Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 31.01.24 @2pm

Hi everyone,


Our eBay Community Team is made up of marco@ebay, @dave@ebay  and katie@ebayBetween us, we have knowledge in Buying, Selling, Fulfilment, Payments, and the Community itself. Anything we aren’t sure on, we’ll know the people who will be! Please ask us any questions you may have, and we’ll do all we can to support. 


How the chat works:

  • The chat will open at 2pm and will remain open for new questions until 3pm each Wednesday.
  • We will answer the questions chronologically and will reply after 3pm if needed.
  • To ask your question, click Reply in the lower-right corner of this post, type your question, and click Reply.
  • We will reply quoting your question.
  • This chat is designed to provide quick replies from eBay employees on subjects we can assist you with publicly. 



  • One question per reply. If you have multiple questions, please do multiple replies.
  • Follow the community guidelines, which can be found here
  • Your reply must contain a question. Please do not reply to another members question with an answer. Replies with no questions may be removed to help with the reading of this thread.
  • This thread will close in one hour, so please open a discussion thread and @mention our team if your question is in-depth, ongoing, or more of a general complaint. This way, we can reply to you in a way that is most beneficial to all.


If you missed the weekly chat time, please ask your question in the community boards and tag us, or we will be back next week with another chat! 


Many thanks,

Your eBay Community Team

Available via Email for Community-related inquiries:
Message 1 of 40
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Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 31.01.24 @2pm

Hello. In what circumstances can I expect a response from the Vero team?

I have emailed a Notice of Copyright Infringement to vero@ebay.com but received no communication or response whatsoever. I have a very important (to me) issue to be dealt with.

Message 2 of 40
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Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 31.01.24 @2pm

I have an order where the buyer’s address I was provided with by eBay was a Greater Manchester address but a Cornwall postcode. It is rare for a buyer to get their address so badly wrong like this but it is fairly common to have orders where there is a minor typo postcode error on the buyers profile and they haven’t realised. We have to message the buyer and decide whether to send it to a revised address (and lose our seller protection) or cancel citing problem with buyers address. It is a problem when we have short dispatch times / EDD’s and don’t have much time to wait for a reply. It begs the question how the EDD system can be reliably dynamic when an address doesn’t exist. Can eBay help here by highlighting address errors in users profile settings to them and stop them proceeding at checkout until they at least double check their details? I realise that this could affect some buyers with a valid address not on a database yet, new builds etc, but my Manchester / Cornwall buyer shouldn’t have been able to complete the order at checkout with a totally dud address without at least getting an error message to override?


Regarding cancelled sales, I have noticed (using the app on iOS) that when I leave feedback for a buyer it now continues straight to the next order where feedback hasn’t been left, prompting me to do it. This is a good idea in theory to increase feedback participation but it is picking up orders from non payers where the sale had to be cancelled. I can’t leave anything but positive feedback and don’t want to keep being directed to those as I may end up submitting one in error. Can eBay set those cancelled orders aside from the completed sales feedback reminders feed?


Where a buyer wins an auction and messages the seller to say they aren’t going to pay and want to cancel, do eBay look at those accounts who have a lot of cancelled orders but no unpaid item strikes at some stage and take action? It seems like if the seller doesn’t wait 4 days to give them an unpaid item strike, which isn’t really viable if they they ask us to cancel on day 1 or 2, they can stay under the radar forever and just cherry pick which auction wins they want to pay for with a flawless account and all positive feedback. The requirement for immediate payment setting doesn’t work as the solution for many of us as you know because buyers complain about not being able to use PayPal credit, cashback sites, combined postage and click and collect delivery addresses when we switch that on.

Message 3 of 40
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Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 31.01.24 @2pm



I keep seeing posts on here and in the forums about eBays EDD and how it is not accurate and not showing buyers accurate or realistic delivery time frames. However, each time this is raised with anyone the same answer is given which is “there is nothing wrong with it as it is working as designed”.

There are a few issues with this, the first one being that if this is the design of EDD to show inaccurate delivery timeframes then it is extremely poor designing, and I can’t believe someone has signed off on this. If the delivery company are saying items take 2-3 working days to arrive why would eBay think it is acceptable to design a system to ignore this and say it will arrive in 1-2 working days.

The next issue is the denial of this from staff at eBay, usually when a whole community is saying the same thing that it isn’t working this means it isn’t working. However, no doubt as eBay have spent money, time and resources into the flawed system they do not want to admit it is not working and change it. eBay is community led for improvements to the whole system and actively ask for feedback to improve things but seems to be with the exception of EDD it is dismissed straight away and people raising it as an issue are shot down.

We sell on other sites and advertise the exact same processing time with the same postage selections, and they can get the delivery timeframes correct but it is only eBay that can’t do this and want to show quicker delivery timeframes that are even possible.

Take the example I have attached from December; the item is showing to be dispatched on the 18Th December. I have standard delivery set to 2nd class which is a 2-3 working day service, you even say this on the postage options us sellers must choose from that 2nd class is 2-3 working days.

However, as you can see from the attached image the EDD you have given the buyer is 18th-19th December.

Now bear in mind that December is very busy for Royal Mail who openly say and inform customers items take longer, so why on earth would eBay give the buyer an EDD of the exact same day of dispatch for the 1st date and the next day as the last EDD????

This is literally impossible as you don’t even offer a same day service on your postage options, this is a prime example of it not working and proof that it is not working. How can you say “yeah this is how we designed it” to show unrealistic EDD to customers?? There is no way in a million years Royal Mail would tell eBay “oh yeah that 2nd class item sent on the 18th sent to the other side of the country, yeah we will deliver that the very same day but definitely by the 19th” they just wouldn’t. However you say that you speak to couriers to see how mail is moving which is how EDD works, Really? Clearly not.

There is no other explanation than it is clearly not working and needs to be addressed.

If customers are given more realistic delivery timeframes and items arrive within those timeframes, guess what they come back and buy again from eBay. If they are given quick EDD then yes they may buy once but when they realise items come a day or so after your EDD, but within the timeframe the couriers set, there not going to come back are they? It is simple business in managing expectations. You are not giving buyers realistic expectations and making sellers look bad for doing so.


We would all be happy if you would accept it is not working and say it is being looked at and follow what the couriers are saying and not doing what you want.

There is a popular news story going round at the minute about postmasters raising issues again and again with the post office about the computer system when it was introduced was not working, the post office like eBay kept denying it wasn’t working and said the postmasters were lying. Guess what the postmaster weren’t lying, and the system wasn’t working but the post office wanted to save face. Does this sound familiar????

Message 4 of 40
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Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 31.01.24 @2pm

@carbtec wrote:

Hello. In what circumstances can I expect a response from the Vero team?

I have emailed a Notice of Copyright Infringement to vero@ebay.com but received no communication or response whatsoever. I have a very important (to me) issue to be dealt with.

Hi @carbtec 


They usually reply in 24 to 48hrs depending on the volume to their queue. When did you send in the notice?






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Message 5 of 40
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Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 31.01.24 @2pm

When listing an item from one of my templates I often need to alter the item category. When I click on it to change it up till about 2 weeks ago it came up with a suggested category based on my item title and this was quick and useful. However recently it doesn’t do this and I have to click through all the relevant options till I find the correct one. Is this an ebay bug or do I need to do something to get the suggested category? I would appreciate your advice

Message 6 of 40
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Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 31.01.24 @2pm

Good Afternoon Team One and All!


Apologies if this has been asked before but may I ask this.


For a collection item , the buyer pays through eBay checkout say with a card payment and not with cash, comes himself to collect, so presumably an inspection takes place.


They then open a NAD case,  who is responsible for the cost of the return of the item, to the seller.  

Message 7 of 40
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Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 31.01.24 @2pm

A recent addition of the feedback page some of us are seeing is 'verified purchase' as in the screenshot below. Is there any point to this? You can only leave feedback for someone you have been in a transaction with, so all feedbacks are 'verified purchases', surely?



Message 8 of 40
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Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 31.01.24 @2pm

24hrs, not panicking yet but this is a first NoCI test of trying to solve a problem I have. I have 16 more which are connected but it's pointless raising them if they will just be ignored.

Message 9 of 40
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Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 31.01.24 @2pm

Since sellers stopped being able to leave feedback for buyers the system is worthless as far as we sellers are concerned. Why not introduce a new BUYER RATING based on the number of times they send returns or claim items haven’t arrived or are damaged etc …this way it would identify those who abuse the system and enable us to block them after x number of claims and make the whole ebay platform more honest

Message 10 of 40
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Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 31.01.24 @2pm

@technthread wrote:

I have an order where the buyer’s address I was provided with by eBay was a Greater Manchester address but a Cornwall postcode. It is rare for a buyer to get their address so badly wrong like this but it is fairly common to have orders where there is a minor typo postcode error on the buyers profile and they haven’t realised. We have to message the buyer and decide whether to send it to a revised address (and lose our seller protection) or cancel citing problem with buyers address. It is a problem when we have short dispatch times / EDD’s and don’t have much time to wait for a reply. It begs the question how the EDD system can be reliably dynamic when an address doesn’t exist. Can eBay help here by highlighting address errors in users profile settings to them and stop them proceeding at checkout until they at least double check their details? I realise that this could affect some buyers with a valid address not on a database yet, new builds etc, but my Manchester / Cornwall buyer shouldn’t have been able to complete the order at checkout with a totally dud address without at least getting an error message to override?


Regarding cancelled sales, I have noticed (using the app on iOS) that when I leave feedback for a buyer it now continues straight to the next order where feedback hasn’t been left, prompting me to do it. This is a good idea in theory to increase feedback participation but it is picking up orders from non payers where the sale had to be cancelled. I can’t leave anything but positive feedback and don’t want to keep being directed to those as I may end up submitting one in error. Can eBay set those cancelled orders aside from the completed sales feedback reminders feed?


Where a buyer wins an auction and messages the seller to say they aren’t going to pay and want to cancel, do eBay look at those accounts who have a lot of cancelled orders but no unpaid item strikes at some stage and take action? It seems like if the seller doesn’t wait 4 days to give them an unpaid item strike, which isn’t really viable if they they ask us to cancel on day 1 or 2, they can stay under the radar forever and just cherry pick which auction wins they want to pay for with a flawless account and all positive feedback. The requirement for immediate payment setting doesn’t work as the solution for many of us as you know because buyers complain about not being able to use PayPal credit, cashback sites, combined postage and click and collect delivery addresses when we switch that on.

Hi technthread, thanks for your post.


Regarding the address, if the address is wrong, you can cancel under the reason "a proble with the buyer's address" and your account won't be impacted. You can ship the item to a revised address, but please note that if you ship an item to an address that was not provided in the transaction details, you won't be protected as a seller, so we wouldn't recommend doing this.


In terms of feedback, we always encourage everyone to leave feedback. However, feedback is always optional, so you can skip certain transactions if they were cancelled, but we will pass on this, so it can be taken into consideration for future updates.


Yes, all accounts that do not pay are reviewed. Now, if they ask you to cancel for any reason, and you accept, that wouldn't impact the buyer's account. It is optional for the seller to accept the cancellation request or not, if you don't accept to cancel an order and then cancel under the reason un paid, they will get an unpaid strike.


Thank you,


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Message 11 of 40
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Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 31.01.24 @2pm

@russellmattin wrote:

When listing an item from one of my templates I often need to alter the item category. When I click on it to change it up till about 2 weeks ago it came up with a suggested category based on my item title and this was quick and useful. However recently it doesn’t do this and I have to click through all the relevant options till I find the correct one. Is this an ebay bug or do I need to do something to get the suggested category? I would appreciate your advice

Hi @russellmattin,


Thank you for your questions. This sounds like that change that was made recently. We did receive information that if you go into change category and copy in your title, it will then populate some suggestions for you. Let me know if this is what you were referring to.




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Message 12 of 40
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Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 31.01.24 @2pm



As we sell a majority of personalised items, we often get customers who fail to fill the personalisation part correctly or have missed part of this off. We then have to message them and await for a response before proceeding with their order. Sometimes this can take a few days as they don't respond straight away. However this then causes the item to be sent a few days after it was meant to, not due to us but the buyer. This then goes against our seller rating when the tracking shows late delivery.

Please can we suggest that there is a way for sellers of personalised items to adjust the dispatch time when this occurs to prevent it going against them?

Message 13 of 40
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Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 31.01.24 @2pm

@tressygirl wrote:

Good Afternoon Team One and All!


Apologies if this has been asked before but may I ask this.


For a collection item , the buyer pays through eBay checkout say with a card payment and not with cash, comes himself to collect, so presumably an inspection takes place.


They then open a NAD case,  who is responsible for the cost of the return of the item, to the seller.  

Hi tressygirl, thanks for your question.


In this scenario, the Money Back Guarantee would work the usual way it works. So, the buyer will have 30 days to file a return, and if it falls under the reason not as described, the seller would need to cover the return expenses.


Thank you,


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Message 14 of 40
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Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 31.01.24 @2pm

@ak_craft_crazy wrote:



I keep seeing posts on here and in the forums about eBays EDD and how it is not accurate and not showing buyers accurate or realistic delivery time frames. However, each time this is raised with anyone the same answer is given which is “there is nothing wrong with it as it is working as designed”.

There are a few issues with this, the first one being that if this is the design of EDD to show inaccurate delivery timeframes then it is extremely poor designing, and I can’t believe someone has signed off on this. If the delivery company are saying items take 2-3 working days to arrive why would eBay think it is acceptable to design a system to ignore this and say it will arrive in 1-2 working days.

The next issue is the denial of this from staff at eBay, usually when a whole community is saying the same thing that it isn’t working this means it isn’t working. However, no doubt as eBay have spent money, time and resources into the flawed system they do not want to admit it is not working and change it. eBay is community led for improvements to the whole system and actively ask for feedback to improve things but seems to be with the exception of EDD it is dismissed straight away and people raising it as an issue are shot down.

We sell on other sites and advertise the exact same processing time with the same postage selections, and they can get the delivery timeframes correct but it is only eBay that can’t do this and want to show quicker delivery timeframes that are even possible.

Take the example I have attached from December; the item is showing to be dispatched on the 18Th December. I have standard delivery set to 2nd class which is a 2-3 working day service, you even say this on the postage options us sellers must choose from that 2nd class is 2-3 working days.

However, as you can see from the attached image the EDD you have given the buyer is 18th-19th December.

Now bear in mind that December is very busy for Royal Mail who openly say and inform customers items take longer, so why on earth would eBay give the buyer an EDD of the exact same day of dispatch for the 1st date and the next day as the last EDD????

This is literally impossible as you don’t even offer a same day service on your postage options, this is a prime example of it not working and proof that it is not working. How can you say “yeah this is how we designed it” to show unrealistic EDD to customers?? There is no way in a million years Royal Mail would tell eBay “oh yeah that 2nd class item sent on the 18th sent to the other side of the country, yeah we will deliver that the very same day but definitely by the 19th” they just wouldn’t. However you say that you speak to couriers to see how mail is moving which is how EDD works, Really? Clearly not.

There is no other explanation than it is clearly not working and needs to be addressed.

If customers are given more realistic delivery timeframes and items arrive within those timeframes, guess what they come back and buy again from eBay. If they are given quick EDD then yes they may buy once but when they realise items come a day or so after your EDD, but within the timeframe the couriers set, there not going to come back are they? It is simple business in managing expectations. You are not giving buyers realistic expectations and making sellers look bad for doing so.


We would all be happy if you would accept it is not working and say it is being looked at and follow what the couriers are saying and not doing what you want.

There is a popular news story going round at the minute about postmasters raising issues again and again with the post office about the computer system when it was introduced was not working, the post office like eBay kept denying it wasn’t working and said the postmasters were lying. Guess what the postmaster weren’t lying, and the system wasn’t working but the post office wanted to save face. Does this sound familiar????

Hi @ak_craft_crazy


We do see a number of threads on how EDDs are calculated. As it stands there are no plans to change how this is done but as always we will continue to send your feedback to the shipping team.




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Message 15 of 40
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Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 31.01.24 @2pm

dave@ebay  thank you for your short response, please can you respond to the example i have provided? where the EDD is showing the same day as dispatch. Would you agree this is correct? 

Message 16 of 40
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Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 31.01.24 @2pm

@carbtec wrote:

24hrs, not panicking yet but this is a first NoCI test of trying to solve a problem I have. I have 16 more which are connected but it's pointless raising them if they will just be ignored.

Hi @carbtec 


They will definitely come back to you but if you don't hear from them within the next 24hrs tag me in a post and I'll reach out to them for an update.




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Message 17 of 40
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Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 31.01.24 @2pm

Thank you Marco.


OK,   so this is when a buyer pays with a card payment or PayPal,  would the seller still be liable for a cash on collection item.  Again item fully inspected ( or should have been). NAD opened within 30 days.


Here is the seller liable to accept the return and pay for its return ?

Message 18 of 40
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Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 31.01.24 @2pm

Hi Katie Ah I see yes that works but not as good as when it was automatic, why are changes always worse than before??? Why was the change made?

Message 19 of 40
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Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 31.01.24 @2pm

@kempseykate wrote:

A recent addition of the feedback page some of us are seeing is 'verified purchase' as in the screenshot below. Is there any point to this? You can only leave feedback for someone you have been in a transaction with, so all feedbacks are 'verified purchases', surely?



Hi kempseykate, thanks for your question.


Thanks for flagging this with me, I will look into this for you, and update you here once I confirm the verification reason to your feedback.


Thank you,




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Message 20 of 40
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About this Weekly Chat!

Welcome to the Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team! Unless otherwise noted, chats occur every Wednesday from 2pm to 3pm.

Our Community Team will be in the Chats to help with the questions.

If you have multiple questions please open a post per question so we can get back to them individually. If it's something we can't answer right away we will get back to you after the chat has finished.