Funds cleared after delivery confirmed YET dispatch usually up to 3 days after cleared funds

I'd actually challenge the legality of ebay withholding a sellers money, the release of which relies on outside influences!

It's blatantly obvious that Ebay are offloading the risk, back onto the sellers!

The Royal Mail has become increasingly more incompetent in delivering AT ALL, let alone within the terms of their Universal Service Order, to which they have recently had a second fine for failing to adhere to.

So when an item never arrives to the buyer, they get the money back from the seller through ebay. The seller is then out of pocket, until the postal service , accepts responsibility and eventually pays. And ofcourse, thats only if they accept responsibility at all.

My other issue is, that this latest clause, actually becomes an impossibility for private sellers, if not all.

In ebay's selling template section "postage, collection, returns and payments", under "dispatch time", the default  clearly says "Will usually dispatch within 3 working days of receiving cleared payment" .  So,,,in theory the buyer COULD WAIT UP TO 72 HOURS to pay.

But if the payment DOESN'T CLEAR till after delivery has been confirmed,,,that's a direct contradiction to the dispatch clause? 

So by the terms and conditions in ebay,,,,how can i send out something, thats not been paid for,,,but i don't get paid till its been delivered?

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Funds cleared after delivery confirmed YET dispatch usually up to 3 days after cleared funds

You are missing the "usually" in the section you highlighted/emphasized.

That's their get out of jail card in that clause.

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Funds cleared after delivery confirmed YET dispatch usually up to 3 days after cleared funds

I'm unsure as to the relativity to that point? Only two days ago, i cancelled an order SPECIFICALLY BECAUSE the lazy/belligerent  seller, when asked about dispatch of the item, replied, "yours will go out tomorrow". I think morally, if someone pays immediately, you the seller,SHOULD DISPATCH IMMEDIATELY, IRRESPECTIVE OF WHAT EBAY HAS IN THEIR TEMPLATE. I always dispatch as quickly as possible after receiving payment. Ebay changed it not that long ago, from a virtual immediate transaction of funds, using the "administration between bank accounts" *bleep*, as an excuse. I made comment here about how as a seller, i should in theory wait till the funds are cleared before i sent the item. However, morally i decided if a transaction has been recorded as being done on ebay, i could accept and trust it would be completed into my bank. 

However, this LATEST CON from them, not only leaves the cash in their account longer,,,,,,but leaves US THE SELLER out of pocket both money wise and sold product deficient, until a third part confirms its been delivered ! EVERY COURIER has delivery issues/poor performance, the top of that list being Royal Snail. Everyone of them, will do their damndest to get out of a refund if the loose or damage the parcel. Yet WE as the seller are responsible for the immediate refund to the buyer,,,,bearing in mind,,,,,you've not been paid till its delivered (or up to 14 days after dispatch?) 

I'm disgusted with them, and am actively using alternative ways to sell away from ebay. (OH AND EBAY POLICE,,,THAT DOESN'T MEAN I'M BREAKING YOUR RULES, IT MEANS I'M SELLING IN OTHER SITES,,,OK!!!!)


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Funds cleared after delivery confirmed YET dispatch usually up to 3 days after cleared funds

"I think morally, if someone pays immediately, you the seller,SHOULD DISPATCH IMMEDIATELY, IRRESPECTIVE OF WHAT EBAY HAS IN THEIR TEMPLATE."

Well that's one perspective, probably best if you don't try to blanket everyone else with it though.

Some might turn round and tell you to go forth and multiply.

When I was selling I allowed 5 working days turnaround on all my listings. I know I can't get to the post office every day, but I still want to support them for as long as I can. My choice. Others have theirs.

Good luck with yours.

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