Discussions on the RT.

Along with the general lack of posting on here, there seems to be a distinct lack of discussions and any that do start often don't get a lot of "interest", a lot of views, but notta lotta posting?


Is that because there are those who don't know how to discuss or debate respond with ridicule and offensive personal remarks? Would it be because the same old gang of such people kill off any reasoned debate not knowing how to disagree with the topic raised so instead take issue with posters?


Just a thought which occurred to me when reading a news item which I'm going to raise in another thread...........

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 1 of 19
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Re: Discussions on the RT.

Naturally it can be disheartening, (not getting any, or the odd one reply,) for maybe some posters who started what they hoped could be a topic that might get some interest from regulars, or from people who just look in now and again. 


There are a few topics that have been replied to, yet the original poster of the topic didn't acknowledge the reply given. That is disheartening for the person that showed an interest. 


I suppose really as looking back a good while on RT great friendships were formed, that alone is good for them all, it was very active too, so of course the regulars would have noticed a decline as the years went by. But all forums are noticing that happen as well. 

Message 2 of 19
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Re: Discussions on the RT.

I think some would be put off by trolls nastiness, but I always found they gave up eventually if I completely ignored them, reacting to them only encourages them.

Message 3 of 19
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Re: Discussions on the RT.

It's not that long ago that I started posting here and was put off when my first post was "ignored" for days because I was used to the quicker pace of the Buying and Selling boards.  Having been completely ignored on another sites boards I thought this was another "open" forum which was in reality was a private talking shop for the regulars who ignore and exclude most new posters until they go away.


Having realised this isn't the case I do add a comment from time to time but like some others I only check what is going on a couple of times a week.  I don't add that many posts to discussions mainly because by the time I read through them someone else has already said what I would have said anyway.  It seems pointless just to add "I agree with....." or give another repetitive example in agreement.


I had been posting on some of the other ebay boards for years before I even found the RT, what it needs is to be moved up the list of boards a bit because having become involved in threads higher up the list I rarely have time to reach those nearer the bottom end.

Message 4 of 19
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Re: Discussions on the RT.

@cee-dee wrote:

Along with the general lack of posting on here, there seems to be a distinct lack of discussions and any that do start often don't get a lot of "interest", a lot of views, but notta lotta posting?


Is that because there are those who don't know how to discuss or debate respond with ridicule and offensive personal remarks? Would it be because the same old gang of such people kill off any reasoned debate not knowing how to disagree with the topic raised so instead take issue with posters?


Just a thought which occurred to me when reading a news item which I'm going to raise in another thread...........

Please CD,. Don't take this personally, please no one take my reply personally.  It is just my personal opinion and not meant to offend anyone.


I am not really having a moan either but the points that I have highlighted in black I do actually tend to agree with especially where my contributions are concerned. Of course I am talking about mine being mainly those as a JW.

I am not complaining because I do accept that JW views attract all kinds of responses and those that give them are quite within their rights to so.


I would just like to add my reply as I see it considering this has been put out to attract interest and replies.

I have noticed too that there is far less activity on many forums. I stay and read RT and the other ebay forums because some discussions and debates I find very interesting and like to read other people's opinions. I enjoy them.

I do find though that almost all discussions and debates have an opening somewhere for me as a JW to contribute in someway or another because that's life.  My opinion is because God exists and is the one who created life then every aspect of life and all that can be discussed and debated will have God's view to be considered as well.


So this means because so many people react is so many negative ways when my JW opinions are expressed, it excludes me from joining in the interesting topics.


I never take things personally, even when it may seem as ridicule I don't take offence because we are all entitled to our opinions. The important thing is we all respect each other.


Next mood swing in 6 minutes

Message 5 of 19
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Re: Discussions on the RT.



"So this means because so many people react is so many negative ways when my JW opinions are expressed, it excludes me from joining in the interesting topics."

Why should it exclude you?..................If in your opinion a topic is interesting, it is possible to stay on track without bringing your JW beliefs into it. Lets say for the sake of argument, that someone posted a thread on the merits of petrol as opposed to diesel, and you had an opinion on the said merits, there would be no reason to bring your JW beliefs into it would there? In other words you discuss/debate the subject in hand .................Can you see my point?


I think you resented and still resent, the fact that several forum members objected to the incessant introduction on many diverse threads of your JW beliefs,



"I never take things personally, even when it may seem as ridicule I don't take offence because we are all entitled to our opinions. The important thing is we all respect each other."

Spot On! ….......We are all entitled to our opinions (and it works both ways) but do we have to force our opinions down the throats of those who do not agree with us? And yes..........we should ALL respect each other, but having been a member of this forum from day four, I can tell you sadly, that history in regard to this forum has often led to a lack of respect.

Always remember....... It is impossible to be liked by everyone 🙂

As for Cee Dee's original question, I know why several once very regular posters have given up posting

but it would be imprudent to say why.

Message 6 of 19
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Re: Discussions on the RT.

Arrrrgggghhhhhhhhhhh, not JW beliefs again?


I wonder what would be said if I introduced my beliefs in to a multitude of threads where beliefs were not part of the original post/question?


Oh, nice of people to ask what my beliefs are?


OK, you asked for it. I believe in evolution. I believe things all kicked off "on their own". I don't believe the World was "created" as it stands with all the rock layers as they are and complete with the dinosaur bones & etc.


I believe what the remnants of past ages (try to) tell us.


For a long time I've said that there might have been other "big bangs" and that things might have happened before. ie, that an evolution took place before "The Big Bang". That evolution ended until anothr big bang kicked it all off again. The odd thing is I was watching a scientific programme a week or two ago and some eminent "scientists" said exactly the same thing adding, as I do, "we just don't know".


OK, make of all that what you will now.

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 7 of 19
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Re: Discussions on the RT.

With the greatest of respect, I think my point has been missed or I didn't explain myself very well, my apologies. Xx

I certainly don't resent anything, on the contrary I was trying to explain that no offence is ever taken because all have a right to opinions. Xx
Next mood swing in 6 minutes

Message 8 of 19
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Re: Discussions on the RT.

I've just re read Geo's and CDs last posts.


Whether intentional or not they have just proved the point I was trying to make.😃😃

Next mood swing in 6 minutes

Message 9 of 19
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Re: Discussions on the RT.

The difference is that we don't introduce our beliefs at every possible opportunity or try to turn the object of a thread towards a minority belief.

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 10 of 19
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Re: Discussions on the RT.

@cee-dee wrote:

The difference is that we don't introduce our beliefs at every possible opportunity or try to turn the object of a thread towards a minority belief.

Cd, if you really look back on the discussions I have joined what I have done is exactly the same as what every one else does, discuss debate and put another point of view into the mix.


I don't do what you do and respond to a post of yours with "arrhhhhh not again" I read with interest your views and respond with mine and where able offer my informations, facts and arguments to back up why I have those views.  I respect and accept people's views.


The bottom line is if you need to bring differences into it is you expect a JW to read all your posts and discussions with tolerance, acceptance, understanding and respect for your views but are not prepared (although you say you do) to give the same to them. 


You put certain questions or statements out to the public in the hope of a debate or discussion but by how you respond to a JW when they do honestly and respectfully respond you might just as well say open to all except JW's.


I can and do discuss topics sometimes when there is no religious and belief connotations in them, I am happy to do so. But CD whether intentional or not many topics of yours do have those kinds of subject matter in them.


That is why I felt prompted to reply to this thread in the way I did.  




Next mood swing in 6 minutes

Message 11 of 19
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Re: Discussions on the RT.


"Whether intentional or not they have just proved the point I was trying to make"

The only point I could see that you were making was that you feel you should be able introduce your JW beliefs into the majority of threads irrespective of the subject matter of a thread.


QUOTE: I do find though that almost all discussions and debates have an opening somewhere for me as a JW to contribute in someway or another because that's life. My opinion is because God exists and is the one who created life then every aspect of life and all that can be discussed and debated will have God's view to be considered as well.


I gave the analogy of the "Petrol Diesel" thread to try and show that it is not necessary to introduce your JW beliefs into it but did not exclude you from making a contribution to the threads subect matter.


You seem to be saying that if you were allowed to post your beliefs on "almost all discussions" you would post on a lot more threads..........But isn't that exactly what happened before under your other ID?..............I seem to recall that it wasn't well received by a lot of members 🙂


Why not try to join in other threads and discussions without bringing your JW beliefs into it ? You never know, you might enjoy it 🙂 and hopefully in time, you will be less resenful of others who do not share your views.


And for what it's worth, I am deeply religious, but never once in my life have I ever tried to force my beliefs on anyone else, least of all, on this forum..........So take my word for it.....It can be done 🙂



KInd Regards


Message 12 of 19
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Re: Discussions on the RT.

You could have replied to the topic without introducing a JW element in to it like you've done so many times before. Your opinion on the topic is welcome, but a JW element is not what the topic is about.


Sometimes I'm reminded about the young erk who, when marching past his parents on the passing out parade to the calls of "Left-right-left-right" from the Flight Sergeant (as the parade went "left" as the FS called "right" etc) called out "Look Mam, they're all out of step except me".

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 13 of 19
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Re: Discussions on the RT.

Geo and Cd your clearly did miss my point then and have introduce what you think I was saying.


I shall leave now, although I do take your point that not all discussions have to be JW related, I do join in, if something interests me.



Maybe CD if you add topics other than the cosmos, the planet and why aren't people posting, there maybe some renewed interest and board activity.


Kind regards Linda xxx

Next mood swing in 6 minutes

Message 14 of 19
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Re: Discussions on the RT.

Not applicable

Maybe CD if you add topics other than the cosmos, the planet and why aren't people posting, there maybe some renewed interest and board activity.



laughing touche



Message 15 of 19
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Re: Discussions on the RT.

An assertion by one about the claimed inability of some to debate, quickly followed by terse edicts, a post or two later by the same.

Priceless!! lol


A certain religion has ostensibly and obsessively occupied most of a forum for well over a decade as a proxy on ethnicity, without complaint from the same


Mutual massaging of prejudice isn't debate

Science isn't watching old episodes of Star Trek while wistfully thinking of days long gone and well thumbed faded copies of Health & Efficiency


I don't see a problem with views on the origin of the Universe and surrounding areas and other topics being fair comment for those who take a more religious perspective.



Message 16 of 19
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Re: Discussions on the RT.

When I started a couple of threads, I pondered whether to use maggots, pellets or sweetcorn.


I need not have bothered, a shiny hook worked just as well.

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 17 of 19
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Re: Discussions on the RT.

I can only assume you believed both would be equally as ineffective, and decided to save the bait for tea instead.

Message 18 of 19
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Re: Discussions on the RT.

Oliver Kite could catch fish on a bare hook, I have but that was accidental, he used to do it deliberately.


You just have to show it to the 'fish' and move it in the right way. Smiley Happy



Parents of young, organic life forms are warned that towels can be harmful if swallowed in large quantities.
Message 19 of 19
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