Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

Hi I've just received this message contacted ebay and is being sent to everyone 


That's me I'm done no more ebay for me bye bye


We are making changes to the way we process payments on eBay. Going forward, we’ll make your funds available for payout within 48 hours after we’ve confirmed delivery of the item. Until then, you’ll see a “hold” on your funds. This process helps keep our marketplace safe.

Message 1 of 1,057
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1,056 REPLIES 1,056

Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

People are talking about going to another platform ... but which? I mainly
sell low-priced postcards so where do I go? Any suggestions? (serious ones
please LOL)
Message 941 of 1,057
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

I intend to and I will keep on. 99% if my deliveries would show on eBay.
I've got 7 now that have been delivered not showing. They've clearly
stopped the link and I'm going to ring & keep ringing them & request
callbacks until I get £237 they are holding & making interest off. I have 1
simple question. Why have you turned off the links between couriers & eBay?
How much are you paying them for this fix? How much interest are you making
off my money? How do you sleep at night? And god help anyone who say's " I
see you've been with us X years, thank you for your loyalty "
Message 942 of 1,057
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

I'm not far behind you

Message 943 of 1,057
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

Have just been paid for something I sent (RM signed for) this week..item shown as delivered,zero feedback from buyer...needless to say i've immediately withdrawn it to my bank account...I ain't trusting ebay with my £.

Message 944 of 1,057
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

I used to draw my money weekly - not doing that anymore, as soon as it's there it's going to my bank account.

Message 945 of 1,057
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

Same here....1 sale in just under 4 weeks (ok I took my stuff down for 10 days of that to see how this was playing out)...they know damned well that they've messed up otherwise they wouldn't keep sending me tips on how to improve my sales (which were pretty decent upto Feb 4th).

Message 946 of 1,057
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

Sold an item for the first time in weeks today.


I look forward to the charade of waiting for my money to arrive even though i use a label they provide and it’s tracked.


In two minds at the moment, i just leave the items on currently or just call it quits now and pull everything off and leave eBay.


also got stung with an offer I received and accepted, the bpf was included in the offer so i received less than actually offered.


oh thank you eBay, I do genuinely hope you fall on your sword soon. 

Message 947 of 1,057
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

The bpf was included in the offer?  That's a new low for eBay, I'll not be accepting any offers.  Ever.  

Message 948 of 1,057
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

Yes but was not clear it was.


i just saw the amount, accepted and then noticed the pending hold of funds was less than the offer I received. It then dawned on me what they had done.


I don’t think this will be sustainable for eBay long term. I haven’t bought anything on eBay for a while and nor will I - given I’m being charged for the privilege of buying something. 

everything is underhand and disingenuous 

Message 949 of 1,057
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

They're hiding listings to entice you to take up & pay for listing
promotions. Buyers have to scroll for a long time before seeing yours. They
send a generic message telling you ways to improve. Well eBay the reason
our sales are low is because they are hidden & held ransom for cash.

When it's solid you'll be waiting for weeks to be paid regardless of
tracking. eBay have fixed so deliveries don't register. eBay are holding
your money in their accounts making big interest.

eBay has set up the entire system to ensure they keep sellers money for the
longest period of time.
Message 950 of 1,057
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

Have made2 sales since new rules  ,one I posted RM  via ebay  which  I  recieved payment for two days after deilvery confirmation and the other   a higher value item that there was no option for increasing insurance to full  cover so used  parcelforce directly and manualy added tracking number , . Lets see what happens with payment .

Message 951 of 1,057
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

Well, I finally got my main payout yesterday. But...


I had another payout due the 23rd, and now it just says 'pending' with no payout date. I checked and it's telling me to mark the item as dispatched which I already did, and I had even added the tracking number and it was delivered. So now I have no idea if I'll be receiving my second pay out on the original date. 


Having seen everyone's comments and experiences, this is definitely the end of my eBay journey after being a user for 25yrs. It's so poorly run now. 

Message 952 of 1,057
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

"It's so poorly run now. "eBay's developers / programmers cannot manage the task of dealing with clock changes which happen twice a year, and leap years which come along regularly every four years; so I don't know how they thought they could manage the complexities of this feature.

Message 953 of 1,057
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

"It's so poorly run now."


You can probably qualify that. 'It's so poorly run now in Ebay's favour.'

As often happens, perceived incompetence is merely part of the strategy.

Message 954 of 1,057
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

"As often happens, perceived incompetence is merely part of the strategy."



It's been fascinating watching the replies here. On one side you've got head nodders, another is emotional wood for the trees and then on top of that you have the beautifully distracting business seller Vs fake private seller argument that appears virtually everywhere.

I think their business method is as simple as a psychological profile. That people will simply miss the obvious.

Message 955 of 1,057
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

Good point.  If eBay cared about "fake" business sellers they would never have given me, as a private seller, a 10,000 item selling limit. 

Message 956 of 1,057
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

And then you have the narrow minded sellers passing judgement on those who
feel frustrated 🥴
Message 957 of 1,057
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

Well said and weren't private sellers paying a fee before eBay took it
away? Aren't those private sellers willing to pay fees? Buisness sellers
should back off and remember the benefits & privileges they have despite
their below standard selling performance, high volume neg feedback rating &
shabby goods.

Maybe us private sellers could teach them how to achieve high volume sales
& 100% feedback for years just by treating buyers with basic respect. For
the record I would make a purchase from a private seller ( those eBays
platform was created for ) over a buisness sellers who shouldn't be

The day I have to become a buisness sellers is when I finish even though
I'd have even more money in my pocket.

Private seller are doing exactly what eBay says it can and this bothers
business sellers because we can offer better in all areas.

When all private sellers leave it will be dog eat dog as business sellers
battle & undercut each other for sales. eBay will turn to them to execute
their money making plans & only large global businesses will survive.
Message 958 of 1,057
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

Yep same here, I’m done. Once I get get my money….been waiting ages now, no more eBay! Utterly ridiculous!

Message 959 of 1,057
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

As a business seller I now have a 10,000,000 selling limit so there's that I guess, not doing it at 12p a time though as that'd add up lol


Message 960 of 1,057
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