The new when we get paid rules from February.

Ebay was always heavily weighted in favour of the Buyers, but this new mad rule thats coming in next month about having to wait two days after delivery is confirmed to get paid is simply beyond the pale.


And sometimes delivery conformation never comes, apparently in that situation we have to wait 14 days to get our money.  


This is disgusting and completely nuts. A self-destructive move from Ebay.

Message 1 of 1,066
See Most Recent
1,065 REPLIES 1,065

Re: The new when we get paid rules from February.

So I have 7 royal mail tracked 48 items that have been delivered but no
surprise they aren't showing delivered on eBay. eBay are holding £237 of my
funds for weeks despite being able to see they're delivered by clicking on
the tracking link. They are intentionally not showing delivered items on
eBay to hold funds & make interest. Do you think that's fair? Or am I
exaggerating. This is eBay's master plan HOLDING BUYERS MONEY UNDER FALSE
Message 901 of 1,066
See Most Recent

Re: The new when we get paid rules from February.

Anecdotal evidence is that ebay CS will release payments in these circumstances, ie where the courier tracking shows delivery but Ebay's doesn't.

Message 902 of 1,066
See Most Recent

Re: The new when we get paid rules from February.

Cheers, just saying it as I see it. I'd say ebay have dropped the fees for now. Give it six months to a year and ebay will reintroduce fees on our sales. They can't help displaying the greed that has pushed every change over the years on this site. remember when ebay's reply was always that this was just a platform where buyers and sellers entered into a legally binding contract and they had nothing to do with payments, etc? Weird how they changed that without batting an eyelid, that they do now have so much to do with payments, so either when they used to give out that old spiel they were lying then or they are lying now by taking the funds and holding them, in some cases, for weeks. For years I have sent everything via tracked method and I am notorious round here for insisting everything is scanned when I'm stood there with the courier or postie. Last thing I'm having is someone not receiving their money because yet another person failed to do their job.


I'd say one other thing too, the idea this will stop with Private Sellers is a nonsense. Once ebay have firmly established this with us, Business Sellers will be next. I'll be fun to see the ones who've said it isn't a problem when it's us moan about it when they're impacted too. Ebay are gradually becoming more prescriptive and controlling, thinking people don't have any alternative, they'll find out soon enough how wrong they are because to set up a site which is genuinely just a selling platform, as ebay used to be, costs very little. It's a marketplace, and all that needs happen is for another company to spy the opportunity and set it up. If they did I'd give it a go, and there are lots of disenchanted buyers and sellers who would too. On my other account I have feedback into five figures and nearly twenty five years here. Ebay show that means nothing. Turnabout is fair play, they should remember that.

Message 903 of 1,066
See Most Recent

Re: The new when we get paid rules from February.


'You seem to repeat this every day. A casual reader might even get the impression you believed it?'



Course I believe it goodi...... ebay get more fees out of business sellers.  Of course they want them to change account.


What they're gaining from buyers fees and payment holds isn't going to make up for what they're losing by dumping sellers fees for private sellers.


And ebay don't want to have private sellers fees because they want to be 'FREE to sell', so they can compete with their new best competitor, vinted.


(whether this whole 'kicking up a stink' makes ebay re-consider private sellers fees remains to be seen. I hope it does make them re-consider it , but I'm pretty pessimistic about that possibility)



Message 904 of 1,066
See Most Recent

Re: The new when we get paid rules from February.

Not a single change was in favour of private sellers. As I said earlier, while fees have been removed, the BPF basically takes their place, and my guess is that in time ebay will reintroduce fees too. That ebay would rather not hear any of this is clear, but as everyone I've spoken to has said since the changes came in they have hardly spent anything on ebay, that will impact on both private and business sellers. But hey, that's for ebay to see and remember that their own policies deliberately caused a downturn in seller activity and purchases being made. Because one thing is for sure, everyone I know says that as soon as money comes onto their ebay balance, they withdraw it instantly.  Funny thing, if people don't spend money on ebay, the money they grab and hold will no longer take place and therefore their profiteering won't be possible. And to those who  didn't like what I said may I say I care as much about that as ebay do about private sellers. 

Message 905 of 1,066
See Most Recent

Re: The new when we get paid rules from February.


..... while fees have been removed, the BPF basically takes their place .....


Let’s say a seller previously listed an item at £10 (incl P&P) - fees, which the seller would have included and the buyer would have paid, would have been £1.62 - and seller ended up with £8.38 in their pocket.


Now, if the seller had reduced their prices, because of free fees, rather than trying to be greedy or smart (from a buyer’s viewpoint) and now lists the same item at £8.38, it’ll show as only £9.47 (lower than before - so more competitive than previously?)


Why more competitive than previously from a buyer’s viewpoint?


Because the buyer is paying only £1.09 fees now rather than £1.62 fees before - surely a win for buyers.


And the seller still gets the £8.38 as they would have received before and have been more competitive than they had been previously.


Even at a £40 listing price, I would have paid the seller roughly £5.50 in fees but now I only pay eBay about £2.40 - as a buyer, I cant see a problem with that?


The problem for sellers is they either didn’t reduce their price or haven’t done the sums.


And I’m still buying, by the way - but only the things which are at the right price.


Sellers’ problem lies with the time before they get their money - and I can’t comment on that.


And another potential far bigger problem for sellers is going to be Simple Delivery - because eBay's foray into postage deals have ended up being diabolically disastrous.


Apologies for the length of the post.


Message 906 of 1,066
See Most Recent

Re: The new when we get paid rules from February.

Thanks for that but I do get the impression that with the new fee regime raking in almost as much as the old seller fees (and much more on those low value sales) there is very little pressure on any business doing well to upgrade.


I didn't get the 'nudge' - maybe my sales are too low or possibly too high? Or because I told them to go away that previous time? But too many random and undeserving cases seem to have had one. It seems both blatant and unnecessary.


Ultimately, there has to be a platform for sellers flogging off their old accumulated stuff. If it's not gonna be Ebay (and I'm pessimistic about this wrong direction too) we will eventually have to go elsewhere.

Message 907 of 1,066
See Most Recent

Re: The new when we get paid rules from February.

You be be interested to note that I have just read that you will not be paid and buyer will get to keep the order and receive a refund. I have not been paid a penny this month.All my sold items were sent tracked,were marked as delivered,some have positive feed back but I am not and never will be paid as apparently there is a box that buyers have to tick.If this is not ticked even if they leave positive feedback then Ebay automatically send refunds.

"I have just had a discussion with chat regarding the changes to funds being paid out only after the items are delivered. If the item is not showing as "Delivered" on the tracking of an item then funds are witheld by ebay unless the buyer ticks a box to say they have received the item. They admit there is nothing to force a buyer to click that icon so if they don't ebay will refund the buyer from your funds. Therefore if the buyer has received the item but the tracking shows it has not been delivered and they don't tick the received icon then they get to keep the item and get a full refund. ".

Message 908 of 1,066
See Most Recent

Re: The new when we get paid rules from February.

Umm, what the ....?

If that's remotely true that is the worst part of a truly terrible rollout.



Message 909 of 1,066
See Most Recent

Re: The new when we get paid rules from February.

You be be interested to note that I have just read that you will not be paid and buyer will get to keep the order and receive a refund.


Read where?

Message 910 of 1,066
See Most Recent

Re: The new when we get paid rules from February.

That wasn't even the bad part in that post. That box tick thing is truly terrible for sellers.

Ive never even heard anything about it before.


Don't know if they're talking *bleep* or if CS are.

Message 911 of 1,066
See Most Recent

Re: The new when we get paid rules from February.

I echo your every word. I've had a few posts removed for speaking my mind
but I'm not shutting up. They don't control the world of social media
platforms. Eventually they will have to sit up & scratch their fat bald
brainless heads as we walk away. Remove this if you're able to get your fat
fingers past your fat guts and reach the remove button as fast as you can
hit payment holds or make deliveries disappear
Message 912 of 1,066
See Most Recent

Re: The new when we get paid rules from February.

@punkwroc77  wrote:  "I have just had a discussion with chat regarding the changes to funds being paid out only after the items are delivered. If the item is not showing as "Delivered" on the tracking of an item then funds are witheld by ebay unless the buyer ticks a box to say they have received the item. They admit there is nothing to force a buyer to click that icon so if they don't ebay will refund the buyer from your funds


We are often told that Customer Services may be a little ' off' with their correct answers but this has to be Number 1,  top of the list ,  for the most Incorrect and sorry Rubbish answer ever!


A buyer has never been asked to tick any box in the past or will be asked  in the future for the receiving of an item, how on earth would eBay enforce that .  They ask members to leave feedback so few do, it's not mandatory to do so,  and neither was that nonsense you heard from CS.


Sorry, but there is no announcement to confirm the above, and it is just not a feasible situation.  You will be paid there just may be a delay ,  never a refund to the buyer from eBay if some box is not ticked !


Worry not,   the rules stand thus:


Tracking showing delivery = payout made 2 days after that delivery date.


No tracking = payouts held for 14 days.


End of February sees items of a value of £10 or less, here,  feedback left by the buyer will release that payout sooner.


No other combination needs to be considered.


Truly that is the worst answer I have ever heard from CS.





Message 913 of 1,066
See Most Recent

Re: The new when we get paid rules from February.

Looks like they're talking out of their ass. They just started a thread quoting another seller. Problem is that other seller is also them. The post you just replied to.

Message 914 of 1,066
See Most Recent

Re: The new when we get paid rules from February.

I'd like to why sellers like you are creeping through people's selling
pages? Do you the authority to instruct others to change their accounts
from private to business. No. Please find a forum that covers your issue
Message 915 of 1,066
See Most Recent

Re: The new when we get paid rules from February.


As a buyer, I always blunder (rather than creep) through sellers' pages.


If I think they're gaming the system, I immediately click back and look to see if there's another who doesn't want to try and deprive me of my rights.


And I do hope that all buyers do the same.


Message 916 of 1,066
See Most Recent

Re: The new when we get paid rules from February.

'You seem to repeat this every day. A casual reader might even get the impression you believed it?'



Out of curiosity ; why did you think I didn't believe what I was saying?  And what did you think I did  believe?


And I'd like to know your opinion (and everybody elses'!) about what other reasons ebay could have for making such a crazy move?


Thing is, we all know big businesses don't give a flying fart about human happiness or misery; they care about the bottom line.

Ebay aren't making life so painful 'just to be nasty'.... if the changes didn't bring in more money, they wouldn't be doing it.

Pushing more sellers onto business accounts is just another way to make more money.


You said you had a mate who sold three items last month and got pushed towards a business account?

Were these three sales 'high value'?


My train of thought here is ; if those three items were high value, ebay would get more money from sellers fees than buyers fees. (sellers fees being 13% and buyers fee being 4% - on a high value item, the 75p is eff all!) 

And if there were only 3 listings, ebay weren't going to make much money on advertising/paid for promotions on just 3 pages.


Whereas a seller with lots of cheap listings has the potential to get lots of income for ebay on the adverts/promotions side (because there's lots of pages to plaster with ads) and the cheaper the item the more, by proportion, the buyers fee brings, as opposed to the sellers fee.


So low volume but high value sellers would be first on the 'get 'em on to business accounts' list.


If those 3 sales were cheap, mind you ; I've no idea whatsoever why ebay would do that!



(Sorry if this has all got a bit 'stream-of-conciousness' like ; trying to decode the current weirdness of ebay is driving me a bit nuts 😂)





Message 917 of 1,066
See Most Recent

Re: The new when we get paid rules from February.

Tell you what, let's close it down 🙂 Just ended twenty items tonight, will end more tomorrow and final ones will go next week. Seeya ebay.

Message 918 of 1,066
See Most Recent

Re: The new when we get paid rules from February.

@just_bsg_st_lotr_et_al wrote:

Tell you what, let's close it down 🙂 Just ended twenty items tonight, will end more tomorrow and final ones will go next week. Seeya ebay.

That's strange because your completed items don't show any ended by you.   Are you sure it worked?

Message 919 of 1,066
See Most Recent

Re: The new when we get paid rules from February.

Because of these new measures by eBay,  I have now removed all my listings and no longer sell through them.

Message 920 of 1,066
See Most Recent