Mobile App Picture Upload Issue

I have an issue when uploading picture via the mobile app.
Pictures uploaded via the app are smaller and lose all the quality (see below example of uploaded via app and uploaded any other method)
The issue is from app only, and isnt just my phone it also has the same issue from tablet app
I can upload the pictures via mobile website on phone and it uploads fine no issues

My apps are the latest update
my phone is an iphone 16 pro max

I have repeatedly reached out to ebay for business, and they either say they dont see any issue with the below or they have themselves reached out to the technical team and they said they cant see any problems on ebays side.
I have reset my phone and didnt fix anything
Ive had people say its a format issue but isnt the case since i can upload the same file another method and it works just fine
uploading via mobile internet works but takes longer, would really like to fix my app
Does anyone have any idea whats going on


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