Getting money back

Hi I returned an item for refund well over a month ago now, payed by Apple Pay. Still haven't received any of the money back and wondering what's happening or going to happen. This is the 3rd time I've had to ask what's going on. Does anyone know if there's someone I can call direct about this or not becoming a bit of a joke now 

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Re: Getting money back

How did the return come about ?.


Hopefully you did it through a dispute for not as described or change of mind ?.


Do you have a tracking number that was entered in to any dispute that shows delivery back to the seller ?.


Iv'e no idea on how Apple Pay might come in to things.

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Re: Getting money back

Did you use the label supplied by the seller? If so, you should be refunded within 4 days of return.





Did you send the item back yourself using your own label? If so, was it tracked and did you enter the tracking number into the case?


Did you escalate the case eg click the "ask eBay to step in" option? If not, do it now before you run out of time, and only do this if you sent it tracked (although if it was more than a month ago you are probably out of time now). You have 21 days from opening a case to ask eBay to step in/escalate the case for a refund.


You can try a card chargeback from your debit card supplier if you have run out of time with eBay



If you sent it back untracked then you have lost your money I'm afraid


Always open a case and use the label provided by the seller 

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