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Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

Hi I've just received this message contacted ebay and is being sent to everyone 


That's me I'm done no more ebay for me bye bye


We are making changes to the way we process payments on eBay. Going forward, we’ll make your funds available for payout within 48 hours after we’ve confirmed delivery of the item. Until then, you’ll see a “hold” on your funds. This process helps keep our marketplace safe.

Message 1 of 1,054
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1,053 REPLIES 1,053

Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

How busy is marketplace, please?  I need somewhere else to list!!

Message 101 of 1,054
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Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

To be fair they usual dump my parcels In the hedge out front so they probably could deliver a plant 😆.

Message 102 of 1,054
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Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

Totally agree ebay have lost me as a customer too 

Message 103 of 1,054
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Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

Is it Facebook??  In which case I'm doomed, not going on there.  Have to be Vinted I guess.

Message 104 of 1,054
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Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

I have just received the same message and am appalled for more than one reason:


- private sellers are being disadvantaged by having a 4% fee added to their sale price

- private sellers are expected to take all the risk by sending out items before getting paid. This is just not going to happen.

- this is a major disadvantage to selling low value items - note 4% plus 75p. Your < £5 item has just taken a very significant price hike. Your £1 item has just almost doubled in price.


For any transaction I have ever had to deal with, you pay at the point of sale.


It this a move to get rid of private sellers? Will we all need a business account now to avoid being dis-advantaged? Interesting move. I wonder whether it will get challenged in trading law....


This is probably the most concerning change that eBay has ever made.

This one really does have me wondering whether to continue to sell on eBay.


Message 105 of 1,054
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Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

🤣😅Evri deliveries TO me always come with bad manners and ill will.

Message 106 of 1,054
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Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

In the last few months I have encountered a number of requests not want their parcel to be sent by Evri, not to send parcels by Evri, and not just on eBay.


Just on the heels of eBays change comes this from Evri:



Changes to Pay in Store services

ParcelShop ‘Pay in Store’ ends January 6th


From 6th January 2025, we will begin rolling out updates to the software on our Pay in Store devices at ParcelShops. As part of this update, you will no longer be able to book or pay for deliveries in-store.

Here’s what this means for you:

  • You can still print labels and return parcels using our Pay in Store devices.
  • To book parcel deliveries, you can:
    • Visit your local Post Office in person, where Evri services are available at selected branches
    • Download the Evri App
    • Use our website at

This change will take effect from 6th January 2025.

We appreciate your understanding as we continue to improve our services.


It doesn't affect eBay selling I guess, but it might for others. If you don't have a Post Office near you I guess now have to pay online.

Message 107 of 1,054
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Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

Question is if the buyer returns the item before you get paid will eBay wait until you confirm delivery of the return before issuing a refund. 

Message 108 of 1,054
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Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

To my mind, it's undoubtably a move to make up the funds lost by removing the private seller fees.  Basically, they are copying and trying to complete with other sites by doing exactly what they do, by:


Not charging sellers a fee

Charging buyers a 'buyer protection fee' 

Sellers only get paid once items have been delivered


Seems to me like eBay have just looked at something like Vinted and copied their model, because once that started growing in popularity it made no sense to sell certain items on eBay and pay a seller fee of 10%.


For me though, I don't sell on those others sites because I refuse to send items out without having been paid for them.  And, in the main, sites like Vinted are used to sell lower value items like old clothes where it's no big deal to send out an item and then wait for the money, not higher value items.  Is someone really going to sell a thousand pound watch for example on eBay and send it out without having the money?  That/being at the complete mercy of the buyer and the postal service to get paid would make me extremely nervous.


I hate this 'how this is going to make things better for everyone' bit, because things were fine as they were.  It's a way to make money, so just say that.



Message 109 of 1,054
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Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

It’s already hard enough as it is, and the new policy makes it even harder. I’ve lost interest on Ebay, it’s just not worth the time or money, especially with the risk of deliveries getting lost. I’m considering keeping my shop open until February, then taking it down...

Message 110 of 1,054
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Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

Just had a chat with eBay and:

I have checked the details for you and let me share that, For items sent via Global Shipping Programme, funds will be available after the item is delivered to the UK shipping centre.


So that's something at least.  In fact, you could argue, actually better than selling it to UK buyer as at least you know someone is always going to be there to receive it!

Message 111 of 1,054
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Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

Yes I was thinking the same thing. Safer selling high price items out of the country. The shipping centre is not going to claim item as not received.

Message 112 of 1,054
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Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

"Pay me when I despatch the item, fair enough. Pay me when delivered when the delivered part is out of my hands, nope, aint happening."


Exactly this. Being paid when the courier collects the item makes far more sense as we've then done our job as sellers.


I'll be busy listing things this month but come February everything is being removed until I see how this plays out. I knew there was a catch to the removal of seller fees! 

Message 113 of 1,054
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Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

@vanilla_vixen wrote:

"Pay me when I despatch the item, fair enough. Pay me when delivered when the delivered part is out of my hands, nope, aint happening."


Exactly this. Being paid when the courier collects the item makes far more sense as we've then done our job as sellers.


I'll be busy listing things this month but come February everything is being removed until I see how this plays out. I knew there was a catch to the removal of seller fees! 

That's not even how it works now! Dispatching the item isn't all you are required to do, you are required to ensure it is actually delivered, and refund the buyer if it isn't! 


If you dispatch an item and the courier loses it in transit it is up to YOU the seller to refund the buyer. That has always been the sellers responsibility to refund for lost items. 



Message 114 of 1,054
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Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

There aren't supposed to be any business sellers on Vinted.

Message 115 of 1,054
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Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

Everything eBay does now is about money, I can’t remember the last time they did any actual ‘development’. 

The fact that they have now changed their payment policy three times in a few months and have introduced a compulsory buyer protection fee when buyers were already fairly well protected show what they are doing. 

eBay was fine a couple of years ago, even with the 10% sellers fee because as a seller you could factor that into your asking price. 

Message 116 of 1,054
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Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

What puts me off uploading the tracking information on a sold item is ebay's auto defect on late delivery.





Message 117 of 1,054
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Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

So private sellers have to now wait to get paid after delvery is confirmed ??

At a glance this looks bloody outrageous and you also have to wait another 48 hour after delivery is confirmed. This is plain wrong.

Also on cheap items it is not cost effect to send by a tracked method, so how does this work?

If for example: one sells a dvd or something for £2 + £2.00 postage and sends standard 2nd class post

how would one get paid ??

Also, I heard that you have to buy your postage from eBay only - is that right ? I won't be allowed to give my local post office the business?

I am startiting to feel a bit #@&#&@# annoyed !!  😞

Message 118 of 1,054
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Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

So private sellers have to now wait to get paid after delvery is confirmed ??

At a glance this looks bloody outrageous and you also have to wait another 48 hour after delivery is confirmed. This is plain wrong.

Also on cheap items it is not cost effect to send by a tracked method, so how does this work?

If for example: one sells a dvd or something for £2 + £2.00 postage and sends standard 2nd class post

how would one get paid ??

Also, I heard that you have to buy your postage from eBay only - is that right ? I won't be allowed to give my local post office the business?

I am startiting to feel a bit #@&#&@# annoyed !! 


Message 119 of 1,054
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Your funds will be available for payout once we receive delivery confirmation

I started using Tracked 48 for my DVDs as had too many go missing by normal second class, costs £2.80 but atleast I'll know it's being delivered (sometimes)

Message 120 of 1,054
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