Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

Hi I've just received this message contacted ebay and is being sent to everyone 


That's me I'm done no more ebay for me bye bye


We are making changes to the way we process payments on eBay. Going forward, we’ll make your funds available for payout within 48 hours after we’ve confirmed delivery of the item. Until then, you’ll see a “hold” on your funds. This process helps keep our marketplace safe.

Message 1 of 1,057
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1,056 REPLIES 1,056

Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

'Not if you are a private seller. And if you are not a private seller, as I understand it they are not holding onto payments and hence earning interest?'


Yep, it's one or the other (the new rules inc. "payment holding" do not apply to business sellers and private sellers no longer pay fees)


Message 821 of 1,057
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

Correct, as a business account my funds are not held and paid out every day between 1-4 am usually (not bank holidays because apparently even computers don't work then) 

Message 822 of 1,057
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

@jokers_toybox wrote:

Correct, as a business account my funds are not held and paid out every day between 1-4 am usually (not bank holidays because apparently even computers don't work then) 

And if/when Simple Delivery is inflicted, it won't apply to business sellers either, as I understand it.


So one solution for those that find they cannot operate with Simple Delivery would be to become business sellers.


Bit of a turn up for the books: Instead of business sellers masquerading as private sellers, we could have private sellers masquerading as business sellers!

Message 823 of 1,057
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

Bit of a turn up for the books: Instead of business sellers masquerading as private sellers, we could have private sellers masquerading as business sellers!


That would bring a whole more " kettle of fishes" into the mix particularly with HMRC... 


If you are not a business , you can Not trade as a business! 




Message 824 of 1,057
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

"If you are not a business , you can Not trade as a business! " - and if you are a business you cannot legally trade under a private registration on eBay; but some do.


In reality a private seller could trade as a business providing their income was less than £1000 by invoking the Trading Allowance.  It is only above that figure it will become an issue when having to register for Self Assessment that it would become tricky.

Message 825 of 1,057
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

The amout of people in here being soft with Ebay for what is 100% a m9ney making scam by them using nonsense reasons for it .I always find this on ebay forums ,it seems to be full of people willing to make excuses for them .

If you send it tracked with a valid number theres no reason at all to not get your money ,then to suggest anything not tracked is 2 weeks j7st weeks of money grabbing .

When ebay started it was 2 days max ,all these decades later tech has moved in yet ebay is sprinting back to the 70s .

I will now never use it again and I hope others follow .Its now a shell of what it was ,and all for tge higher ups to fill their coffers 

Message 826 of 1,057
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

@sazzler0779 wrote:

The amout of people in here being soft with Ebay for what is 100% a m9ney making scam by them using nonsense reasons for it .I always find this on ebay forums ,it seems to be full of people willing to make excuses for them .


Of all the descriptions than can reasonably applied to Ebay, I do not think "scam" is one of them. They have been pretty much up front about the changes they are making. Everyone has the opportunity to accept or reject the changes.


Sorry if you think that is "soft" or making excuses for Ebays. I do not like the changes but I tend to accept the real world and I understand when having histrionics is a complete waste of energy.

Message 827 of 1,057
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

Which is how we got to this point.  At every step along the way enough people were persuaded that making the future real world a little worse and a little more restrictive was a good idea, not only for themselves but everyone else as well.


Is there anything intrinsically good about ebay delaying payments?  Not for any seller that I can see.  You may not mind too much if it won't affect you too badly but the reality is that it is only good for ebay.  Like it or not, accept it or not for everyone else it's another inconvenience to some degree.


There's even a newly minted word for it "en***tification" to describe the process of making things worse by degrees to increase the profits of corporations by eroding the usefulness of and access to anything that costs them any money to provide.


Is ebay going to improve and become more useful to more buyers and sellers by making these changes, I don't see how.  By accepting the downward trajectory nothing will get better, except perhaps ebay's bottom line, all the acceptance is doing is paving the way for the next set of price increases, further reductions of what is offered for those fees and greater restrictions on those paying them.

Message 828 of 1,057
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

Yeah you can't but I had one friend who absolutely wasn't but eBay switched their account to Business because they sold more than one of an item (blind box toys from memory so in trying to complete their set they'd get lots of dupes) and they had to sign up for a new account because ebay refused to revert it

Ebay can be a little bid weird in enforcements sometimes and completely ignore other businesses parading as private that include LTD in their Username, they really need to get a grip on it

Message 829 of 1,057
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

Probably because I have my own deals with couriers and shippers that are better than ebays. Well I say better, they're probably the same, but eBay probably add a bit to profit from that too.

Message 830 of 1,057
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

I don't think it's a case of being soft.

It might be changes for the worst, but for many it's the devil we know, or just the best option.

I have my own website, eBay, V for my personal tut, and some other marketplaces for trading cards that are not viable to sell on ebay.

I'll continue to use all those and while I sit here looking at some of the marketplaces that don't perform exactly how I like, I can either stop selling and lose money as this is my income, suck it up and keep going, or develop my own marketplace that suits my needs.

I think most are choosing to suck it up as they don't have the option of losing the revenue or the cashflow/knowledge to develop their own platform

Message 831 of 1,057
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

Ebay could save some hassle by adding a mark as delivered option on the buyers side, RoyalMail already have one of my parcels as awaiting despatch although it was posted on Monday vie the post office.

Message 832 of 1,057
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

The Post Office isn't Royal Mail so it only enters their network after they collect it. 

Of course that would normally be next day at the worst so something isn't right if your information is up-to-date.

Message 833 of 1,057
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

@andha-21 Hi,

I lost the discussion where this was being discussed in detail but how do you feel about Payment Retention being brought in for ALL private sellers when buyer fees were only being charged on Electronic items (Thurs 6th)? These were originally intended to start together.


I sold 5 items since then and not one has incurred the new BPFs but my payments are being retained anyway. There'll be many other sellers in the same boat, BPF still hasn't reached all categories. 


I know we're all just Ebay 'suppliers' these days but if Ebay was not technically the 'seller' (before their protection 'service' started) then isn't it a bit dodgy for them to be sitting on the money?

Message 834 of 1,057
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

@goodibags wrote:


I lost the discussion where this was being discussed in detail but how do you feel about Payment Retention being brought in for ALL private sellers when buyer fees were only being charged on Electronic items (Thurs 6th)? These were originally intended to start together.


I don't think New Slower Payments and BPF are related are they? Neither depends on the other. So rejoice that BPF hasn't hit every categories yet.

Message 835 of 1,057
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

"I don't think New Slower Payments and BPF are related are they? Neither depends on the other."


I think you're right, one side will be Ebay's contract with their customer (i.e. the buyer) and the other is a contract with their supplier (i.e. the seller). Even when we happen to be one and the same user.

My point is that Ebay needs to have the BPF rolled out in order to take over the 'selling' part from sellers, implying that any sales made prior to their protection 'service' being tagged on was between the actual seller and their buyer.


In short, how can Ebay retain payments from sellers Ebay when it was not technically the party that sold the item?

Message 836 of 1,057
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

*In short, how can Ebay retain payments from sellers Ebay when it was not
technically the party that sold the item?*

Thing is of course, they rely on fact that none of us has money or power to
take them on over this point.
Message 837 of 1,057
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

@23sandlane wrote:
*In short, how can Ebay retain payments from sellers Ebay when it was not
technically the party that sold the item?*

Thing is of course, they rely on fact that none of us has money or power to
take them on over this point.

Or perhaps they have lawyers who say it's legal, and maybe it is?

Message 838 of 1,057
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

not individully maybe not enough

but collectively ebay sellers can move mountains

certainly enough to deal with ebay 

what ebay are doing IS ilegal 

all ebay is is a platform to sell your items from

they are a money transfer from customer to seller










Message 839 of 1,057
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

It is legal, lots of company’s and Banks do it. And don’t forget EBay banks
in Switzerland.
Message 840 of 1,057
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