Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

Hi I've just received this message contacted ebay and is being sent to everyone 


That's me I'm done no more ebay for me bye bye


We are making changes to the way we process payments on eBay. Going forward, we’ll make your funds available for payout within 48 hours after we’ve confirmed delivery of the item. Until then, you’ll see a “hold” on your funds. This process helps keep our marketplace safe.

Message 1 of 1,054
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1,053 REPLIES 1,053

Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

Get that -  but why would you want to sell business items from your private account - such as the 40,000 digital downloads you have available which from the way you describe them fit in as part of your business enterprise ? 


Only mentioning it because it seems a rather odd thing to complain that you are not allowed to sell these business items on your private account - thought as a registered business you would not only understand but also welcome ebay restricting businesses operating on private accounts ? 

Message 981 of 1,054
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

its a side line that i have been doing for years

i also sell second hand petrol garden tools from my private account

that are not associated with my business life

ie repairs that customers dont want to pay for got to get my money back some way

Message 982 of 1,054
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

As long as you understand how both your private and business accounts will affect your tax position it's fine -


but make sure you do understand that your personal allowance will be applied to your self cert declarations and if you are not declaring your private sales on your self assesment return - these sales will be deemed to be 100% profit with no personal allowance applied - simply because if you after the event state they are personal unwanted possesions and they are assesed as business sales you cannot claim business expenses, post, fees purchase price  or any  admin costs on the undeclared element


The new reporting will link all online activity to be assesed as one  activity ie multiple accounts, ebay Amazon, etsy, facebook etc, own website - social media -  So if culmulatively overall you exceed the allowances  and haven't declared - you might at some point in the future get  a surprise  assesment.

Certainly 40,000 digital manuals and customer returns purchased through your business and any items bought, repaired and sold will need a pretty persuasive argument to convince HMRC that they are unwanted personal items - also think carefully about VAT thresholds which are also going to be calculated on cumulative totals.


Obviously it is down to you how you do or do not declare your income but your situation is exactly what the reporting is aimed at finding.  



Message 983 of 1,054
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

 Someone in Ebay keeps moving the goal posts or they keep making rules up as they go along .I have been selling on ebay for 14 years and then 3 weeks ago  i was told that not authorised to sell cuddly toys . The toy i was selling was a plush octopus from keeleco, there  were no dangerous items on it like eyes that could be pulled off ,everything on it was handstitched  so it was suitable for young children and i put that in the description and i didn't put it as suitable for babies i made the age range a bit older . The message that I wasn't authorised to sell soft toys didn't just come to me ,several other people too and for some that was all they sold and had done for years and then suddenly told they couldn't . I bet all the chinese sellers aren't told they can't sell soft toys 

Message 984 of 1,054
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

Come off it, no way should you be described as a 'private seller'.  It is sellers like you that business sellers have a dislike for and i can understand why.    It is a shame that E Bay did not go after ones like you instead of going for all private sellers.

Message 985 of 1,054
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

i am all for a good conspiracy story but this one takes the biscuit!  So e bay are conspiring with all the courier companies not to record deliveries -  wonder why 6 out of 7 items i have sold since this started have been marked as delivered!  That is only with the tracking by the certificate of posting as well not by paid for tracking.   My postie scans all the items before handing them over,  other couriers insist on taking a photo of it by the back door.   Yes, not all posties/couriers do their job properly but in my opinion most of them do.   I am not paid by e bay, not an e bay fanatic or any other such description.  I will be leaving when SD comes in but will do it straight away and not be whining and wailing about it on here.

Message 986 of 1,054
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

its so obvious on these boards lately.......why let facts  get in the way of a good conspiracy theory 😁


Personally i will not entertain these daft posts.



Message 987 of 1,054
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

Yep. Occam's Razor. It's probably a combination of negative human tendencies: failure to care if a job's done competently and/or feeling helpless to improve things (company-wide and by some individual employees), systems are too big so where/how to start improving them, having computers encourages firms to have complicated procedures, fleeting impersonal sight of customers leading to a disconnect that feels like contempt.


This is a culture, with inertia, that left to itself just gets worse, with no single company involved capable of correcting it. The more parties involved in the process, or along the supply chain, the more complicated gets. It doesn't need a conspiracy; if it was a conspiracy I suspect it'd be carried out in a more organised and "competent" way.


Reading back, the following is a bit of a rant, so feel free (or freer than usual) to skip, but I'd still like to say it so I'm leaving it in:

You see the same unacceptable culture elsewhere in life, e.g. the godawful preventable Grenfell tragedy where I believe the enquiiry found that almost everyone from manfacturers, builders, suppliers, authorities, inspectors had faults or needed improvement all of which had contributed. And that's why we need an overhaul in many areas, not just building future tower blocks but in big everyday matters like e-commerce, plus the strengthening of postal and consumer legislation and the sharpening of ombudsman teeth (e.g. Royal Mail seems to fall short of its targets as routine), oh and an end to the Universal Postal Union (UPU) terminal dues system, begun 1874 amended 1971, that allows Chinese sellers to send packages in the UK for half a pence for which advantage British taxpayers pay for by paying higher prices such as currently 56p for the cheapest stamp; and we could do with the government postal subsidies to balance the huge Chinese government postal subsidising of China Post - mentioned because eBay is awash with Chinese sellers undercutting British sellers.


To end on a lighthearted note, I think the solution would be to make me Queen of The World with absolute power and elect me a decent cabinet of ministers - we'd soon sort things out 🙂

Message 988 of 1,054
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

Well I for one will miss you and various other posters who've said they're leaving eBay.


The discussion boards are lively, and are an interesting and often informative read, so really - my thanks to everyone from posters to mentors.


Also, thanks to eBay for providing the means for people to express opinions and exchange information.

Message 989 of 1,054
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

I was with you till the last bit.

They provided "a" means of communication, but if this wasn't here, no doubt many of us would have found somewhere else.

& I can't thank them. The only reason I'm here is I could see from the original announcement this would cause problems. Why I stopped all my listings before they started this *bleep*. So thanking them is akin to thanking your enemy.

Sorry, I just can't walk that path.

Message 990 of 1,054
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

The address has just been entered incorrectly by the buyer on eBay.
Sometimes it's just because they've put things on the wrong lines, missing
capital letter's or they've spelt something incorrectly. When eBay stops
you there's an option that says ( change it for me ) this will make the
changes for you & you'll be able to proceed & purchase the label.

Royal Mail know the exact address and auto fills correctly just from the
postcode you enter and you simply choose the house number.

The problem isn't down to eBay.
Message 991 of 1,054
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

This thread and forum is in relation to:

Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery

Not a one to one tax return consultation
Message 992 of 1,054
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

it is a 'discussion' forum and threads often get sidetracked, no harm in that unless of course you cannot take anyone disagreeing with you!

Message 993 of 1,054
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

"Not a one to one tax return consultation" - tax wasn't mentioned by @dch2112011 .  You may well recognise you are a business seller and be declaring and paying your tax liabilities.


It is more to do with the legal requirements of presenting a product for sale and ensuring the consumer's rights are protected.

Message 994 of 1,054
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

Exactly! If they want to talk tax raise a new thread

Message 995 of 1,054
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

Raise a new thread for your tax discussion, its not needed on here

Message 996 of 1,054
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

When I first joined eBay I found the discussion boards particularly helpful, and I'm still learning eBay-related things or understanding them better thanks to the posts here.


There are the FAQs but sometimes they're just too formal or address an issue too generally or without understanding the 'below the surface' query or just hard to find an appropriate answer.


I'm sure advice in various posts have saved me from making a mistake or from bothering a potential seller with a question.






Message 997 of 1,054
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

@sheffieldsvintage  below is why the friendly advice was given to sunshinedior67 perhaps you also think trading on a personal account is ok and want to complain about the changes ebay are making for genuine personal account holders which are going to make running a business on a private account less appealing ! 


Are there any genuine private account holders out there whose  relevant views are not clouded by running a business on a personal account ? 


@sunshinedior67 The response was directly concerning your blatant admission that you are spilling over your business assets to a personal account - where you are not only denying legal rights to consumers but also bizzarely complaining that part of your business endevours were blocked by ebay - and you were unhappy with the restrictions placed on genuine private sellers being placed on you as a business albeit pretending to be a personal seller !


I merely pointed out that you run a real risk of getting your fingers burnt and why.


Your one to one tax consultation will come with HMRC not myself or any other member of ebay.


Why complain when  in reality you introduced these matters into this discussion or is it a case that you feel entitled to mention these facts but dislike it when you get a friendly but frank response to the matters you so casually raised as ammunition against the new measures ebay have taken for genuine private accounts.


Businesses operating on personal private accounts are one of the contributing factors that have swayed ebay into changing the way private accounts are managed.


I doubt any genuine private account holder or registered business will sympathise with your dissatisfaction now that ebay are putting obstacles in your way !



Message 998 of 1,054
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

it wouldnt be so bad if what everybody was talking about on here was listened to and acted upon 

but unfortunately its the same as any corperate company 

everything that is spoken about falls upon deaf ears


ie: thisd same confersation has been going on about the same subject for a few weeks 

and still nothing is done about it 


and strangely enough 

since i joined this conversation and aired my views

i have sold nothing at all in the past 2 weeks 

i am used to selling 5-10 items a day as a business seller 

so far the past 2 weeks has showed up nothing in my sales 


so maybe they do read 

and look for anyone who is subversive against thair racime 


think im pulling down my store and close my private ebay account today or later this week

Message 999 of 1,054
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

totally agreed

the past 10 years or at least since eve took over as CEO of

the goal posts have defo been moved quite a few times


all the ebay listings are defo in favor of the big guns in china

even if i search for any of my items they dont show up anywhere above any chinese seller


the chinese sellers also have warehouses based in the uk they sell from

after all it only takes one of their 1000s of relitives to say yes we have a garage you can stock stuff in send it over ill get one of my kids to pack it up for you


whenever i buy from ebay

i ALWAYS look for contact details

9 out of 10 times the contact details are based in china


i am a business seller i sell new stuff that i purchase wholesale in the uk

the chinese also sell the same products as me also shipped from the uk

just they sell for less than what i can purchase it for in the first place


i have to sell more expensive because i personally cannot live on a bag of rice a week

Message 1000 of 1,054
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