Error message

Is the management of this site getting worse - all very well updating this and the that and having the 'wonderful' seller hub but some of us IT illiterats prefer the old system so what goes on - are we being deliberatly fed a diet of error codes to get us to change or what.


Over this last few months I get repeated 'error/missing page' messages typically after I've uploaded new pictures as an example - upload, hit list and up comes your listed message, click on 'done' and up comes the missing page and go to homepage message - try that and it doesn't come up either so round the houses you go trying to find a way in or or log out and start again. This keeps on happening and I want to know what the hell is going on because it seems to me that we're going backwards functionality wise.


I use Google Chrome and ok the occasional glitch in the past, most of which have resolved themselves over time. My wifi signal is strong and very simply I have very little problem elsewhere so this is an eBay issue so far as I can best tell.





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