Error in seller price

Hello, I bought a gpu for a low price, because this is ebay and things are often cheap I thought nothing of it until the seller sent me a message saying there was a mistake in the pricing none of the numbers matched or were close, so it couldn't've been a typo, so when I tell him that I still would like the product, knowing my rights of good sale, they then said that if I don't pay the new price he will be fired, I still said that I wouldn't pay extra or refund because I needed this, so then he says there is an error in the "system" and that he couldn't send it, does anyone know what to do in this situation?

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Error in seller price

Experienced Mentor

It sounds as if you are going to have to open a case for item not received the day after the expected delivery date to get your refund.


No-one can force the seller to send the item.

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