Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

Hi I've just received this message contacted ebay and is being sent to everyone 


That's me I'm done no more ebay for me bye bye


We are making changes to the way we process payments on eBay. Going forward, we’ll make your funds available for payout within 48 hours after we’ve confirmed delivery of the item. Until then, you’ll see a “hold” on your funds. This process helps keep our marketplace safe.

Message 1 of 1,054
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1,053 REPLIES 1,053

Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

Knew something undesirable was going to come in with the no sellers fees...


Sadly relying on the tracking for payments is not something I'd put a huge amount of faith in, as anyone who has had anything go walkies over the festive period will attest to.

Message 81 of 1,054
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

2 days (48 hours) if items sent tracked.  14 days if no tracking provided.

Message 82 of 1,054
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

This is all completely rubbish. I've had an email from eBay about this, they are clearly copying Vinted but they're not going to do it as well as Vinted, IMO. I hope that the 30 day "money back guarantee" will disappear to just this 48 hour confirmation window, like Vinted, otherwise this is all just completely scummy and I will stop using eBay for selling. Might have to bite the bullet and actually make a Facebook Marketplace account too!

Message 83 of 1,054
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

Most dishonestly is from buyers and not sellers. Those bidders that never pay etc.


There is already a protection for buyers in that any issue you basically have to give a refund and take loss as its just not worth it.


A disgrace. Over to marketplace where I'll be offering postage from now on and completely free.




Message 84 of 1,054
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

Much appreciated! 

Message 85 of 1,054
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

Over to marketplace, you can now offer postage on there. easier to list and free.


Yes there is trust between buyer and seller but Evri and Yodel and pretty good proving delivery to those very few losers that try to scam. The Royal Mail needs to catch up here.


99.9% of buyers and sellers are honest so a hammer to crack a nut or perhaps a scam by ebay.

Message 86 of 1,054
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

@myriad*seller wrote:

@its_mrmcg wrote:

Maybe I misread something.


are they saying you have to use simple delivery there is no other option? 



just looked into it, you can opt out when creating the listing. 

You can opt out at the moment but it will be compulsory in future

Sorry, I'm not using Simple Delivery unless I know for sure that I can remove the scummy options, as well as options that are awkward, from my list.


I'll use Royal Mail. I'll use Evri. I'll use DPD. I might use InPost (if the lockers aren't full of Vinted items). I won't use UPS because I can't get to them. And I certainly WON'T use Yodel as they are scummy as hell, had way too many dodgy issues with them.


Will it get to the point where I have to cancel orders every time someone uses UPS or Yodel during checkout?!


This is too much hassle. If I wanted a Vinted experience, I'll actually use Vinted!

Message 87 of 1,054
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

Yes, I think this is a bit of a pain, but I think there is a hidden agenda here, but not in a malicious way.  With fees removed from private selling, EBay has lost a huge amount of revenue, yes, their business decision, but still, a bottom line loss.  Funds held will give them a little more interest to help counteract that, & I for one am happy to let them do that if I can sell my stuff with no fees to me! Quid(s) Pro Quo, if you will.  Also I think this will stop a lot of scam sellers who list a load of items in one go, make loads of sales without any intention of actually posting anything, then withdraw the funds, close the attached bank account & dissappear into the sunset, leaving Ebay to re-imburse all the buyers when nothing turns up.  Also, if I sell something on the 1st Feb with no tracking, so have to wait until 14th Feb to get funds, I will just look at it as though I didn't sell it until 14th Feb, so no different.  I will accept it as at the end of the (14) day, I will make a little more profit in the long run.  I think this is just going to be a situtation where we have to change our mindset a little, & have a little patience. 

Message 88 of 1,054
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

Unfortunately, Ive posted my thoughts on this seller funds not released until confirmed delivery in the other thread about changes from 4 Feb 2025.


Nope, doesnt work for me. How many other situations does a seller not get paid upfront and instead, has to wait and depend on the buyer to confirm receipt of item or service before they get paid?


This is just a scammer's charter and I can see lots of problems with sellers not getting paid until confirmed delivery. People say 'will not affect me' are just sticking their heads in the sand. If EBay's intention is to drive private sellers off the platform, well done, I think you will succeed.

Message 89 of 1,054
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

Same. I only ever used RM Tracked, usually a 24 hour service and at no extra cost to the buyer, keeping a photographic record of things as I proceed. 

Message 90 of 1,054
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

just received the e mail and it sounded like you only got paid 'after the order is considered delivered'  whereas when i clicked on a link on the actual site it says 'for untracked delivery or tracked delivery with no delivery confirmation signal, funds will be available 14 days from order date'

Message 91 of 1,054
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation


I'm with the majority.  This feels like an eBay sledgehammer to crack a walnut!  If the issue is with bad Sellers, then punish or ban the bad Sellers, not tarnish ALL of us as being equally irresponsible, when most of us are decent people abiding by the rules and doing what we are meant to be, in a timely fashion.


Also, this new system will just encourage dishonesty and the con artists/scammers.  They literally have no reason to be honest.  They buy the item, await to receive it, tell eBay it's not been received, even when it has been.  Courier sends proof of some random bit of the roadside, that eBay declares as "not sufficient evidence", and not only does the Seller lose their item, their payment, but the cost of purchase too, and also gets negative feedback.


What eBay genius thought this would be a benefit to any private Seller?!


On top of this, people asking "What kind of customer doesn't pay for something in advance, and then is forced to wait ages for it?".  Well, lots of customers do this, from furniture delivery from companies like John Lewis, DFS, etc, where you pay upfront, and then await delivery.  So would you do, if you ordered a kitchen, or new carpetting!  You pay, then hope the company/service delivers.  This is perfectly normal!


Likewise, if you are a small business, say a painter/decorator/DIY person, whilst you may not get paid in full upfront, most will ask for some kind of non-refundable deposit to buy any necessary equipment or goods, prior to starting the job, to show proof of faith.


ebay Sellers should be allowed to do the same: demand that the cost of postage is paid immediately to us, so we can send out goods quickly, even if the rest of the payment is withheld until delivery status is confirmed, as proof of good faith on the buyer's part!

So anyone saying these new rules are unfair to buyers, clearly doesn't shop anywhere!  Plenty of times buyers pay in advance, and have to wait and hope a business does what it does.  In fact, most people who use eBay to buy goods from any business on here, pays upfront, and then has to hope the business provider sends their goods out in a timely fashion - which many do NOT - and these are some of the biggest businesses on eBay!


The whole new eBay system feels like a scam, and whilst I know plenty of commentators will simply say "Well, if you don't like it, don't sell on here", is clearly missing the point.  eBay is no longer fit for purpose!

Message 92 of 1,054
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

Will this be the same for payments received via PayPal?

Message 93 of 1,054
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

Yes, all payment methods.

Message 94 of 1,054
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

I'm not sure if this has been covered, but if the item is being sent via the GSP presumably 'delivered' is delivered to the UK shipping centre and not to the end buyer, as that could take weeks.  If not, I can imagine lots of people will stop selling items to non-UK buyers and using this service (I will, if this is the case).


And how about if an item is sent special delivery requiring a signature, delivery is attempted but the buyer isn't at home?  Are we then to simply wait for payment until delivery is re-arranged and (fingers crossed) the item eventually delivered successfully?  Why is it my problem that the buyer wasn't at home.


Seems to me also that everything sold on eBay, regardless of the value, will now need to be sent via a tracked service unless people want to wait 2 weeks to get the money for them.  



Message 95 of 1,054
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

EBay will not be losing any money with the change in seller's fees. Their accounting body will have costed this out verses the changed structure. They would only make the change if they were certain they wouldnt lose any income.


Im sorry but it's very naive to think any company would make changes that seriously reduce their revenue. They will not bemaking a loss due to these changes.


I agree there's no malicious intent on the part of EBay. They are just trying to match other selling sites but imho, there are reasons I dont use other selling sites.


Introducing the release of seller's money (emphasis on this, it's the seller's money) on delivery is just another hole in the swiss cheese to line up and go wrong. There comes a point where the risks involved no longer make it feasible to use a selling site. Unless EBay reverses this policy, I dont see myself selling stuff on Ebay any more. Pay me when I despatch the item, fair enough. Pay me when delivered when the delivered part is out of my hands, nope, aint happening.

Message 96 of 1,054
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

And since ebay's site very often doesn't show 'Delivered' when the item in fact HAS been delivered by Royal we'd have to wait FOURTEEN DAYS to get our money???  Disgusting.

That and adding buyer's fees on top of cost of item is going to seriously affect small cost items sales for private sellers.  Thanks more nail...

Message 97 of 1,054
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

Yeah, while Ebay are raking it in with the interest on our money!

Message 98 of 1,054
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

Well, I refuse to use Evri...worst company ever.

Message 99 of 1,054
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Re: Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

Evri don't do plants....they can't deliver objects properly, imagine what state a plant would be in.

Message 100 of 1,054
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