something went wrong

Hello, i am trying to sell an item but in the verify my details page i can't get past the text me a just bounces back to something went wrong and check my number.

any ideas please

Message 1 of 113
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112 REPLIES 112

Re: something went wrong

Not applicable

Im having the same problem so any help would be good. I thought it was just me.

Message 2 of 113
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Re: something went wrong

Me too if you find a solution please let me know?

Message 3 of 113
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Re: something went wrong

Probably easiest to try and get the Community Team involved and see if they'll flag it up to the "tech" team to have a look.


If you want to do something while you wait you could try clearing cache and cookies, try a different browser or try incognito mode.




If you're not too busy could one of you look into this issue? Thank you.


Message 4 of 113
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Re: something went wrong

I've also got the same problem. When I try and list (currently have 5 items in draft), I get the seller account verification screen that produces the "Something went wrong" error every time.


And yes, I've tried clearing cache and cookies, tried different browsers, incognito/private tabs, you name it.


EBay - Sort this out!!! A google of the error shows me 164,000 mentions of this problem!


Hint: A lot of people affected by this seem to have "legacy" / Older eBay accounts. Had mine since 2001 - Twenty years!


I've tried updating my account info, checked the number (which is verified previously), turned on 2FA via the eBay app (which works), but the new seller onboarding process is FUBARed.


It's not just the "Text Me" that doesn't work either, neither does call me. Also tried changing the number from my UK mobile to my US mobile in case eBay were having issues with UK calls/texts, but to no avail - just more "Something went wrong" messages.

This is clearly a backend issue, not a user problem.

Message 5 of 113
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Re: something went wrong

Employee (Retired)

Hey everyone, 


Thanks for the tag and also for providing trouble shooting steps. We suggest doing these so that we can rule out any browsers issues in the background. This allows our teams to focus on the issue at hand. 


For those who are experiencing the issue, please can you confirm if you have done as suggested above, clear cache and cookies, try different browser and using incognito mode. If you have and the issue still persists, let us know and I will get this raise and reviewed further. 


Thank you,


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Message 6 of 113
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Re: something went wrong

My previous post was edited to read "If you want to do something while you wait you could try clearing cache and cookies, try a different browser or try incognito mode".  The context was lost, so just to clarify (using a very slightly different form of words so as not to upset anyone) what I wrote was:


If you want to do something [word removed] while you wait you could try clearing cache and cookies, try a different browser or try incognito mode, though none of these will make the blindest bit of difference.


Clearing cache and cookies to attempt to resolve a problem makes no difference: the problem is the core code has not been written or tested correctly.


Just wanted to clear that up...

Message 7 of 113
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Re: something went wrong

Hi amy@ebay,


Yes, I can confirm we've cleared our browsers, cookies, tried incognito mode, tried a Mac, PC, iPad, Edge, Chrome, Firefox and even made a sacrifice on the alter of Steve Jobs, but to no avail.


As many have said here, it's an ebay issue, and we are stuck being unable to sell or service customers while the issue remains.


As I pointed out, it seems to be affecting legacy accounts (mainly) that were created years ago, since the new seller onboarding process came into being, so I'd imagine some clever coder tested the onboarding code with a fresh account and not one created in the mists of time.

I've been selling on ebay for 20 years (on and off) and you've "verified" me and my mobile number hundreds of times, the issue is with the new platform.


Thanks in advance,



Message 8 of 113
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Re: something went wrong

Hi 'Darrinsalt ' -  I have been trying to do the same all day --- and like yourself tried all devises to attempt to list an item on ebay uk - unable to contact Steve Jobs tho (Lol) -and I just get a variety of messages - the most frequent "something went wrong, try again later"  -- I have, I did --- and still ebay is not playing - just wondering if you managed to get it sorted and if so how? --- 

Message 9 of 113
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Re: something went wrong

Cleared cookies, cleared cache, turned mac on, off, on ,- tried ipad and iphone -- changed pictures - changed listing price, updated my account details filled in every conceivable available box available - and even tried leaving some empty Lol   --- but still my item for selling remains on the dinning room table --- anyone wanna buy a pair of Dedito boots?  -- If someone finds a solution to this problem could you be kind enough to let me know the answer 


Message 10 of 113
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Re: something went wrong

To be honest you've probably got more chance of contacting Steve Jobs than you have of getting this resolved...


As written in Post 6 above "If ... the issue still persists, let us know and I will get this raise [stet] and reviewed further". I'm afraid all you can do is keep raising this with the Community Team and hope it is resolved at some point, though my money's on "we are unable to replicate the problem".


Message 11 of 113
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Re: something went wrong

Employee (Retired)

Thank you for replying and letting us know the troubleshooting steps you all have tried. 


I have raised this with our tech teams to review further. When they inform me of more information on this, I can let you all know here. 


Thank you for your patience, 


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Message 12 of 113
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Re: something went wrong

Employee (Retired)

Hey everyone, 


Thank you for your patience while I had this reviewed.


I just received an update from our tech teams who confirmed that this is something that they have been made aware of already and are currently working on a resolution. While I don't have an exact time-frame as to when this will be fixed, I can assure you, this has been escalated further, and we're hoping for this to be sorted as soon as possible. 


Thank you once again for your patience,


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Message 13 of 113
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Re: something went wrong

Hi Amy,


Is there any update to this problem as I'm still getting the "something went wrong" message when I review the key selling information.




Message 14 of 113
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Re: something went wrong

Not applicable


Is there an update to this problem yet please? Been ongoing for weeks and I've rung ebay cutomer service a few times, with no success. I too have a legacy account that, when I try to post an item to sell,  goes through a mobile phone verification loop and doesnt manage to send the text. I havent been able to sell for weeks.

Thank you


Message 15 of 113
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Re: something went wrong

Not applicable

Ebay - something went wrong.jpg

 This is the error message...

Message 16 of 113
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Re: something went wrong

Employee (Retired)



I have checked this for you and this is still being reviewed. It has since been escalated further.


I will no longer receive updates on this, but I can assure you, this is something that is being looked after.


Thank you once again, and we hope this will be fixed soon.


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Message 17 of 113
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Re: something went wrong


Thanks for checking and for telling us this is still being reviewed.


I'm sure many will be puzzled that you'll no longer be receiving updates on this.  Can you please clarify why this is?  What will it take to get you back in the loop?

Message 18 of 113
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Re: something went wrong

Hi @johnwash1,


When we report issues to our teams, they review and try to troubleshoot with us. This is when we recommend clearing cache and cookies etc. If our tech team is unable to resolve, the issue would be escalated further to a different team. We are still able to see general updates on it however, the updates are not issued to us directly. 


Thank you,



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Message 19 of 113
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Re: something went wrong

amy@ebay wrote:

Hi @johnwash1,


When we report issues to our teams, they review and try to troubleshoot with us. This is when we recommend clearing cache and cookies etc. If our tech team is unable to resolve, the issue would be escalated further to a different team. We are still able to see general updates on it however, the updates are not issued to us directly. 


Thank you,



I see.  Thanks.  That clarification is a bit of a bombshell.  So the 'tech team' isn't developers who can actually do anything, they're just triaging and handing problems onwards if they think they merit it.


That's quite depressing.  I'd assumed it was you doing the triaging and that you had direct contact with developers capable of fixing things.

Message 20 of 113
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