Error on saving Profile

Is anyone else having problems updating their profile?


I keep my profile updated with the number of orders I have coming and a brief update of any news regarding my orders. When I tried to update my profile a few days ago, a red banner appeared with a ! saying Error on saving Profile.


Has anyone else experienced it and are eBay aware of this glitch? It's highly annoying!

Message 1 of 67
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Error on saving Profile

Hi is anyone from eBay looking into this? As you can see it's affecting quite a few customers.


is there any update on a fix?

Message 21 of 67
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Error on saving Profile

Same problem here, needed to update the bio and can't 

Message 22 of 67
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Error on saving Profile

Hi all,


This is a confirmed issue from our end, and it is currently being worked on. I don't have an estimated fix date as of yet, but as soon as I get confirmation of the issue in question being resolved, I will post back here to let you know.


Thank you,


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Message 23 of 67
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Error on saving Profile

I am having the same problem.


I am trying to add profile information, in the About section. but get the same red banner with Error on saving Profile.


I would appreciate some help please.




Message 24 of 67
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Error on saving Profile

Hello everyone,

I want to bring attention to an issue with the profile description feature that I have identified. Many users may not realize that including line breaks in their descriptions is causing an error when they attempt to save their profile. This results in the description not being saved at all.

Through investigation, I discovered that the <textarea> element used for profile descriptions is not handling or saving line breaks correctly, which leads to this error during the save process. This means that formatted descriptions with multiple lines cannot be saved successfully.

I’m sharing this finding so that the support team is aware of the problem and can look into it, as fixing this would improve the user experience significantly.

Thank you, and I hope this helps support identify and resolve the issue soon. And hey, maybe there’s a little reward waiting for me for helping make the platform better—especially with my new store here!

Best regards,


Message 25 of 67
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Error on saving Profile


Just to let you know. I have tried all the recommendations, from this community and nothing has worked. I even tried your suggestion and removed the "return spacing", so that it is one long continuous text. Unfortunately, I still get the same error and unable to save my profile description, in the "About" section.

Seems like there is a serious problem at the eBay end.

Please can you advise how and when this will be fixed, as I need to show buyers about who I am and why I am selling items.

Many thanks


Message 26 of 67
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Error on saving Profile



On Chrome, Firefox and Edge is the same "Error on saving Profile."



Message 27 of 67
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Error on saving Profile

Hi Marco


This is my 3rd attempt to get a solution and posted the problem, on this forum, twice before. It seems nobody can save anything on their profile description, including me. The red banner, showing the error, still displays.


Is eBay ever going to resolve this issue?



Message 28 of 67
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Error on saving Profile

Hi laytonp29wotsit2u, thanks for your reply.


We are aware of the issue and we are currently working on it to get it resolved. As advised above, we don't have an estimated fix time, but as soon as I get further information on this, I will post back here to let you know. However, as of now, the issue is still ongoing. Once it is fixed, I will post back here to let you know.


Thank you,


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Message 29 of 67
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Error on saving Profile

The problem is, since I just had to figure it out for myself, is that when you are creating an 'About Me' on your seller profile, do not *paragraph* and or *enter down* to start a new place for introducing yourself or your seller profile. Keep all of the text together with no breaks or indents. 

When saving an image to your profile, make sure it is an .jpeg file and that the picture you have saved is 'free' from google sources and not copyrighted.

Message 30 of 67
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Error on saving Profile

Having the same issue trying to update info on my Ebay profile: getting the red banner saying "Error on saving profile". I was able to update my picture though, but not the text.


It seems that the issue wasn't escalated to the Ebay technical team, otherwise I cannot think of why such an important feature is not fixed yet.

Message 31 of 67
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Error on saving Profile

I have been banging on about it for ages. eBay (like most large corporations) tend to be incredibly slow and reluctant to fix issues. They love the money, but not so fond of correcting their own errors. I have tried every suggestion made by other forum users, but none of them have worked. So, it is definitely an eBay issue.


There are eBay Moderators in this forum. You might need to seek them out and message them directly. 


I keep getting messages (from them) saying that it is being looked into and will update the forum in due course. So, we should get the proper fix by 2034. Ha Ha!

Message 32 of 67
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Error on saving Profile

To be honest, I had just logged out and in after trying to update my picture and bio, and then updated my picture correctly with the .jpeg image and saved it. But then I went and deleted the extra spaces in my bio and it had updated for me and saved my profile. So my profile is up-to-date as of now, only took me 5 mins to resolve. But for example if I was not clear in my text (just to try again), log out and in the bio, (insert backspace)
Don't do this. And then you just delete the text and move it back accordingly, and try to save from there, but I am also on a desktop and not my phone to do this, and I have also logged out of my eBay app on my phone to process this on my computer. But have logged out of both and logged back in on my computer in order to update my profile picture and bio.

Message 33 of 67
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Error on saving Profile

lol mdr....

Message 34 of 67
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Error on saving Profile

Yes add into the same issue - problem encountered within the last month - Tried on phone and laptop.  No issues prior to this and I have logged out of ebay and back in as well as removing cookies!


Frustrating is that the large red bar at the top just says Error on Saving but no explanation given as to why?


I have managed to get 2 lines saved that says along the lines of "Having issues saving a profile please message me for any information or see feedback" - But this does not necessarily give confidence to buyers!




I have had no other issues with Ebay so please just resolve this one for what appears to be a number of users


Thank you

Message 35 of 67
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Error on saving Profile

Yes, that worked for me, many thanks. But still not good enough for a company like eBay. To just get an error message without any explanation. Plus, for any business and especially a new not-for-profit like us, we want our 'about us' info to be eye-catching and simple to read. A big square block of text isn't that! 

Thanks again for your guidance.

Message 36 of 67
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Error on saving Profile

same i just got it now when i try to change my about description


Message 37 of 67
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Error on saving Profile



EBAY CUSTOMER SERVICE  doesn't exist.....this is reality........

Message 38 of 67
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Error on saving Profile

Have now read an earlier response to me posting my issue which reads that this is known - it is said that it is being worked on but no time estimate given for the fix.



Message 39 of 67
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Error on saving Profile

Error on saving Profile.

still same
Message 40 of 67
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