22-01-2025 12:55 PM
22-01-2025 1:08 PM
You will pay the price shown on the listing
If a private seller has an item listed now at 99p+postage this will show as £1.78+postage on listings from Feb if the seller doesn't make any price adjustments.
22-01-2025 1:16 PM
As advised, the extra amount won't be added on after you have committed to buy, you will know the price up front.
And, the extra amount is only being added to items sold by private sellers.
Items sold by properly registered business sellers will not be subject to these extra xharges.
22-01-2025 1:19 PM
Hi mate can a seller op out off this if they want
22-01-2025 1:22 PM
22-01-2025 1:44 PM - edited 22-01-2025 1:47 PM
How do you think sellers can opt out of an ebay charge for buyers.?
Do you think that seller should pay the charges, and get 99p less 79p in ebay charges, leaving just 20p. Would not be worth the trouble selling.
22-01-2025 3:19 PM
Looking at your items, lots of new ones.
Upgrading to business seller would be beneficial to you & buyers.