04-10-2024 1:49 PM
04-10-2024 3:45 PM
Hi @g-bamf ,
Thank you for your post.
I'm afraid that is is part of the design of the page when you view ended items on your watchlist page. It's not able to be removed.
Thank you,
04-10-2024 4:26 PM
If you use an ad blocker that allows custom rules, try adding this line to your ruleset:
09-10-2024 1:01 PM
Yet more en*bleep*ification to waste more of our time and make the site less usable.
11-10-2024 11:33 AM - edited 11-10-2024 11:34 AM
What works for me is I use uBlock Origin with a line in My Filters:-
www.ebay.co.uk##DIV[class="stream-slot m-item-card__inline-recs"]
12-10-2024 10:41 AM
please provide a way to accumlate feed back votes on how much this "function" is despised, and how an option to disable it needs to be added to settings.
Just because a way of presenting data which didn't used to exist has been added - despite users hating it - doesn't mean it cannot be taken away, or an option added as well, to turn it off for those users who find it infuriating.
Naturally I have sent feedback about how much I hate this annoying, aggressively hard-sell, and blatantly user-hostile CLUTTER has been added to ended watchlist items which makes it much more tedious, frustrating and time-consuming to clear away unwanted ended items on the watchlist.
This annoying addition assumes that users are intellectually incapables who don't know how to use the search function for themselves.
12-10-2024 11:19 AM
Hello Kat,
Thank you for your reply.
Whilest "Shop Similar" may NOW be "part of the design of the page" it DID NOT USED TO BE, for the last many years.
I can only assume it is part of an "update" and has now been programmed.
If this is the case, it can be UN-programmed OR users CAN be given the option of whether or not they want this "new" feature.
Given coments below I am not the only one who does not like this feature, and I suspect there will be very many eBay users who also hate this feature but are not expessing their feelings.
I await the removal of the "Shop Similar" feature, or at the very least it being a setting option, but I won't be holding my breath.
I look forward to any reply.
Regards, Iain Wood.
(a 20+ years eBay user)
12-10-2024 4:15 PM
The Shop Similar "feature" obscures the listings I am trying to manage, and yes, it is infuriating to have eBay's advertising crammed down my throat. As previously observed in this thread, I am perfectly capable of finding similar items myself and do not appreciate eBay's interference in what was previously an uncluttered experience.
13-10-2024 3:38 AM
Hi Kat,
As you can see below, several ebay users have indeed found a way to block your new initative.
For those who find this new 'feature both unhelpful and annoying, use an adblocker with the custom rule set as shown in othe ranswers here and bingo!, no more junk suggestions.
I'm suprised that you did not offer that fix Kat, as clearly many of us do not welcome this new addition to our ebay experience.
13-10-2024 7:49 AM
The "Shop similar" feature is, for me, having the completely opposite effect to that which was intended.
I have always tended to not delete items from my Watch List when they have ended for two reasons: sometimes it's a listing which has sold out and I like to keep an eye on it in case it's restocked and sometimes it's an item which has been ended early ( * ) and I'd like to know if it's relisted. Keeping ended items also acts as a reminder of items in which I'm interested in buying in the future but have Watched so I don't forget.
This new 'Shop similar' feature is absolutely awful. It clutters up the Watch List and makes it difficult to see Ended items clearly. It's a typical eBay update: an unnecessary change, not for the benefit of the user but so that eBay can push promoted and sponsored items in another format.
Fortunately there is a solution. I delete items from my Watch List as soon as they end. And believe me, that is eBay's loss, not mine...
( * ) Usually with the reason "this item is no longer available". Yeah, sure. "The seller has arranged an off-eBay sale" would be more like it...
13-10-2024 9:29 AM
With regards particulalry to your first main paragraph, so I'm not the only one.
Second paragraph, I think, is continuing to sum up what I believe to be a general feeling.
Very well put.
13-10-2024 12:45 PM
15-10-2024 11:11 PM
Well, it may be "part of the design" but it is not a GOOD part of the design. I no longer look at the ending price for the items in my watchlist. I no longer look at sellers other listing if they had items I were interested in purchasing. This new space filler just makes me delete the ended items without a second look.
04-12-2024 10:18 PM
Is this s**t coming back again ?
Because it sure ain't welcome... thought they had backed off as it was so unpopular...
04-12-2024 11:49 PM
Thank you very much.
This worked for me.
05-12-2024 7:21 PM
This was not on my ended items part of my watchlist , now its every other item on the list as you scroll daown and takes ages to load onto page as you scroll making it virtually unusable , truely annoying.
09-12-2024 12:15 AM
It's an absolute right royal pain in the *bleep* now, it's dozens of pages instead of a short list of what to keep and what to remove. Well done ebay, adding something that nobody wants or needs
09-12-2024 12:46 AM
… and not giving any option to configure things as you want …
Hubris. Arrogance.
09-12-2024 11:16 AM
I used adblock and it's now usable ,if it wasnt for that I would have deleted my watched ended listings which I keep for reference and if they get relisted , so through ebays agressive policy of pushing unwanted ads half of which I already have on my watchlist because their software can't distingish [ the same happens daily, email messages suggesting items Ive already highlighted ] so they could potentialy lose sales, the complete opposite of what they intend .
10-12-2024 11:07 PM
This is unwanted and a backward step generating a waste of time on the page probably created by a non user I expect. Absolute rubbish change.