27-10-2024 12:32 AM
Is anyone else having problems updating their profile?
I keep my profile updated with the number of orders I have coming and a brief update of any news regarding my orders. When I tried to update my profile a few days ago, a red banner appeared with a ! saying Error on saving Profile.
Has anyone else experienced it and are eBay aware of this glitch? It's highly annoying!
05-12-2024 11:05 AM
Log out of eBay on your phone and computer (if both are logged in), choose one from this point to log into the app (phone/computer), then update your profile. (option 1)
*Opt.2*If you are 'spacing' (as above) to create an 'business attire' profile, it may not work due to "grammatical error", so keep it all together. If option 1 does not work for option 2 (2nd paragraph), then save a profile picture first (probably re-save the main one) and then try again.
* this is all the advice I have due to it being an error for me and then working *
*option 3: use a different browser and repeat options 1 & 2.
05-12-2024 11:06 AM
look at my posts on page 2 and 3.
05-12-2024 11:11 AM
try a different internet browser, and repeat. Maybe re-save your profile picture as an .jpeg image due to the 'out-dated' era of eBay, and then repeat again. Script in the long run is confusing, finding the 'easy' alternatives to not knowing code and 'just' beginning on a computer with software is easy to find loop-holes. In other words, eBay not being popular anymore or being maintained, so if the system is out-dated then finding the simple solutions that should work should be the alternative to get a solution to the problem. 'Hacking'
05-12-2024 11:21 AM
08-12-2024 5:39 PM
Same problem here. Can't get my profile photo saved, "Error on saving profile." It seems like you can't phone anyone for help anymore either. AI assistent doesn't recognise the problem.
09-12-2024 5:26 AM
Try an .jpeg image first, then any other type of file type for the photo.
09-12-2024 9:46 AM
Thanks, tried that, still not working.
09-12-2024 4:24 PM
Your "About me" text still includes a newline breaking the text into two paragraphs. Try deleting that.
10-12-2024 9:27 AM
Thanks, that worked.
10-12-2024 10:40 AM
@eburtonlab @token-designer Yes, I have recently went over pages 1-3 and both of your guys's contributions have cleared up alot of the mess I was trying to type. I was lost at the time of my post and did not review any section of page 1 and had posted on page 2 without any clear evidence for myself that there had been already posts of this nature. My hard-headed ways of being stressed have lead me to my own answer and problem solving skills with no credit adue beforehand lol.
*Everyone else that makes it to page 3, review pages 1, 2 and 3 for eburtonlab and token-designer for simpiler instructions on fixing this outdated problem. That is where the credit is due!
10-12-2024 1:11 PM
Hi all,
Thanks very much for all the help and workarounds provided here. I still haven't got any further updates on this, so I will try to follow up on this again to see if I can get any further updates between today and tomorrow.
Thank you,
16-12-2024 9:13 PM
Getting the same issue. Betting that the team responsible for the new layout doesn't give a *bleep* anymore.
16-12-2024 10:47 PM
Getting the same issue.
Remove the newlines from your "About me" text and save the text. Then you should be able to update your photo.
16-12-2024 11:12 PM
Tried removing my entire bio. Still getting problems.
17-12-2024 7:13 AM
Tried removing my entire bio. Still getting problems.
Try selecting all and deleting the entire text, but then adding in some new text without any newlines.
18-12-2024 12:46 PM
If it is of use at all I noticed something rather odd when trying to fix this issue.
SO I was trying to edit my LOGO on desktop and in this thread there was mention that it worked saving in the app, so tried this and again no dice!
After much head scratching I did find that "oddly" the store description on mobile has a 500 character limit, I noticed my description was more than this and thought how did it even save in the first place then???...
Moving back over to desktop I also noticed that the description character limit is 1000 mine was currently 600 odd, so out of sheer curiosity I edited the description to ensure less than 500 characters INCLUDING spaces and it SAVED.
It seems that the character limit advice on the desktop store profile is incorrect and the limit is indeeed 500 characters
Let me know if this helped you
21-12-2024 6:46 AM
21-12-2024 6:48 AM
Please follow his method - prestigepricing https://community.ebay.co.uk/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/11590865
23-12-2024 12:35 PM
If you are updating your profile description, try not to include spaced in between.
Example: DONT DO THIS!
Hi, I'm here to provide a page for electrical goods.
We would like your help and support
Thank you
Example: DO THIS!
Hi, I'm here to provide a page for electrical goods. We would like your help and support, Thank you
Might not help for all but, lets try
28-12-2024 7:41 AM - edited 28-12-2024 7:43 AM
None of these "solutions" work.
Please follow his method - prestigepricing https://community.ebay.co.uk/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/11590865
This goes to an error page, or a blank profile.
I have reduced my text profile to under 500 characters.
It makes no difference.
I have tried uploading picture sizes from under 300 pixels per side, to 500 pixels, and upwards.
I have even tried to submit the previously accepted profile picture.
Every submission results in an error.
I guess that it is still broken, and we are waiting for eBay to fix this error.
I would phone, however, from previous experience, it will take hours, and even getting the first operator to even understand the issue will take around an hour.
I do not have the time to spend just to get a wee profile picture updated.
I will live with my old picture, however, I would like to see a proper fix for this pretty fundamental error in eBay's framework.
Such a simple bug that can't be fixed within days, or even weeks, in this case, is pretty embarrassing.