The new when we get paid rules from February.

Ebay was always heavily weighted in favour of the Buyers, but this new mad rule thats coming in next month about having to wait two days after delivery is confirmed to get paid is simply beyond the pale.


And sometimes delivery conformation never comes, apparently in that situation we have to wait 14 days to get our money.  


This is disgusting and completely nuts. A self-destructive move from Ebay.

Message 1 of 1,066
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1,065 REPLIES 1,065

The new when we get paid rules from February.

A.I. generated item descriptions are absolutely hilarious.

How can you be the 'envy of friends' and 'enhance your home' with the 'latest fashion trend' when it's a new printer cartridge?

Message 1041 of 1,066
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The new when we get paid rules from February.

why is it lucky?  I am stating a fact, other people are stating theirs or is it because i am saying that the system is working (whether for everyone or not is irrelevant).  My response was to someone saying that e bay are NOT linking RM delivery tracking to e bay tracking deliberately to keep the money, which is completely untrue  or i would not have had mine marked as delivered. (by the the way i have had many items not registered as delivered in the past but i am now only concerned with the past few weeks and for me it is working (whether i like the new system or not - and of course i do not)

Message 1042 of 1,066
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The new when we get paid rules from February.

so i am one of the lucky ones that e bay have not turned the link off for.   Heaven save me from conspiracy theorists.  Just how silly are you? 

Message 1043 of 1,066
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The new when we get paid rules from February.

'Heaven save me from conspiracy theorists.'



Yes! 😆  

'never lay at the door of conspiracy, that which is easily chalked up to *bleep*-up and cover-up'!


( edit ; bleep = a male chicken!   gawd's sake ebay,  get a sense of humour....🙄)



Message 1044 of 1,066
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The new when we get paid rules from February.

@goodibags wrote:

A.I. generated item descriptions are absolutely hilarious.

Even more nonsense are the messages ebay send with offers to lend me money to grow my business on my private seller account. The small print makes it very clear that the offers are exclusively for use with my account.


If I had a bit more capital to invest my kids might grow out of clothes faster, I might make less regret purchases that I end up selling, or maybe my family members might die more often, etc so that I end up with more stock to sell perhaps?

Message 1045 of 1,066
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The new when we get paid rules from February.

'Even more nonsense are the messages ebay send with offers to lend me money to grow my business on my private seller account. The small print makes it very clear that the offers are exclusively for use with my account.'



And people wonder why sellers end up trading on a private account....🤔


Ebay don't just fail to give advice on what sort of account is neccessary; they openly encourage sellers to be in the wrong. 🙄


No wonder some 'private' sellers get a bit shirty when told they're on the wrong account ; sometimes I just can't blame them.

Message 1046 of 1,066
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The new when we get paid rules from February.

But all that matters to ebay is that if you're persuaded, you'll be paying them interest on your loan.

Message 1047 of 1,066
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The new when we get paid rules from February.

I watch about 18 sellers on eBay , out of them 18 sellers only 7 are selling

So it shows the new rules are having effect

Message 1048 of 1,066
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The new when we get paid rules from February.

I have a few favourite clothing item sellers that I buy from - they have either dropped out of ebay or from the look of it they are just letting their stock sell off but not renewing (as my size is not available and nor are a lot of others).

Message 1049 of 1,066
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The new when we get paid rules from February.

There are a lot of clothing sellers, listing all new items, or huge numbers of items in a wide range of sizes, who should be properly registered as business sellers and so not subject to BPF or payment holds.

Really, genuine private sellers do not have 'stock'  in a variety of sizes.

"There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
Søren Kierkegaard, Danish philosopher (1813 - 1855)
Message 1050 of 1,066
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The new when we get paid rules from February.

@jckl1957 wrote:

There are a lot of clothing sellers, listing all new items, or huge numbers of items in a wide range of sizes, who should be properly registered as business sellers and so not subject to BPF or payment holds.

Really, genuine private sellers do not have 'stock'  in a variety of sizes.

I'll keep an open mind on that, though I'm sure in some cases you're right.  But not in every case.  One reason I'm open minded is that the other night my wife was tv channel surfing and we watched a programme by Stacey somethingorother, clearing out a family home into a warehouse and sorting everything.  Unbelievable.  Evidently some people get a dopamine hit from buying clothes, not necessarily even wearing them.  Doubtless in different sizes because they'll binge eat or crash diet.  And the clothes are for the whole large family, presumably different sizes.


I find it hard to relate.  Eventually I do have some clothes to sell, a small wardrobe of mainly 1970s stuff.  These days I wear the same beige cardigan all year.

Message 1051 of 1,066
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The new when we get paid rules from February.

'These days I wear the same beige cardigan all year'


Nothing wrong with a beige cardi as long as you don't wear it with socks and brown leather sandals. 

Message 1052 of 1,066
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The new when we get paid rules from February.

the only reason i have new items on my lists is because a couple of my relatives are pretty 'irresponsible' with their clothes buying (females of course) and they have a habit of buying the item in different colours and then getting home and finding they do not fit and cannot be bothered to go back!    It is usually a woman thing....

Message 1053 of 1,066
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The new when we get paid rules from February.

"I find it hard to relate."


I know exactly what you mean but it's horse for courses.

Most people would view my dvd/bluray/UHD and Warhammer model collections as straight up insane.

In truth the Warhammer models collection definitely is because I don't even play. I just like them as art pieces.

My films etc, I do use. Never watch TV. Haven't in around 6 years now.

Message 1054 of 1,066
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The new when we get paid rules from February.

What warhemmer army or faction do you collect 


DVD's what is your genre and how many do you have


Me, I have over 1200 DVD's of various films dating back to what used to be on Television in the 70's 


As for wargaming I play regularly with just 4 different armies 


Age of Sigmar Storm-cast Eternals - over 400 models

Warhammer 40k White Scars over 200 models 

Bolt Action both in 28mm and 20mm scales over 200 vehicles plus troops

Napoleonic in 15mm - French over 200 bases with different models for an effectives army of 75000 

Message 1055 of 1,066
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The new when we get paid rules from February.

Urgh, this gets embarrassing.

OCD sucks.

Age of Sigmar;

Stormcast (last count over 10,000 PTS), Kharadron, Fyreslayers, Sylvaneth (those 3 are all over 3000pts each) , CoS Dwarfs and a small Idoneth set.

Ossiarch (around 5000 PTS Inc Nagash), Flesh Eater Courts (around 3000 pts)

Ironjawz, Gloomspite and Bonesplitterz. 3 Rogue Idols, 2 Squig Gobbas and 2 Colossal Squig 


40k (never counted any of them, but my Ork army, model count wise is probably bigger than my Stormcast now)

Orks, Grey Knights, Dark Angels, Deathwatch, Ad Mech, Aeldari, 4 Imperial Knights and assorted favourite models from other Space Marine factions. 

Also kept some Nurgle Daemons, I just love the models.

Terrain, loads for both games.


I'm probably still forgetting stuff too.


DVD wise, I don't have a specific genre. My collection is quite eclectic. Takashi Miike through to Classic Disney. TV wise documentaries and my favourite series mostly.

Again stopped counting years ago. No idea apart from they are everywhere.



Message 1056 of 1,066
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The new when we get paid rules from February.

Last time I actually counted points wise for Storm-Cast Eternals it came to over 25000 points including a dragon, two drakes a stardrak Celestant Prime Ynestra and every other unit you can name


Never calculated total points for White Scars but there are a lot of them

Message 1057 of 1,066
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The new when we get paid rules from February.

Definetly made a difference, I bought an item, put something else the seller was selling in my watched, then couple of days later went to bid on it, only to discover it was gone, not only that the seller had no items listed at all, I also sell unwanted items, just to help fund my purchases, but I have since delisted all my items, Ebay have just made it too difficult, some of my items that were listed at £10 suddenly went to about £11.50 with this buyer protection fee, as a buyer as well as seller I knew for me, it simply wasnt worth it anymore, sales had been steadily dropping anyway, been with Ebay since the good old days, but think it's days are numbered, it's simply a place to find cheap foreign products now.

Message 1058 of 1,066
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The new when we get paid rules from February.

Agreed.  Ebay have made/announced changes that reflect where their priorities are:


  • Buyer Protection Fee - total lie, just pocketing the money
  • Holding private sellers money - earning interest/investing
  • Simple Delivery - once mandatory ebay will make money on every postage label for every item sold
  • Hiding listings - ebay are hiding sellers listings so they will pay to make them visible via promotion etc.
  • Disabling the invoice facility - buyers are forced to pay BPF on each item, no combining orders now.
Message 1059 of 1,066
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The new when we get paid rules from February.

If you can find a site that does what Ebay used to do and that is not owned by Ebay and I think you would find a mass eodus from Ebay but as there is nothing out there we are stuck 

Message 1060 of 1,066
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