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Revising prices with Buyer Protection Fee now implemented

Morning, I'm a private seller starting to sell off my record collection. Now that the BPF has been implemented, all the BIN prices that display to buyers are showing as odd amounts rather than the round pound amounts they were previously.


I've amended a couple individually but it's a bit of a pain because you can't input a figure that includes the BPF that you want to be the one that shows to buyers.


Whilst I've only got around 60ish listings at the moment, it would really help to be able to bulk edit the prices to figures that included the BPF so the totals would be what the buyers see but that isn't possible as things stand? Is anyone aware of any movements from eBay that this could change? Thanks.

Message 1 of 45
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Accepted Solutions

Re: Revising prices with Buyer Protection Fee now implemented

Found that thread:  Buyer fee - how to calculate total? + Shipping: charge separately now or not? 


and the formula to use in Excel is:


4 columns:

A1 : Desired final price

B1 : =D1*0.04 [fee: variable amount, 4%]

C1 : = 0.75 [fee: fixed amount, £0.75]

D1 : =(A1-C1)/1.04 [SELLER PRICE, pre-fee]



Or you can combine B1+C1 together as: 

=(D1*0.04)+0.75 [fee: variable 4% + fixed £0.75]


More explanation in this post from the above thread.

View solution in original post

Message 11 of 45
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Re: Revising prices with Buyer Protection Fee now implemented

Experienced Mentor

I would think ebay don't see a problem with 'weird' amounts, so they won't make any software changes.


It's what auctions have always had.

Message 2 of 45
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Re: Revising prices with Buyer Protection Fee now implemented

Hi you can bulk edit. Sort by listing price. If you have lots at the same price, end the listings for one price. Select all ended listings. Select sell similar. Edit the price. You can do that by adding a certain amount to each price or individually.

There is also a way to bulk edit via reports, download to excel if you have it. Edit and upload. Can't remember the exact steps. 

I agree it would be better to have an option to enter the listing amount with buyers fee. But early days i suppose. 

Message 3 of 45
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Re: Revising prices with Buyer Protection Fee now implemented

You can bulk edit and change every fee individually in the bulk edit.  


There is a thread about the formula, and I put together a list showing both prices - though the way eBay are dealing with VAT may have skewered it.

Message 4 of 45
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Re: Revising prices with Buyer Protection Fee now implemented

@magpiecorner1 wrote:

You can bulk edit and change every fee individually in the bulk edit.  


There is a thread about the formula, and I put together a list showing both prices - though the way eBay are dealing with VAT may have skewered it.

I'm aware that you can bulk edit, my point was that you can't input the final price that the buyer sees. It's a fiddly process to amend the amount which, when the BPF is added, is the total that the buyer sees and the seller wants.


Thanks for the pointer about the formula, that may be the quickest way for me to get all my amounts back to the round numbers they were before the BPF changes were implemented.

Message 5 of 45
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Re: Revising prices with Buyer Protection Fee now implemented

I used chat gpt to create a powershell script - You enter the final price you want to list at and extrapolates from that the price you should enter when creating the listing. It's absolutely ridiculous that it has come to this!

Message 6 of 45
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Re: Revising prices with Buyer Protection Fee now implemented

Having the same problem. It's was quite simple to put in BIN prices, mine always ending on a .99 pence,

like the shops do it to make items look cheaper. I always offered free postage too, but now it seems buyer protection fees don't factor in the P+P charge so now i'm having to lower the price and add postage costs to lower the total price to a buyer. It is ridiculous and a complete mess.

It would be better if ebay just charged a flat sales fee of say 10% like they used to, only with no other charges

which is making low cost items unsellable.

Message 7 of 45
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Re: Revising prices with Buyer Protection Fee now implemented

@garifornia wrote:

now it seems buyer protection fees don't factor in the P+P charge so now i'm having to lower the price and add postage costs to lower the total price to a buyer

That's the other question I now have...


My current listings are all offered with free p&p because it (supposedly) offered more of a boost to visibility vis-a-vis other sellers who added it separately but now is it the case that it has swung back the other way?


So now there's a (small) cost advantage to having p&p separated out from the item BIN price as the BPF isn't charged on p&p. I'm confused with Simple Delivery though, if I select to use that in my listings then I don't have to add p&p at all (whether separately or combined within the item BIN price if offering free p&p) since it's added to the final total that the buyer pays?

Message 8 of 45
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Re: Revising prices with Buyer Protection Fee now implemented

@zammosgear wrote:

I used chat gpt to create a powershell script - You enter the final price you want to list at and extrapolates from that the price you should enter when creating the listing. It's absolutely ridiculous that it has come to this!

Thanks for the suggestion, whilst a valid possibility I think I'm going to stick with just using the formula from another thread in Excel which will calculate the seller price from the total price you wish prospective buyers to see and just work through the prices using bulk edit.

Message 9 of 45
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Re: Revising prices with Buyer Protection Fee now implemented

@pinkychukkles wrote:

Thanks for the suggestion, whilst a valid possibility I think I'm going to stick with just using the formula from another thread in Excel which will calculate the seller price from the total price you wish prospective buyers to see and just work through the prices using bulk edit.

Just bear in mind that eBay are currently calculating the fixed fee incorrectly as 72p instead of the stated 75p. 

Message 10 of 45
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Re: Revising prices with Buyer Protection Fee now implemented

Found that thread:  Buyer fee - how to calculate total? + Shipping: charge separately now or not? 


and the formula to use in Excel is:


4 columns:

A1 : Desired final price

B1 : =D1*0.04 [fee: variable amount, 4%]

C1 : = 0.75 [fee: fixed amount, £0.75]

D1 : =(A1-C1)/1.04 [SELLER PRICE, pre-fee]



Or you can combine B1+C1 together as: 

=(D1*0.04)+0.75 [fee: variable 4% + fixed £0.75]


More explanation in this post from the above thread.

Message 11 of 45
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Re: Revising prices with Buyer Protection Fee now implemented

One more explicit thread with formula:


Spreadsheet formula to calculate what price to list at minus BPF 

Message 12 of 45
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Re: Revising prices with Buyer Protection Fee now implemented

If you use my spreadsheet, easy enough to go down the bulk listing - rearrange by price - and use my figures.  Though you might need to add 3p to each listing of course, until eBay sorts it.  Its using the formula without having to calculate the formula.  Bit of a bother if you have thousands of listings, but you can change one and then go down the row with the same change so its not to onerous.


Message 13 of 45
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Re: Revising prices with Buyer Protection Fee now implemented

'I'm confused with Simple Delivery though, if I select to use that in my listings then I don't have to add p&p at all (whether separately or combined within the item BIN price if offering free p&p)'



If you decide to use Simple Delivery, you don't have to think about postage costs at all : the buyer will choose a service from the options presented to them by ebay, and pay for it. Ebay will buy that service and send you a postage label.

All you have to do then is dispatch it by the method dictated....


Message 14 of 45
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Re: Revising prices with Buyer Protection Fee now implemented

Are we supposed to think "heil" to that?

Or is that just my messed up mind?

Message 15 of 45
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Re: Revising prices with Buyer Protection Fee now implemented

@lucy_farmer wrote:

If you decide to use Simple Delivery, you don't have to think about postage costs at all : the buyer will choose a service from the options presented to them by ebay, and pay for it. Ebay will buy that service and send you a postage label.

All you have to do then is dispatch it by the method dictated....

Thanks, usually though not always, RM with collection is the most convenient option for me, I'm sure I got a message from eBay which said you can express a preference for that in your settings but when I visited the page, I didn't have it yet so the rollout hadn't reached my account.

Message 16 of 45
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Re: Revising prices with Buyer Protection Fee now implemented

I got used in only a few minutes to seeing 'weird' amounts, but perhaps it took me so little time to do so because I knew they were due to BPF.


eBay could do with making the amounts shown to buyers consistent. For instance, a few minutes ago I saw in the section of search results which is called 'Pick up where you left off' an item that I'd looked at, priced £4.75.  When I clicked to go to the listing, the price read £5.66. I know that's due to BPF but a buyer not yet aware of BPF might crossly assume it's due to the seller hiking the price, and feel they should pay £4.75 as that's the price they saw first, like seeing the item in the shop window of a bricks & mortar shop only to go into the store and locate the item only to find the price is higher. Because of BPF the seller, but only if willing to indulge the buyer, would have to reduce the amount they'd receive, so as to bring the total including BPF down to £4.75. This was the case with 3 more items in the same 'Pick up where you left off'.



Message 17 of 45
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Re: Revising prices with Buyer Protection Fee now implemented

Sorry, I should add that I'd looked at that item earlier when it came up in search results at £5.66. It was seeing it in 'Pick up where you left off' at £4.75 that made me click on it again, wondering what was going on.


Maybe eBay just hasn't yet sorted out the programming for 'Pick up where you left off'?

Message 18 of 45
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Re: Revising prices with Buyer Protection Fee now implemented

I like seeing weird amounts,  helps me spot the pseudo private sellers that I refuse to buy from.


I was looking for a pair of bedside lights yesterday, loads and loads from a sellers with multiple listings and a weird price on each, all easily spotted and scrolled past.

Message 19 of 45
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Re: Revising prices with Buyer Protection Fee now implemented

After nearly 22 years on eBay as a private seller selling my unwanted family items it's time to call it a day with the implementation of buyer's protection fee. Personally I think it's an ill thought out procedure. Buyer's always did have protection, in my opinion, and eBay would always back the buyer rather than the seller in most cases and now they have to pay the seller and eBay for the privilege. Bonkers!  So, I shall let my selling items run down on eBay and move to other auction and selling sites. eBay is no longer the friendly auction selling site it once was and yes I have had my fair share of eBay problems from Scammers to that dreadful parcel delivery company HERMES  now Evri ...... that stands for:  Evri parcel lost, stolen or broken.  I stopped using this company 5 years ago.

Message 20 of 45
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