EDD's shows same day delivery as dispatch day for 2 class post ! also wrong time zone shown



Just looked up the EDD's for my weekend's sales I only just posted today, all show "ARRIVES TODAY" !!!

yet I only added tracking & dispatched them today around 1PM  using 2 class post (RM48) that takes 2-3 days to arrive, so why is ebay promising my customers that orders POSTED PM TODAY will ARRIVE TODAY !?


That is faster then light delivery, Royal Mail has't got Time Machine to deliver items.

Please have a look into this.


Also all my orders dispatched today, show wrong time of "tracking added" as early morning, anything between 1AM - 5AM ! why ? again all my items were posted & marked as dispatched at the same time around 1PM. & not during the night when I was asleep.  Why the huge time discrepancy ?




Anyone else ntoiced this ?


Message 1 of 65
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Re: EDD's shows same day delivery as dispatch day for 2 class post ! also wrong time zone shown

@messier44000 wrote:

Was looking at weekly chat today while hitting my head on the table with many of the responses.


Read through part of one answer several times, and Dave really did say this about how

FDDs "can sometimes lead to the earliest EDD showing the same date as the dispatch date " ?

I wander how Dave justified it? "working as designed," ?


This is the most frustrating new bug I ever encountered on ebay, here we go today yet again,  item purchased late last night with economy 2 class service of 2-3 working day delivery by RM48.  I just looked into the Order Details shown to buyer & it tells the buyer to expect TODAY'S DELIVERY or NEXT DAY DELIVERY .


I see 4 steps going from pre-purchase to post-purchase phase, each step introducing an additional EDD's error by removing a day from the original EDD's  shown to buyers :


Stage 1, Pre-purchase, the buyer was shown the correct EDD's on the item page of 2-3 business days for 2 class (RM48) service. EDD shown to buyer 20th-21th Jan.


Stage 2, Post-purchase, the customer made a purchase but now the EDD's in their Order Details have changed to day earlier then to what was originally shown to them at the pre-purchase Stage 1.

EDD at this stage are now showing 19th-20th Jan.


Stage 3. Post-Purchase item dispatched & tracking added ( with the wrong time zone) resulting in the EDD's changing & shortening yet again to 18th-19th Jan. 

End result: TELLING THE BUYER TO EXPECT THE DELIVERY TODAY the earliest or tomorrow next day the latest! even though item was only just dispatched & it takes 2-3 business days to deliver.


Stage 4.  Next Day, Post-Purchase, Post-Dispatch, Post-Tracking number added

Tomorrow, assuming this is not fixed, the EDD's will shorten again to a day earlier showing the EDD's of 17th-18th Jan. ! as already shown on the another examples in my earlier posts.


So at each of those 4 stages the EDD's get magically shrank & shortened to totally impossible, ridiculous delivery times, resulting in "same/next day delivery" as dispatch day or "delivery a day earlier then dispatch day".


This demonstrates a serious tech bug where all the pages where the EDD's & tracking details are shown to buyer are completely disjointed & disconnected probably due to the wrong time zone being allocated to the tracking number.  


Screen Shot 2024-01-18 at 12.07.18.png


Screen Shot 2024-01-18 at 13.15.38.png


Message 21 of 65
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Re: EDD's shows same day delivery as dispatch day for 2 class post ! also wrong time zone shown

For the benefit of ebay's tech team, the 4 stages described above mostly relate to the new "Track Package" page that was rolled out a few weeks ago, this is where the EDD's keep changing & shortening.


The EDD's shown in the Order Details page does not change but unfortunately it already starts  1 day short (19th -20th) when compared to the original Item Page EDD's that were 20th-21th Jan. yesterday night at the time of purchase.


This results now in 3 different sets of EDD's for same transaction displayed to buyer, as per * issue 2 : 


*Issue 2,  Two (now 3) different sets of EDD's for the same transaction are shown to buyers.   


The first set of EDD's on the Item Page are usually correct, the second set is shown in the Order Details page but are 1 day shorter then the original EDD's shown on the Item Page. 

The third set of EDD's are shown in the Track Package page - but are 1 day shorter then the EDD's in the Order Details & 2 days shorter then the original EDD's shown to buyer in the Item Page at the time of purchase.

So which out of the 3 EDD’s are correct ?  at which point the customer will open INR case?


The Order Details page EDD's are shown as 19th-20th Jan:


Screen Shot 2024-01-18 at 13.54.50.png


but in the "Track Package"  the EDD's shown are 18th-19th Jan. so 1 day shorter then EDD's in the Order Details above & 2 days shorter then the original EDD shown to buyer in the Item page at the time of purchase for their location :


Screen Shot 2024-01-18 at 13.56.43.png

Message 22 of 65
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Re: EDD's shows same day delivery as dispatch day for 2 class post ! also wrong time zone shown



Any updates ? it's been 9 days & all the 6 issues described in this thread are still going.




Message 23 of 65
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Re: EDD's shows same day delivery as dispatch day for 2 class post ! also wrong time zone shown

I would also like to know, because what is happening cannot be called a mistake but a disaster.


They probably like it and are happy when they can tease us. They have some fun at work.


They should use paper and a pen to remember what they will change and how they will change it in such a huge system with millions of users. If there were any problems, they would know what to undo, and they don't take everything "by heart". Another employee will come, e.g. as a replacement, and what? And everything was ruined.


eBay developers, I'm sorry for saying this, but get over yourselves. If you take something, take half of it or change your "doctor". A little responsibility, or fire everyone and hire better people. You can only stir things up because you feel like it.


Why don't you reset the system if there is such a disaster, and everything will sort itself out, and then make changes. You clean it and remove the keys, and then you have problems because the keys are missing in the system. Do you even have a clean copy of the system - a clone? or have you forgotten about her? All you need to do is upload the database and set everything up again. Sellers will suffer a few hours without access to their accounts in exchange for correcting errors. Good thing I'm not your boss.


I would write something else, but I'm starting to get too nervous and I'd probably be rude and very vulgar.


I'm sorry for my English (old lady) - it's not my first language and sometimes Google helps me (more than eBay ;)) and I'm sorry for this post, but I can't stand my nerves anymore and I don't understand how to run such a huge business as eBay and about it do not care. Let's hope this business doesn't go bankrupt soon with this approach.


I wonder if they'll ban me now? If so, it means I'm partially right.

Message 24 of 65
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Re: EDD's shows same day delivery as dispatch day for 2 class post ! also wrong time zone shown

Hi best-range, thanks for your reply.


No further updates at the moment. As advised above, I will let you know here once I have an update.


Thank you,


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I am currently away and will return on the 18th of March. Please expect a delay in my reply
Message 25 of 65
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Re: EDD's shows same day delivery as dispatch day for 2 class post ! also wrong time zone shown




This really is not acceptable to have to wait this long for the IT team to get this resolved.   


Whilst I appreciate your acknowledgement, I do feel as if this is not being escalated to the higher powers at ebay. We are being ignored.


I reported this issue back in December with another seller, as well as including an issue relating to the fact that all our postal delivery couriers stating "Evri Yodel DPD" had defaulted to just Evri.


All my listings had done this, not just a few.


You came back and said the courier changes were due to some app changes our end.  That was not true. 


 I have had to change all my listings to make the couriers we use correct, some still need changing back as I have not had time to do this.


Other sellers have reported the EDD issue.   I have once again reported the same issue with an ebay representative and submitted evidence, in the hope someone will look at this.


I am having buyers ask where their parcels are, because ebay are giving the buyers false delivery dates.  We know this as the couriers own tracking are the correct dates.


Can you at least confirm that the IT team have admitted there is an issue.


I presume if we have negative or  netural feedback regarding late deliveries (which are not) ebay will remove them?


If it took us this long to resolve an issue with our buyers, ebay would come down on us like a ton of bricks.


I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Best wishes




Message 26 of 65
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Re: EDD's shows same day delivery as dispatch day for 2 class post ! also wrong time zone shown



I totally agree with lincolnshiremarine, this is totally unacceptable service, can you confirm when did you pass this thread to the appropriate team ? did they read it yet ? looked at the examples ? why the delays?


Since I reported this on the 15th Jan. my sales have almost stopped except for returned customers yet historically this could be as busy as Xmas for me due to upcoming Valentine Day sales.

I believe ebay system must be registering all the erroneous "running late" reports that the system self-generates soon after they advertise the impossible to achieve, erroneous EDD's ( possibly because of the wrong time zone ) , so this could be affecting listings visibility in the searches, causing reduced sales.


Another weekend is coming when all the 6 issues I highlighted get much worse yet nothing has been done.

This is my latest to add to the collection, each order tracking I look up shows either SAME or NEXT Day DELIVERY EDD'S FOR 2 CLASS POST ! & same as or even faster then the paid for NEXT DAY EXPRESS .


Screen Shot 2024-01-26 at 13.03.44.png



Screen Shot 2024-01-26 at 13.04.49.png


A typical example below, this is well after my cut off time for today Friday the 26th Jan, as on every Friday before, ebay's EDD's are promising Monday/Tuesday deliveries for 2 class post when posted on Monday which is the next posting day after Friday for me. 

The correct EDD's for 2 class (RM48) on Fridays after the cut off time for the day should always be Wednesday/Thursday ! - otherwise this is a promise of SAME OR NEXT DAY DELIVERY FOR 2 CLASS POST! that dont exists in reality.


If the system is showing Monday/Tuesday EDD's for 2 class post there must be a false assumption coded that a "seller posts on Saturdays & Sundays", as only then Monday/Tuesday EDD's will show.

I never post on the weekends! & 99.9% of ebay sellers dont either, yet ebay's EDD's code assume we all work & post 7 days a week & then there are apparently "Sunday's deliveries" for 2 class as well.


This is an old bug & yet it just goes on & on & on & on............... how much longer will it take to fix it ???


SD FASTER THEN 2 CLASS 2024-01-26 at 09.02.15.png


The workaround, in order for the system to show the correct EDD's as per RM guide on the weekends, I'm forced to extend my dispatch to "3 working days !" each Friday, as the " 1 or 2 working days" extension wont change the EDD's & keep those 3 days extention dispatch until Mondays when the EDD's again return to more realistic . 

By extending dispatch days to account for ebay's EDD's errors I loose my Top Rated Seller 10% discount for all weekend sales, but if I dont extend to 3 dispatch days I risk INR cases from customers expecting same day delivery as dispatch on Monday.

So you just cannot win !




Message 27 of 65
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Re: EDD's shows same day delivery as dispatch day for 2 class post ! also wrong time zone shown


Bad enough when the earliest EDD is the dispatch day, but when the latest is...


This was sent by Yodel, who offer 3-5 working day delivery. The EDD should have been 17-21 November.

Message 28 of 65
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Re: EDD's shows same day delivery as dispatch day for 2 class post ! also wrong time zone shown


So this been going on since November ??? simply unbelievable!



I'm afraid there is an additional issue no.7 for you to report to the EDD's team.


After extending dispatch to 3 days in order to compensate for ebay's erroneous weekend's EDD's & to make the system shows the correct delivery dates that matches Royal Mail's, (& loosing Top Rated 10% discount on weekend sales as a result) I see that the advertised EDD's now show no difference between 2 class Economy & paid for Express services .


2 class & express same thing.png













Message 29 of 65
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Re: EDD's shows same day delivery as dispatch day for 2 class post ! also wrong time zone shown

Thanks for letting me know, best-range.


I will add this to your current report, and once I have further updates on this for you, I will post back here to let you know.


Have a lovely evening,


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I am currently away and will return on the 18th of March. Please expect a delay in my reply
Message 30 of 65
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Re: EDD's shows same day delivery as dispatch day for 2 class post ! also wrong time zone shown

Hi best-range,


Just an update on the issues above. After reviewing everything that was reported on this thread, we’ve been able to confirm that there are no issues affecting your EDDs or the way this is being calculated. We’ve also flagged that this could be related to the new  tracking page to see if there was any connections, but again no faults were found.


Regarding the times being shown to you, this was also reviewed and we found no issues as the information recorded on the system matched the one from the courier. Regarding having two different EDDs, it was confirmed that this happens because EDDs are dynamic and we also get information from the courier and the selected service, so that is the result for the orders in question.


Regarding dispatching/posting times, and the way this is advertised, this was also reviewed and no issues were found either.


I understand this is not the answer/update you may be hoping for from me, but please note that everything was reviewed with all the samples you shared. However, no faults were found.


Thank you,


Did you find your solution? Help other members by marking your problem as solved. Simply click on "Accept as solution" for the answer that helped you.
I am currently away and will return on the 18th of March. Please expect a delay in my reply
Message 31 of 65
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Re: EDD's shows same day delivery as dispatch day for 2 class post ! also wrong time zone shown

Well, I'm screwed.


Time Away is set on my account: "Allow item sales 29 January 2024 at 15:30 GMT - 5 February 2024 at 00:00 GMT".


I see this: "Dispatch by 5 Feb at 11.59pm GMT Make sure you send your order within the dispatch time you specified in the listing. Estimated delivery date shown to buyer: 6 Feb 2024".


After adding tracking on the date of sending 05/02, they will probably see in the pop-up window "Estimated: 5 Feb 2024".


Now I have a question: How will the couriers deliver it within the given time? 6 Feb ? 5 Feb?


Delivery times shown in auctions:

"Free postage: United Kingdom Economy Delivery (Royal Mail 2nd Class Letter / Large Letter) Free 3 day postage Get it by Tue, 6 Feb

... United Kingdom Standard Delivery (Royal Mail 1st Class Letter / Large Letter) Estimated on or before Tue, 6 Feb

... United Kingdom Standard Delivery (Royal Mail Tracked 24) Estimated on or before Tue, 6 Feb

... United Kingdom Express Delivery (Royal Mail Special Delivery (TM) 1:00 pm) Estimated on or before Tue, 6 Feb"


What will happen to negative feedback on my account that is not my fault? Will they be removed?



Message 32 of 65
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Re: EDD's shows same day delivery as dispatch day for 2 class post ! also wrong time zone shown

marco@ebay wrote:

Hi best-range,


Just an update on the issues above. After reviewing everything that was reported on this thread, we’ve been able to confirm that there are no issues affecting your EDDs or the way this is being calculated. We’ve also flagged that this could be related to the new  tracking page to see if there was any connections, but again no faults were found.


Regarding the times being shown to you, this was also reviewed and we found no issues as the information recorded on the system matched the one from the courier. Regarding having two different EDDs, it was confirmed that this happens because EDDs are dynamic and we also get information from the courier and the selected service, so that is the result for the orders in question.


Regarding dispatching/posting times, and the way this is advertised, this was also reviewed and no issues were found either.


I understand this is not the answer/update you may be hoping for from me, but please note that everything was reviewed with all the samples you shared. However, no faults were found.


Thank you,



Thanks for your reply, but this is totally unacceptable!



Where did they look ? under their desk? instead of reading this thread ?


WHAT A COMPLETE & UTTER FARCE  ! - it's obvious they did not even read this thread judging by your 'COPIED & PASTED" old responce.

None of the  7 ISSUES I POINTED OUT have been addressed, just ignored as always.


It has taken me hours to write posts & add screenshots of the problem, all unpaid work for the benefit of eBay's tech team so they can fix it ! - as apparently as I keep reading, "sellers are being listen too & you appreciate our feedbacks".

They're being paid wages to do their job properly which they dont do, they just keep denying the mess they created, they're not "listening" at all


Before the new EDD's were introduced all worked perfectly well! but not since & every "improvement" makes the situation much worse !



Please ask them AGAIN to address & FIX all the 7 issues I pointed out  & keep asking daily, until they take you seriously which obviously they don't as they keep ignoring all the examples given.








Message 33 of 65
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Re: EDD's shows same day delivery as dispatch day for 2 class post ! also wrong time zone shown

I wasn't wrong - I mentioned this in my previous post:







I won't add anything more - for now.

Message 34 of 65
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Re: EDD's shows same day delivery as dispatch day for 2 class post ! also wrong time zone shown


The EDDs still count all 7 days of the week as working days when estimating how long it will take RM to deliver.


Another issue: Before paying for postage via Packlink, there is an estimate which then changes immediately after payment.

before pay.png

after pay.png

In this case I  bought Evri postage, but the Yodel and RM estimates are also wrong because Yodel allow 3-5 working days i.e. 12-14 Feb if posted today and RM 2nd class is 2-3 working days i.e. 9-12 Feb. Please fix your system.

Message 35 of 65
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Re: EDD's shows same day delivery as dispatch day for 2 class post ! also wrong time zone shown


Here we go again. Posted by Evri standard


Message 36 of 65
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Re: EDD's shows same day delivery as dispatch day for 2 class post ! also wrong time zone shown

The issues identified on this thread are still a problem. Here are the ones I am personally affected by, although there are others mentioned previously.

EDDs should be dispatch time plus courier timescale plus weekend (if applicable), but they still aren't. This gives an unrealistic estimate or forces sellers to post earlier or use a faster service than paid for in if they want to keep to the EDD. (issues 1 and 4)

The EDD in order details is different from the one in tracking. Which one (or both, or something else) does the buyer see? (issue 2)

The wrong time zone is still being shown for new orders, with "tracking number provided" seven hours before "order placed". (issue 3)

When ordering delivery via Ebay, there are inaccurate estimates for each carrier, which change immediately after payment. (issue eight)

Please stop denying reality.

Edit: changed 8 to eight because with the closing bracket it showed as (issue 😎

Message 37 of 65
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Re: EDD's shows same day delivery as dispatch day for 2 class post ! also wrong time zone shown

I am also having this issue so to say there is no fault with the system is completely wrong. My orders are showing the expected delivery dates as before the last postage date for me as a seller! I already have a item not received case on this basis. This is not acceptable.

Message 38 of 65
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Re: EDD's shows same day delivery as dispatch day for 2 class post ! also wrong time zone shown

marco@ebay wrote:

Hi best-range,


Just an update on the issues above. After reviewing everything that was reported on this thread, we’ve been able to confirm that there are no issues affecting your EDDs or the way this is being calculated. We’ve also flagged that this could be related to the new  tracking page to see if there was any connections, but again no faults were found.


Regarding the times being shown to you, this was also reviewed and we found no issues as the information recorded on the system matched the one from the courier. Regarding having two different EDDs, it was confirmed that this happens because EDDs are dynamic and we also get information from the courier and the selected service, so that is the result for the orders in question.


Regarding dispatching/posting times, and the way this is advertised, this was also reviewed and no issues were found either.


I understand this is not the answer/update you may be hoping for from me, but please note that everything was reviewed with all the samples you shared. However, no faults were found.


Thank you,




I don't accept their response, please pass them this whole thread again, as all the issues are still on going causing no end frustrations to me as a seller & to my customers who expect same day delivery as dispatch for 2 class post.


Today again a customers in Northern Ireland  who purchased their item late last night, was given unacceptable fantasy EDD's, as per example,

Ebay is saying that item posted to Northern Ireland today will arrive there either today or tomorrow !!! using 2 class, economy post !



Even  the paid for Next Day Special Delivery express service takes 2 working days !!! to NI, but we're talking economy 2 class post here !

Items posted to Northern Ireland on average take 6 business days to deliver by economy post, even 1 class could take as long.

Please ask them about this example specifically as this is typical & let's have the answer. 

This is simply ridiculous & someone need to loose their job over this !


Screen Shot 2024-02-13 at 10.11.29.png


Please advise what I supposed to do now?


Risk INR case tomorrow? that eBay will reinforce to refund ? - thus myself & eBay loosing income.

Apologise to the customer on behalf of eBay & their erroneous EDD's, which I continuously am forced to do & risk cancellations & again loss of sale ( & eBay loss of fees) ? - as customers seems to believe those crazy EDD's.


How all those erroneous EDD's are benefiting either me as a seller or eBay ? we all potentially are losing income one way or another because of this on going glitch !



Message 39 of 65
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Re: EDD's shows same day delivery as dispatch day for 2 class post ! also wrong time zone shown

Would be great and appriciated if you told us what you really thought about EDDs 

from your own point of view including your experiences as a seller . Not what you are being told to tell us.



Astronomy is looking up
Message 40 of 65
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