This is officially the most depressing day of the year - according to a PSYCHOLOGIST, give me strength.


Bad weather, New Year resolutions falling like pins and debt accrued from Black Friday spending frenzy have left us feeling well below par.




Bad weather - not allowed out (officially although I do ignore it) until the flu season peaks.

New Year resulution - to stay alive - well I'm ok on that too.

Black Friday spending - nope - none of that - big river penny books and some CDs, oh and my 3 wee cats.

So how come I'm a misery???????????????


The PSYCHOLOGIST said - 'The happiest people combine logic, feelings and intuition to make important decisions - and that is how to enjoy a more satisfying life'.


What a lot of old codswallop - and he gets paid money to do this.  I know what I'm coming back as.


Ask any old Joe and he'd probably say - a couple of hundred thousand in the bank wouldn't hurt.

Nobody told me there'd be days like these,
Nobody told me there'd be days like these,
Strange days indeed, strange days indeed,
Most peculiar Mamma.....................................
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Good gracious me Rainy, I agree, people actually get paid loads of dosh to think of all that drivel!

I get paid a tiny fraction of that to drive people about which is far more useful, well I think so anyway!

Annoying isn't it?!


Must admit it is a bit of a miserable time of year though.  I shouldn't wish time past, but it'll be nice

when spring and summer come.

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Some peeps do get paid way too much to compile some tosh

And rdw ...................... you ain't no misery xxxx

“I don't trust anyone who doesn't laugh.”
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I look forward to spring too Fishy, but I have a problem.  Next door neighbour has beautiful garden, immaculate, like a park.  They rake the gravel every day and polish the wooden pots, I'm not lying.  Nice people,. we get on well, except she copies all the plants I buy which drives me nuts.


Mine is a country garden - kinda wild and wooly - bit like me, lol.


Anyway, one part of the garden (at the side) we've really just left (gravelled), so we tidied it all up and I bought pretty pots and zillions of tulips and daffodils, planted them all up and also bought a Lutyens bench in the sale (I have always wanted one) to put out when spring arrives..  So it's all sitting there and if the bulbs don't come up, well, I'll have to leave town, simples Woman LOL 

Nobody told me there'd be days like these,
Nobody told me there'd be days like these,
Strange days indeed, strange days indeed,
Most peculiar Mamma.....................................
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Aye, to be sure some peeps just can't keep them in their underpants, they have to talk them


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Thank you Stan heart

Nobody told me there'd be days like these,
Nobody told me there'd be days like these,
Strange days indeed, strange days indeed,
Most peculiar Mamma.....................................
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I'm sure some jobs are just invented so people can talk mens dangly bits
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Oh I'm sure they'll come up Rainy, it sounds lovely.  You should see our garden - rather a mess

at the moment.  Last year our fence came down and squished all the plants I'd put in and the

other side we had conifers removed so it looks like an ugly mess of nothing at the moment.  I'm

going to have to get out there and be creative sometime.  The people at the back have a lovely

garden as the bloke is a landscape gardener by trade - he's the one who mended our fence and

sorted the conifers out - but his garden puts ours to shame.


All the neighbourhood pussycats love it though, the roam and play in its wild parts (which is most

of it), watch the pond and sharpen their little claws on a dead tree stump.  Then they play fence

balancing, often not very successfully!

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I meant to say also Rainy, you ain't no misery.


All this talk of dangly bits, it's got too exciting.  I'll have to go and do something useful like getting

everybody's stuff ready for tomorrow.  See you soon people.

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I'm sure these statistics only apply to "the man on the Clapham omnibus", ie someone who's working so has the luxury of hating Monday, who's had the money to overindulge at Christmas etc - unlike many of us on here, to whom this day is the same as all the others!

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Isn't it blue Monday because it's the day everyone gets the bills from Christmas.

I have had a good day today, been crafting. I have done lots of washing now I have got a nice new shiney washing machine. I have cleared up the dogs doos in the garden. Oh and I have done the hoovering.

My cup runneth over.
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