listings fees but still no sales.



Message 1 of 225
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224 REPLIES 224

Sales Completly Died **September 2024**

I had a good October but November is very quiet.


Message 141 of 225
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Sales Completly Died **September 2024**

I've had no sales at all for weeks now 😞


I am yet to try eBay's wallet as I have noticed I have had no sales since this feature was introduced ☹️ 🤔

Message 142 of 225
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Sales Completly Died **September 2024**

Yes we have noticed the same, we sell consistently in the leather repair side of things, they dropped off the cliff, i checked the sale overall on eBay and i am not shore if there data has gone up the wall but as you can see on the 6th of November there was a massive drop, we have listings with 7k sales and there not getting much impressions, i wonder if this is another push to get everyone back on the promoted listings !!


i have spent a fortune selling on this site in the past 2 years, its a total joke, last year my promotions took 52% of overall sales, totally unsustainable, this used to be a good little platform to start a business on, now its flooded with foreign *bleep*.


anyone else getting the same issues !!

Message 143 of 225
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Sales Completly Died **September 2024**

Morning yes same as here the last few weeks very bad only had good sales on Sunday because weekend after again down and down. :(((( No any questions from people or any offers :((( I do not how long will be this???? But almost Christmas time and this year is worst now. from yesterday my payout was just £20 netto like I am just started to sell Ebay :((((. Before almost every each day netto £100. :(((( 

Message 144 of 225
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Sales Completly Died **September 2024**

I think yesterday was one of the worst days we've had on here in what must be at least 17 years, basically nothing in sales or questions between midday and 10pm which I don't remember happening before but on the positive side our page views were up 171% (yeah right of course they were!), sometimes I have noticed a few quieter hours normally when eBay are making some of their stupid changes, that said today will probably be a bumper day (or comparatively speaking) it's normally they way, eBay hide us away for a day then the next day sales bounce back but overall definitely quieter on here and that's with us doing promoted listings and offsite promotion which I'm not sure totally helps as we're paying for eBay's advertising (if they are even advertising it anywhere!) and so far according to the eBay figures & stats we've sold 1 thing in a week from offsite promotions....who knows

Message 145 of 225
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Sales Completly Died **September 2024**

I did get one sale for £33.99 last weekend after 6/7 weeks of nothing and I did finally get to try out eBay's wallet feature and it was good ! - I was able to transfer the money I got from my sale straight to my bank INSTANTLY ! - Yay ! - eBay have finally fixed to long payment delay and their payment system is now good with a perfect match to PayPal's Instant payments !  🙂 🙂 🙂

Message 146 of 225
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Sales Completly Died **September 2024**

Yesterday I did my periodic check on my ebid listings visible on google shopping.  For ages I've managed to keep myself on the "Shops/Sites" side-bar and can normally find several of my ads. on P.1.


Yesterday everything had changed, I've lost my place on the side-bar and none of my listings on P.1, in fact nothing much from the smaller site and only one ad. from an independent web-site.


To me it looks like the tech. giants looking after each other again with wall to wall ebay and etsy ads.  and everyone else out in the cold.  Whatever happened to Anti-Trust Laws?

Message 147 of 225
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Sales Completly Died **September 2024**

I'd forgotten about the previous post so feel I should add a correction.


The next-time I checked GS everything was back to normal and has stayed that way since then.


I have no idea why the format and content had changed on that particular day or how long it lasted.


Google tinkering?

An erroneous connection to GS in another country with a different format?

Some sort of problem / glitch within GS?


Who knows?  But a couple of checks later and I haven't seen whatever I saw on that day again, I'm relieved to say.  Even though the return to "normal" has yet to produce any more sales over there.  My last sale was on 7/10 with nothing since.

Message 148 of 225
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Sales Completly Died **September 2024**

Well ,it's very bleak here in the good old u.s.a. I have 2500 items in my
store as of yesterday I had two views out of 2500 items, I should get some
kinda sales just by accident, and now we are dealing with a fascist new
leader, that has billionaires as his close buddys,
Message 149 of 225
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Sales Completly Died **September 2024**

That's "very very frightening..!!" 


I always found, in the past, by adding a number of New listings every week

- visibility and views were very high!? 


Now, I fully understand the world's economy has changed in Europe and USA

- I tend not to be able to dedicate time to creating new listings etc.

- expectedly, the odd item ticks over 4 to 6 times a month, out of 300 listings


How have others been affected, similarly or otherwise?? 

Message 150 of 225
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Sales Completly Died **September 2024**

I refer you to my post #64 (on P.4).


Since then I've had one more sale on both ebay and ebid, both in October.


2024 has probably been my worst year ever on ebay with a total of 4 sales since 1/1.

Until April this year looked like it would be my best ever on ebid with 25 sales, but with only 2 since then (total 27 since 1/1), it's about the same as last year (24 total for the year).


What's more worrying is that somewhere on here is another thread with a similar title for October and probably another for November.



In the UK we've had our tax thresholds frozen for a few years, in addition to that we've seen greedy corporations whacking up prices and bills while giving below inflation wage rises.  Most everyone has got poorer so I'm not surprised that many people have stopped spending.

Message 151 of 225
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Sales Completly Died **September 2024**

Aha, I see the usual refrain being petitioned "Bwaaa! What happened to my sales this month?".  Well if you are paying for "promotion" in the futile hope you can ratchet up your revenue, so is every other seller - this is the issue, it isn't an exclusive club, anyone can join.  This is also evident from polluted search lists showing many items ahead of those items matching one's exact terms.


Thinking your eBay seller's tenure is drawing to a close is equally (and annoying), met by good buyers not able to find what they want among all the white noise of irrelevant trash.

Message 152 of 225
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Sales Completly Died **September 2024**

Great commentary, well done. 


If my spending habits are any measure, 

I only buy on ebay for following reasons:

- Can wait 3+ days for delivery, ie. Not a rush item

- Item cannot be bought on A*****

- it's significantly lower price than A***** , or there's a discount code/promo


eg. A phone case/accessory/PC item, I'm not usually in the position to wait for.. 

has to be bought from A***** and collect from Locker. 


Message 153 of 225
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Sales Completly Died **September 2024**

Whoever came up with the daft idea in 2020-24 of merging all the antique stuff into just one gigantic category on eBay has now KILLED EVERYONE'S SALES... now it's like a looking for a needle in a haystack when people come to find anything on eBay... all new stuff is shown most of the time and all the old antique  stuff that people really want is hidden behind pages and pages of cheap China JUNK !


As if  that's bad enough... now after the latest UK budget people are now afraid to spend any money... and the very wealthy are now not interested in buying any more antique items for their homes as they are now fleeing the UK before they are forced to giveaway all their wealth in high taxes which have now come out of NOWHERE !


So now ALL our buyers are now taking the Ebenezer Scrooge approach and NOT SPENDING ANY MONEY !


FireShot Capture 1693 - Scrooge.png


Message 154 of 225
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Sales Completly Died **September 2024**

Hasn't anyone at ebay ever heard of "over-kill"?  Or how the ebay search is now mind numbing and sooo frustrating, therefore a total put-off ?


I search for "Art Deco Glass", which probably has about 10K listings, but the results say 200K+ .


I don't want to see Similar or Sponsored or items ebay claims buyers looking for a vintage vase also bought or any of the other lines of "Related" items.

I want to see the 10K items I'm interested in.

It might be making ebay loads of money, but I think the sheer volume of adverts pushed in front of buyer's eyes has got to the point where it's putting people off even trying to search on ebay.

Message 155 of 225
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Sales Completly Died **September 2024**

Like the smart antique dealer I would expect you to be, you would be selling outside of eBay in 2024 and with network lists.  In fact, if you are concerned about your livelyhood, you would have multiple avenues in which to sell your antiques, so it shouldn't bother you.


People that can afford £500+ for cabinet pretty Lalique glassware generally don't even care for, or even heard of, eBay.  So that's a customer base missed.


All you doing is gaining eyes from, wait for it, OTHER SELLERS of whom will be "vulturing" for your despair to capitulate to a painfully low price drop so they can swoop it from YOU.


These smarter sellers will then sell to their clients in their network lists without worrying about commission.




Message 156 of 225
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Sales Completly Died **September 2024**

I think both myself and @bittyboy101  have noticed and commented on the activities of the never buying watchers on here.  

That is, never buying unless the desperate are willing to send them "Fire Sale" offers.  It's just one of the reasons that ebay as a market for antiques / collectables is so poor these days and will continue to be as long as they have so little competition from 'real' buyers. 

Message 157 of 225
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Sales Completly Died **September 2024**

@danieledwardsmall wrote:

Like the smart antique dealer I would expect you to be, you would be selling outside of eBay in 2024 and with network lists.  In fact, if you are concerned about your livelyhood, you would have multiple avenues in which to sell your antiques, so it shouldn't bother you.


People that can afford £500+ for cabinet pretty Lalique glassware generally don't even care for, or even heard of, eBay.  So that's a customer base missed.


All you doing is gaining eyes from, wait for it, OTHER SELLERS of whom will be "vulturing" for your despair to capitulate to a painfully low price drop so they can swoop it from YOU.


These smarter sellers will then sell to their clients in their network lists without worrying about commission.




I bet, even these so called "smarter sellers" will now be struggling to obtain sales when their "clients" are now LEAVING UK to keep their multi million pound assets safe and away from UK's now extortionate tax rises when they are now the main target !


Remember, if there is nobody out there anymore to buy your items... then they simply WON'T SELL... ANYWHERE.


And.. selling abroad is possible... but carries a lot of risks and heartache if things go wrong... 



Message 158 of 225
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Sales Completly Died **September 2024**

Listen, they are not leaving the UK in droves; that is just some denial imagination dreamt up to pacify yourself into thinking it is someone else's fault that you failed as a seller.


Yes there are big tax rises that will affect the rich but they aren't leaving the country because of it and if you think they are, please show me citations that suggest that.


The rich will pay that tax albeit reluctantly, but they will remain wealthy enough to buy antiques at the right prices.


As I said you, need to be smarter, build network lists, sell overseas, make good contacts with those in the industry, if you want to be taken more seriously.


Like many on here, you just want to sit at home relying on just eBay.  Hell, you might even have considered dropshipping as a way out instead of food relationship building.


Now THAT is what's wrong with the UK's online retailscape.

Message 159 of 225
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Sales Completly Died **September 2024**

@danieledwardsmall wrote:

Listen, they are not leaving the UK in droves; that is just some denial imagination dreamt up to pacify yourself into thinking it is someone else's fault that you failed as a seller.


Yes there are big tax rises that will affect the rich but they aren't leaving the country because of it and if you think they are, please show me citations that suggest that.


The rich will pay that tax albeit reluctantly, but they will remain wealthy enough to buy antiques at the right prices.


As I said you, need to be smarter, build network lists, sell overseas, make good contacts with those in the industry, if you want to be taken more seriously.


Like many on here, you just want to sit at home relying on just eBay.  Hell, you might even have considered dropshipping as a way out instead of food relationship building.


Now THAT is what's wrong with the UK's online retailscape. 

Message 160 of 225
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