Are you within 30 days of the item's last estimated date for delivery?
Then, go right of the item in your Purchase History, and from More Actions select Return this item, selecting the reason... Item Not as Described.
The seller has 3 days to accept the case, if they don't , you need to escalate on day 4, or within 30 days, and eBay will step in and force the refund.
If the seller wants the item back first, they need to pay for a fully tracked return postage. On receipt of their item they have 48 hours to refund you. Again, if they don't, you escalate the case.
Do not close the case early for any excuse or promise the seller may give, and do not forget to escalate.
If this time has lapsed you cannot receive any refund through eBay, and can try your payment provider now for help with a refund.