14-10-2024 9:55 AM
I am sending items via the GSP. My returns policy states that international returns are not accepted, however buyers -mainly in the USA- have managed to open remorse returns for reasons like “found better price” and I don’t have the option to close them.
I’ve contacted eBay on multiple occasions who email some department in the USA that just ignore the message and I never here back. One customer support member thought this might be due to the GSP postcode being in the UK and this is causing a bug.
However, I just thought I’d check here if there could be another explanation for this that might be an easy fix?
14-10-2024 10:08 AM - edited 14-10-2024 10:09 AM
Something very odd going on there. You're registered as a business but have 'no returns accepted' at the top of your listings (business sellers must accept UK returns), it shouldn't be possible to have this set to 'no returns'. On that basis, I do wonder if there's some kind of weird glitch, or maybe you do need to tweak your business policies.
14-10-2024 10:42 AM
I don't know what you are selling but if you are selling new consumer products that are readily available in the USA, you should restrict your sales to the UK as the extra you can earn there will be unlikely to cover the extra you pay (10%) as a fee on the higher postage let alone the costs of postage for Returns. Selling abroad usually only pays for items that are not easily and cheaply sourced abroad when bidding wars erupt.
If your adverts say Returns Accepted that is because of the Law and/or eBay Policy and is not up to you.
16-10-2024 11:07 AM
Hi expert_seller_2012, thanks for your post.
If you confirm the item number of the transaction in question, I'd be happy to take a look for you to see what's happening there.
Thank you,
21-11-2024 8:37 PM
I am experiencing the same issue and have posted in seller central. Remorse return requests from buyers in the USA are being accepted despite my chosen returns policy choosing not to offer international returns.
22-11-2024 2:21 PM
Hi roundhousepoolio, thanks for your reply.
If you confirm the item number, I'd be happy to take a look for you to see what's happening there and assist you further.
Thank you,
22-11-2024 8:39 PM
Thanks Marco, the item number where a return has been started is 286144776091.
My returns policy when I am listing is one where I select not to accept international returns but despite this returns show as available to international customers.
28-11-2024 11:50 AM
Hi roundhousepoolio, thanks for your reply.
Apologies for the delay on this. I've just checked this item, and according to our records, the item in question was not part of our GSP program, and according to your return policies, buyers are able to file a return within 14 days, and they would have to pay for the return. so that would be why the buyer was able to file a return.
Thank you,
03-12-2024 2:46 PM
Hi Marco,
Thank you for your reply but it doesn't answer my query or explain why returns are being accepted. Just as with my previous exchanges with eBay you are telling me that under my returns policy I accepts returns for international customers when I have stated that I do not. This is really frustrating when I keep being told that in my policy I accept international returns when I 100% do not - Surely my policy can be viewed by ebay and this fact verified? I toggle international returns to off - I have double checked this and despite being off returns are still being shown as being available when viewed as an international customer.
Please see the above screenshot when I do a listing - I quite clearly select NOT to accept international returns. Despite my selected policy NOT accepting international returns for some reason change of mind returns are being made available to international customers hence why I believe there is a glitch in the system and eBay is at fault.
Please can you or anyone else confirm why despite choosing in my policy NOT to accept international returns they are being made available? I am a business seller and from my understanding I legally have to accept returns for any reason from the UK and the EU but do not have to accept them from elsewhere (unless item defective)? If I am mistaken on this then my apologies but if this is the case why does eBay have a toggle to accept or reject international returns when creating/editing a returns policy?