03-01-2025 8:50 PM
The new regulations on ebay to arrive in February just prove that they are trying to convert Private Sellers to Business sellers. Buyers will noe have to pay ebay for expensive postal and courier rates which I know that I can get cheaper through Royal Mail or Yodel.
So we will be priced out of the market and I think buyers will be going elsewhere probably to Amazon to get better deals.
Not sure how this can improve ebay for buyers or sellers frankly. Very disappointing.
13-02-2025 7:31 PM
I am a private seller and feel after 14 years that eBay are letting us all down, I am not a business like John Lewis M&S or the corner shop when they sell goods they get paid right away for the goods we purchased, we sell our goods and we now have to wait for our money, why??? I have just sold a pair of shoes and because the customer is not in to take in their delivery I will have to wait even longer than normal to receive my money!
I don’t see John Lewis putting up with that!!!
14-02-2025 3:46 PM
I am a private seller and have done so for 12yrs always above average , then out of the blue I was down graded to below standard I have not changed the way I sell over the last 12yrs , post the same day never late curtious with my buyers and resolve all problems . I have tried contacting E bay to see what is going on but just fobbed off all the time. The only thing I can put it down to is they want private sellers out, if they hadn't bullied me so much I would have considered it , but as I have only up to 300 items it never seemed worth it. I have no option but to end my relationship with E bay as you cannot trust what they are going to do next.
16-02-2025 11:40 AM
I see new payment system for private sellers is working - NO sales since wow ebay 👏
16-02-2025 11:59 AM
I've been buying and selling on Ebay for 23 years.
750 sales and many thousands of purchases. I sell a few items a month at most - and they consider me a business seller! I would have starved long ago if that were the case. I just sell old household junk that I don't need any more and never for more than I bought it.
So eBay have restricted my selling and I am off. So long eBay! You have forgotten where your core business was! Now you are just another junk sales platform like the rest.
17-02-2025 9:30 AM
Yep you can feel the hate.
21-02-2025 12:52 AM - edited 21-02-2025 1:00 AM
@hobbit66 wrote:Well I hope you business sellers are happy now....Soon ebay will be a business sellers paradise with no bargains to be found anywhere (unlike the good old days) and high prices !
Agree 100%
If eBay becomes like Amazon and AliExpress then I will lose total interest in eBay and not visit their site often 😞
My main attraction to eBay is all the old, vintage and second hand items which are now no longer available to buy new in today's world... Without all the private sellers giving us the benefit of a giant flee market on eBay... eBay wouldn't interest me at all.
As for the new cheap China junk that's on eBay... I can find all of this at my local Poundland store for only £1 a piece without the awful 2 week wait whilst they drop ship from China ! whilst claiming to be a "UK Seller" !
03-03-2025 11:20 AM
I feel the same. I just sold two items for £13 each inc postage. I have only received £19.36 in funds!! I've lost as much as the postage cost. It's put me off and don't think I'll sell again. I've been an Ebayer for 21 years.....time to go elsewhere I think.
03-03-2025 1:06 PM
Did you buy the postage using the funds?
03-03-2025 2:50 PM
09-03-2025 11:12 AM
Sold an item which was dispatched on the 25th Feb via royal mail 2nd class to be signed for - i noticed tracking was not updating after 4-5 days so i messaged seller who said she had received item and her postman had dropped off parcel next door which he should not have done as it was to be signed for - due to this error by postman ebay has not released my funds it is now 9th of March - in my case i am in no hurry for funds so i can wait but i know other sellers will not put up with this just crazy!
09-03-2025 1:50 PM
Unfortunately for private sellers if there is no 'delivered' notification seen against the item sold, the seller has to wait for 14 days to be able to withdraw their funds to their bank account (unless it is £10 or less then positive feedback from the buyer will release the funds in 24 hours).
Ebay have made the release of private sellers money dependent on a delivery scan being made by the post person/courier AND this has to filter through to ebay. There are numerous reasons this may not happen and ebay benefit when this happens because they get to hold onto private sellers money longer to earn more interest etc.